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e on my side … 〃 she spoke these last words with intense; smoking sarcasm (and; Paul believed; more self…hate than she would ever know) 〃and so I'm not even going to take time to put you back in your bed。〃 She smiled; a pulling of the lips that was grotesquely puppet…like; and slipped to his side in her silent white nurse〃 shoes。 Her fingers touched his hair。 He flinched。 He tried not to but couldn't help it。 Her dead…alive smile widened。
 〃Although I suspect we may have to put off the actual start of Misery's Retum for a day 。 。 。 or two 。 。 。 perhaps even three。 Yes; it may be as long as three days before you are able to sit up again。 Because of the pain。 Too bad。 I had champagne chilling in the fridge。 I'll have to put it back in the shed。〃
 〃Annie; really; I can start if you'll just … 〃
 〃No; Paul。〃 She moved to the door and then turned; looking at him with that stony face。 Only her eyes; those tarnished dimes; were fully alive under the shelf of her brow。 〃There is one thought I would like to leave you with。 You may think you can fool me; or trick me; I know I look slow and stupid。 But I am not stupid; Paul; and I am not slow。〃 Suddenly her face broke apart。 The stony obduracy shattered and what shone through was the countenance of an insanely angry child。 For a moment Paul thought the extremity of his terror might kill him。 Had he thought he had gained the upper hand? Had he? Could one possibly play Scheherazade when one's captor was insane?
 She rushed across the room at him; thick legs pumping; knees flexing; elbows chopping back and forth in the stale sickroom air like pistons。 Her hair bounced and joggled around her face as it came loose from the bobby…pins that held it up。 Now her passage was not silent; it was like the tread of Goliath striding into the Valley of Bones。 The picture of the Arc de Triomphe cracked affrightedly on the wall。
 〃Geeeee…yahhh!〃 she screamed; and brought her fist down on the bunched salt…dome that had been Paul Sheldon's left knee。
 He threw his head back and howled; veins standing out in his neck and on his forehead。 Pain burst out from his knee and shrouded him; whitely radiant; in the center of a nova。
 She tore the typewriter off the board and slammed it down on the mantel; lifting its weight of dead metal as he might have lifted an empty cardboard box。
 〃So you just sit there;〃 she said; lips pulled back in that grinning rictus; 〃and you think about who is in charge here; and all the things I can do to hurt you if you behave badly or try to trick me。 You sit there and you scream if you want to; because no one can hear you。 No one stops here because they all know Annie Wilkes is crazy; they all know what she did; even if they did find me innocent。〃 She walked back to the door and turned again; and he screamed again when she did; in anticipation of another bull…like charge; and that made her grin more widely。
 〃I'll tell you something else;〃 she said softly。 〃They think I got away with it; and they are right。 Think about that; Paul; while I'm in town getting your cockadoodie paper。〃 She left; slamming the bedroom door hard enough to shake the house。 Then there was the click of the lock。
 He leaned back in the chair; shaking all over; trying not to shake because it hurt; not able to help it。 Tears streamed down his cheeks。 Again and again he saw her flying across the room; again and again he saw her bringing her fist down on the remains of his knee with all the force of an angry drunk hammering on an oak bar; again and again he was swallowed in that terrible blue…white nova of pain。
 〃Please; God; please;〃 he moaned as the Cherokee started outside with a bang and a roar。 〃Please; God; please … let me out of this or kill me 。 。 。 let me out of this or kill me。〃 The roar of the engine faded off down the road and God did neither and he was left with his tears and the pain; which was now fully awake and raving through his body。
 He thought later that the world; in its unfailing perversity; would probably construe those things which he did next as acts of heroism。 And he would probably let them … but in fact what he did was nothing more than a final staggering grab for self…preservation。
 Dimly he seemed to hear some madly enthusiastic sportscaster … Howard Cosell or Warner Wolf or perhaps that all…time crazy Johnny Most … describing the scene; as if his effort to get at her drug supply before the pain killed him was some strange sporting event … a trial substitution for Monday Night Football; perhaps。 What would you call a sport like that; anyway? Run for the Dope?
 〃I just cannot believe the guts this Sheldon kid is displaying today! the sportscaster in Paul Sheldon's head was enthusing。 〃I don't believe anyone in Annie Wilkes Stadium … or in the home viewing audience; for that matter … thought he had the sly…test chance of getting that wheelchair moving after the blow he took; but I believe 。 。 。 yes; it is! It's moving! Let's look at the replay!〃 Sweat ran down his forehead and stung his eyes。 He licked a mixture of salt and tears off his lips。 The shuddering would not stop。 The pain was like the end of the world。 He thought: There es a point when the very discussion of pain bees redundant。 No one knows there is pain the size of this in the world。 No one。 It is like being possessed by demons。
 It was only the thought of the pills; the Novril that she kept somewhere in the house; which got him moving。 The locked bedroom door 。 。 。 the possibility the dope might not be in the downstairs bathroom as he had surmised but hidden somewhere 。 。 。 the chance she might e back and catch him 。 。 。 these things mattered not at all; these things were only shadows behind the pain。 He would deal with each problem as it came up or he would die。 That was all。
 Moving caused the band of fire below his waist and in his legs to sink in deeper; cinching his legs like belts studded with hot; inward…pointing spikes。 But the chair did move。 Very slowly the chair began to move。
 He had managed about four feet before realizing he was going to do nothing more useful than roll the wheelchair past the door and into the far er unless he could turn it。
 He grasped the right wheel; shuddering; (think of the pills; think of the relief of the pills) and bore down on it as hard as he could。 Rubber squeaked minutely on the wooden floor; the cries of mice。 He bore down; once strong and now flabby muscles quivering like jelly; lips peeling back from his gritted teeth; and the wheelchair slowly pivoted。
 He grasped both wheels and got the chair moving again。 This time he rolled five feet before stopping to straighten himself out。 Once he'd done it; he grayed out。
 He swam back to reality five minutes later; hearing the dim; goading voice of that sportscaster in his head: 〃He's trying to get going again! I just cannot be…leeve the guts of this Sheldon kid!〃 The front of his mind only knew about the pain; it was the back that directed his eyes。 He saw it near the door and rolled over to it。 He reached down; but the tips of his fingers stopped a clear three inches short of the floor; where one of the two or three bobby…pins that had fallen from her hair as she charged him lay。 
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