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  I left and went to my cabin。 Hansen's cabin; rather。 But even though it wasn't my cabin that didn't stop me from turning the key in the lock as soon as I had passed through the door。
  Working on the likely supposition that if Hansen did e down soon he wasn't going to be very pleased to find the door of his own cabin locked against him; I wasted no time。 I spun the bination lock on my suitcase and opened the lid。 At least three quarters of the available space was taken up by Arctic survival clothing; the very best that money could buy。 It hadn't been my money that had bought it。
  I stripped off the outer clothes I was wearing; pulled on long underwear; a wool shirt and corduroy trousers; then a triple…knit wool parka lined with pure silk。 The parka wasn't quite standard; it had a curiously shaped suede…lined pocket below and slightly to the front of the left armpit; and a differently shaped suede…lined pocket on the right…hand side。 I dug swiftly to the bottom of my case and brought up three separate items。 The first of these; a nine…millimeter Mannlicher…Schoenauer automatic; fitted into the left…hand pocket as securely and strongly as if the pocket had been specially designed for it; which indeed it had; the other items; spare magazine clips; fitted as neatly into the right…hand pocket。
  The rest of the dressing didn't take long。 Two pairs of heavy…knit woollen socks; felt undershoes; and then the furs caribou for the outer parka and trousers; wolverine for the hood; sealskin for the boots; and reindeer for the gloves; which were pulled on over other layers of silk gloves and woollen mittens。 Maybe a polar bear would have had a slight edge over me when it came to being equipped to survive an Arctic blizzard; but there wouldn't have been much in it。
  I hung snow mask and goggles around my neck; stuck a rubberized water…proof flashlight into the inside pocket of my fur parka; unearthed my walkie…talkie; and closed the case。 I set the bination again。 There was no need to set the bination any more; not now that I had the Mannlicher…Schoenauer under my arm; but it would give Swanson something to do while I was away。 I shoved my medicine case and a steel flask of alcohol in a rucksack and unlocked the door。
  Swanson was exactly where I'd left him in the control room。 So was Hansen。 So were two others who had not been there when I had left: Rawlings and Zabrinski。 Hansen; Rawlings; and Zabrinski; the three biggest men in the ship。 The last time I'd seen them together was when Swanson had summoned them up from the 〃Dolphin〃 in the Holy Loch to see to it that I didn't do anything he didn't want me to do。 Maybe mander Swanson had a one…track mind。 Hansen; Rawlings and Zahrinski。 They looked bigger than ever。
  I said to Swanson; 〃Do I get those iron rations or not?〃
  〃One last formal statement;〃 Swanson said。 His first thoughts; as I came waddling into the control center; must have been that a grizzly bear was loose inside his submarine; but he hadn't batted an eyelid。 〃For the record。 Your intentions are suicidal; your chances nonexistent。 I cannot give my consent。〃
  〃All right; your statement is on record; witnesses and all。 The iron rations。〃
  〃I cannot give my consent because of a new and dangerous development。 One of our electronics technicians was carrying out a routine calibration test on the ice machine just now and an overload coil didn't function。 Electric motor burnt out。 No spares: it will have to be rewired。 You realize what that means。 If we're forced to drop down; I can't find my way to the top again。 Then it's curtains for everybody everybody left above the ice; that is。〃
  I didn't blame him for trying; but I was vaguely disappointed in him: he'd had time to think up a better one than that。 I said; 〃The iron rations; mander。 Do I get them?〃
  〃You intend to go through with this? After what I've said?〃
  〃Oh; for God's sake。 I'll do without the food。〃
  〃My executive officer; torpedoman Rawlings and radioman Zabrinski;〃 Swanson said formally; 〃don't like this。〃
  〃I can't help what they like or don't like。〃
  〃They feel that they can't let you go through with it;〃 he persisted。
  They were more than big。 They were huge。 I could get past them the way a lamb gets past a starving lion。 I had a gun; all right; but with that one…piece parka I was wearing I'd practically have to undress myself to get at it; and Hansen; in that Holy Loch canteen; had shown just how quickly he could react when he saw anyone making a suspicious move; And even if I did get my gun out; what then? Men like Hansen; like Rawlings and Zabrinski; didn't scare。 I couldn't bluff them with a gun。 And I couldn't use the gun。 Not against men who were just doing their duty。
  〃They 〃won't〃 let you go through with it;〃 Swanson went on; 〃unless; that is; you permit them to acpany you; which they have volunteered to do。〃
  〃Volunteered。〃 Rawlings sniffed。 〃You; you and you。〃
  〃I don't want them;〃 I said。
  〃Gracious; ain't he?〃 Rawlings asked of no one in particular。 〃You might at least have said thanks; Doc。〃
  〃You are putting the lives of your men in danger; mander Swanson。 You know what your orders said。〃
  〃Yes。 I also know that in Arctic travels; as in mountaineering and exploring; a party always has double the chances of the individual。 I also know that if it became known that we had permitted a civilian doctor to set off on his own for Drift Station Zebra while we were all too scared to stir from our nice warm sub; the name of the U。 S。 Navy would bee pretty muddy。〃
  〃What do your men think of your making them risk their lives to save the good name of the submarine service?〃
  〃You heard the captain;〃 Rawlings said。 〃We're volunteers。 Look at Zabrinski there: anyone can see that he's a man cast in a heroic mold。〃
  〃Have you thought of what happens;〃 I said; 〃if the ice closes in when we're away and the captain has to take the ship down?〃
  〃Don't even mention it;〃 Zabrinski urged。 〃I'm not all that heroic。〃
  I gave up。 I'd no option but to give up。 Besides; like Zabrinski; I wasn't all that heroic and I suddenly realized that I would be very glad indeed to have those three men along with me。
  Lieutenant Hansen was the first man to give up。 Or perhaps 〃give up〃 is wrong: the meaning of the words was quite unknown and the thought totally alien to Hansen。 It would be more accurate to say that he was the first of us to show any glimmerings of mon sense。 He caught my arm; brought his head close to mine; pulled down his snow mask; and shouted; 〃No farther; Doc。 We must stop。〃
  〃The next ridge;〃 I yelled back。 I didn't know whether he'd heard me or not; as soon as he'd spoken he'd pulled his mask back up into position again to protect the momentarily exposed skin against the horizontally driving ice storm; but he seemed to understand for he eased his grip on the rope around my waist and let me move ahead again。 For the past two and a half hours Hansen; Rawlings and I had each taken our turn at being the lead man on the end of the rope; while the other three held on to it some ten yards behind; the idea being not that the lead man should guide the others but that the others 
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