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hers but that the others should save the life of the lead man; should the need arise。 And the need had already arisen; just once。 Hansen; slipping and scrambling on all fours across a fractured; and upward…sloping raft of ice; had reached gropingly forward with his arms into the blindness of the night and the storm and found nothing there。 He had fallen eight vertical feet before the rope had brought him up with a vicious jerk that had been almost as painful for Rawlings and myself; who had taken the brunt of the shock; as it had been for Hansen。 For nearly two minutes he'd dangled above the wind…torn black water of a freshly opened lead before we'd managed to drag him back to safety。 It had been a close thing; far too close a thing; for in far sub…zero temperatures with a gale…force wind blowing; even a few seconds' submersion in water makes the certainty of death absolute; the process of dissolution as swift as it is irreversible。 In those conditions the clothes of a man pulled from the water bee a frozen and impenetrable suit of armor inside seconds; an armor that can neither be removed nor chipped away。 Petrified inside this ice shroud; a man just simply and quickly freezes to deathin the unlikely event; that is; of his heart's having withstood the thermal shock of the body's surface being exposed to an almost instantaneous hundred…degree drop in temperature。
  So now I stepped forward very cautiously; very warily indeed; feeling the ice ahead of me with a probe we'd devised after Hansen's near…accidenta chopped…off five…foot length of rope which we'd dipped into the water of the lead and then exposed to the air until it had bee as rigid as a bar of steel。 At times I walked; at times I stumbled; at times; when a brief lull in the gale…force wind; as sudden as it was unexpected; would catch me off balance; I'd just fall forward and continue on hands and knees; for it was quite as easy that way。 It was during one of those periods when I was shuffling blindly forward on all fours that I realized that the wind had; for the time being; lost nearly all of its violence and that I was no longer being bombarded by that horizontally driving hail of flying ice spicules。 Moments later my probe made contact with some solid obstacle in my path: the vertical wall of a rafted ice ridge。 I crawled thankfully into its shelter; raised my goggles; and pulled out and switched on my flashlight as the others came blindly up to where I lay。
  Blindly。 With arms outstretched they pawed at the air before them like sightless men; which for the past two and a half hours was exactly what they had been。 For all the service our goggles had given us; we might as well have stuck our heads in gunny sacks before leaving the Dolphin。 I looked at Hansen; the first of the three to e up。 Goggles; snow mask; hood; clothingthe entire front part of his body from top to toe was deeply and solidly encrusted in a thick and glittering layer of pacted ice; except for some narrow cracks caused by joint movements of legs and arms。 As he drew close to me; I could hear him splintering and crackling a good five feet away。 Long ice feathers streamed back from his head; shoulders; and elbows: as an extra…terrestrial monster from one of the chillier planets; such as Pluto; he'd have been a sensation in any horror movie。 I suppose I looked much the same。
  We huddled close together in the shelter of the wall。 Only four feet above our heads the ice storm swept by in a glittering gray…white river。 Rawlings; sitting on my left; pushed up his goggles; looked down at his ice…sheathed furs; and started to beat his chest with his fist to break up the covering。 I reached out a hand and caught his arm。
  〃Leave it alone;〃 I said。
  〃Leave it alone?〃 Rawlings' voice was muffled by his snow mask; but not so muffled that I couldn't hear the chattering of his teeth。 〃This damn suit of armor weighs a ton。 I'm out of training for this kind of weight…lifting; Doc。〃
  〃Leave it alone。 If it weren't for that ice; you'd have frozen to death by this time: it's insulating you from that wind and the ice storm。 Let's see the rest of your face。 And your hands。〃
  I checked him and the two others for frostbite; while Hansen checked me。 We were still lucky。 Blue and mottled and shaking with the cold; but no frostbite。 The furs of the other three might not have been quite as fancy as mine; but they were very adequate indeed。 Nuclear subs always got the best of everything; and Arctic clothing was no exception。 But although they weren't freezing to death; I could see from their faces and hear from their breathing that they were pretty far gone in exhaustion。 Thrusting into the power of that ice storm was like wading upstream against the current of a river of molasses; that was energy…sapping enough; but the fact that we had to spend most of our time clambering over; slipping on; sliding and falling across fractured ice or making detours around impassable ridges while being weighed down with forty…pound packs on our backs and heaven only knew how many additional pounds of ice coating our furs in front; had turned our trudge across that contorted; treacherous ice into a dark and frozen nightmare。
  〃The point of no return; I think;〃 Hansen said。 His breathing; like Rawlings'; was very quick; very shallow; almost gasping。 〃We can't take much more of this; Doc。〃
  〃You ought to listen to Dr。 Benson's lectures a bit more;〃 I said reprovingly。 〃All this ice cream and apple pie and lolling around in your bunks is no training for this sort of thing。〃
  〃Yeah?〃 He peered at me。 〃How do 〃you〃 feel?〃
  〃A mite tired;〃 I admitted。 〃Nothing much to speak of。〃 Nothing much to speak of! My legs felt as if they were falling off; that was all; but the goad of pride was always a useful one to have at hand。 I slipped off my rucksack and brought out the medicinal alcohol。 〃I suggest fifteen minutes' break。 Any more and we'll just start stiffening up pletely。 Meantime; a little drop of what we fancy will help keep the old blood corpuscles trudging around。〃
  〃I thought medical opinion was against alcohol in low temperatures;〃 Hansen said doubtfully。 〃Something about opening the pores。〃
  〃Name me any form of human activity;〃 I said; 〃and I'll find you a group of doctors against it。 Spoilsports。 Besides; this isn't alcohol; it's very fine Scotch whisky。〃
  〃You should have said so in the first place。 Pass it over。 Not too much for Rawlings and Zabrinski: they're not used to the stuff。 Any word; Zabrinski?〃
  Zàbrinski; with the walkie…talkie's aerial up and one earphone tucked in below the hood of his parka; was talking into the microphone through cupped hands。 As the radio expert; Zabrinski had been the obvious man to handle the walkie…talkie; and I'd given it to him before leaving the submarine。 This was also the reason why Zabrinski wasn't at any time given the position of lead man in our trudge across the ice。 A heavy fall or immersion in water would have finished the radio he was carrying slung on his back; and if the radio were finished; so would we be; for without the radio; not only had we no hope of finding Drift Station Zebra; we wouldn't have a chance in a thousand of ever finding our way b
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