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anted all his attention on the matter at hand。 Even so; even with the taint; it was a loss。
       That flake lying on the table was impossible。 Those discs were made of cuendillar; heartstone; and nothing made of cuendillar could be broken; not even by the One Power。 Whatever force was used against it only made it stronger。 The making of heartstone had been lost in the Breaking of the World; but whatever had been made of it during the Age of Legends still existed; even the most fragile vase; even if the Breaking had sunk it to the bottom of the ocean or buried it beneath a mountain。 Of course; three of the seven discs were broken already; but it had taken a good deal more than a knife。
       e to think of it; though; he did not know how those three really had been broken。 If no force short of the Creator could break heartstone; then that should be that。
       〃How?〃 he asked; surprised that his voice was still as steady as when the Void had surrounded him。
       〃I do not know;〃 Moiraine replied; just as calm outwardly。 〃But you do see the problem? A fall from the table could break this。 If the others; wherever they may be; are like this; four men with hammers could break open that hole in the Dark One's prison again。 Who can even say how effective one is; in this condition?〃
       Rand saw。 I'm not ready yet。 He was not sure he ever would be ready; but he surely was not yet。 Egwene looked as though she were staring into her own open grave。
       Rewrapping the disc; Moiraine replaced it in her pouch。 〃Perhaps I will think of a possibility before I carry this to Tar Valon。 If we know why; perhaps something can be done about it。〃
       He was caught by the image of the Dark One reaching out from Shayol Ghul once more; eventually breaking free pletely; fires and darkness covered the world in his mind; flames that consumed and gave no light; blackness solid as stone squeezing the air。 With that filling his head; what Moiraine had just said took a moment to penetrate。 〃You intend to go yourself?〃 He had thought she meant to stick to him like moss to a rock。 Isn't this what you want?
       〃Eventually;〃 Moiraine replied quietly。 〃Eventually I will have to leave you; after all。 What will be; must be。〃 Rand thought she shivered; but it was so quick it could have been his imagination; and the next instant she was all posure and self…control once more。 〃You must be ready。〃 The reminder of his doubts came unpleasantly。 〃We should discuss your plans。 You cannot sit here much longer。 Even if the Forsaken are not planning to e after you; they are out there; spreading their power。 Gathering the Aiel will do no good if you find that everything beyond the Spine of the World is in their hands。〃
       Chuckling; Rand leaned back against the table。 So this was just another ploy; if he was anxious about her leaving; perhaps he would be more willing to listen; more amenable to being guided。 She could not lie; of course; not right out。 One of the vaunted Three Oaths took care of that: to speak no word that was not true。 He had learned that it left a barn…width of wriggle room。 She would leave him alone eventually。 After he was dead; no doubt。
       〃You want to discuss my plans;〃 he said dryly。 Pulling a short…stemmed pipe and a leather tabac pouch from his coat pocket; he thumbed the bowl full and briefly touched saidin to channel a flame dancing above the tabac。 〃Why? They are my plans。〃 Puffing slowly; he waited; ignoring Egwene's glower。
       The Aes Sedai's face never changed; but her large; dark eyes seemed to blaze。 〃What have you done when you refused to be guided by me?〃 Her voice was as cool as her features; yet the words still seemed to e like whip…cracks。 〃Wherever you have gone; you have left death; destruction and war behind you。〃
       〃Not in Tear;〃 he said; too quickly。 And too defensively。 He must not let her put him off balance。 Determinedly; he took spaced; deliberate puffs at his pipe。
       〃No;〃 she agreed; 〃not in Tear。 For once you had a nation behind you; a people; and what did you do with it? Bringing justice to Tear was mendable。 Establishing order in Cairhien; feeding the hungry; is laudable。 Another time I would praise you for it。〃 She herself was Cairhienin。 〃But it does not help you toward the day you face Tarmon Gai'don。〃 A single…minded woman; and cold when it came to anything else; even her own land。 But should he not be just as single…minded?
       〃What would you have me do? Hunt down the Forsaken one by one?〃 Again he forced himself to draw more slowly on the pipe; it was an effort。 〃Do you even know where they are? Oh; Sammael is in Illian … you know that … but the rest? What if I go after Sammael as you wish; and find two or three or four of them? Or all nine?〃
       〃You could have faced three or four; perhaps all nine surviving;〃 she said icily; 〃had you not left Callandor in Tear。 The truth is; you are running。 You do not really have a plan; not a plan to ready you for the Last Battle。 You run from place to place; hoping that in some way everything will e out for the best。 Hoping; because you do not know what else to do。 If you would take my advice; at least you …〃 He cut her off; gesturing sharply with his pipe; with never a care for the glares the two women gave him。
       〃I do have a plan。〃 If they wanted to know; let them know; and he would be burned if he changed a word。 〃First; I mean to put an end to the wars and killing; whether I started them or not。 If men have to kill; let them kill Trollocs; not each other。 In the Aiel War; four clans crossed the Dragonwall; and had their way for better than two years。 They looted and burned Cairhien; defeated every army sent against them。 They could have taken Tar Valon; had they wanted。 The Tower couldn't have stopped them; because of your Three Oaths。〃 Not to use the Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn or Darkfriends; or in defense of their own lives; that was another of the Oaths; and the Aiel had not threatened the Tower itself。 Anger had him in its grip now。 Running and hoping; was he? 〃Four clans did that。 What will happen when I lead eleven across the Spine of the World?〃 It would have to be eleven; small hope of bringing in the Shaido。 〃By the time the nations even think of uniting; it will be too late。 They'll accept my peace; or I'll be buried in the Can Breat。〃 A discordant plunk rose from the harp; and Natael bent over the instrument; shaking his head。 In a moment the soothing sounds came again。
       〃A melon couldn't be swollen enough for your head;〃 Egwene muttered; folding her arms beneath her breasts。 〃And a stone couldn't be as stubborn! Moiraine is only trying to help you。 Why won't you see that?〃
       The Aes Sedai smoothed her silk skirts; though they did not need it。 〃Taking the Aiel across the Dragonwall might be the worst thing you could possibly do。〃 There was an edge to her voice; anger or frustration。 At least he was getting across to her that he was no puppet。 〃By this time; the Amyrlin Seat will be approaching the rulers of every nation that still has a ruler; laying the proofs before them that you are the Dragon Reborn。 They know the Prophecies; they know what you were born to do。 Once t
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