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       Abruptly something seemed to strike him across the shoulders; for all the world like a thick hickory stick; only the slight feel of goose bumps on his skin; not likely in this heat; told him that one of the women had channeled。
       Spinning back to face them; he reached out to saidin; filled himself with the One Power。 The Power felt like life itself swelling inside him; as if he were ten times; a hundred times as alive; the Dark One's taint filled him; too; death and corruption; like maggots crawling in his mouth。 It was a torrent that threatened to sweep him away; a raging flood he had to fight every moment。 He was almost used to it now; and at the same time he would never be used to it。 He wanted to hold on to the sweetness of saidin forever; and he wanted to vomit。 And all the while the deluge tried to scour him to the bone and burn his bones to ash。
       The taint would drive him mad eventually; if the Power did not kill him first; it was a race between the two。 Madness had been the fate of every man who had channeled since the Breaking of the World began; since that day when Lews Therin Telamon; the Dragon; and his Hundred panions had sealed up the Dark One's prison at Shayol Ghul。 The last backblast from that sealing had tainted the male half of the True Source; and men who could channel; madmen who could channel; had torn the world apart。
       He filled himself with the Power。。。 And he could not tell which woman had done it。 They both looked at him as if butter would not melt in their mouths; each with an eyebrow arched almost identically in slightly amused questioning。 Either or both could be embracing the female half of the Source right that instant; and he would never know。
       Of course; a stick across the shoulders was not Moiraine's way; she found other means of chastising; more subtle; usually more painful in the end。 Yet even sure that it must have been Egwene; he did nothing。 Proof。 Thought slid along the outside of the Void; he floated within; in emptiness; thought and emotion; even his anger; distant。 I will do nothing without proof。 I will not be goaded; this time。 She was not the Egwene he had grown up with; she had bee part of the Tower since Moiraine sent her there。 Moiraine again。 Always Moiraine。 Sometimes he wished he were rid of Moiraine。 Only sometimes?
       He concentrated on her。 〃What do you want of me?〃 His voice sounded flat and cold to his own ears。 The Power stormed inside him。 Egwene had told him that for a woman; touching saidar; the female half of the Source; was an embrace; for a man; always; it was a war without mercy。 〃And don't mention wagons again; little sister。 I usually find out what you mean to do long after it is done。〃
       The Aes Sedai frowned at him; and no wonder。 She was surely not used to being addressed so; not by any man; even the Dragon Reborn。 He had no idea himself where 〃little sister〃 had e from; sometimes of late words seemed to pop into his head。 A touch of madness; perhaps。 Some nights he lay awake till the small hours; worrying about that。 Inside the Void; it seemed someone else's worry。
       〃We should speak alone。〃 She gave the harper a cool glance。
       Jasin Natael; as he called himself here; lay half…sprawled on cushions against one of the windowless walls; softly playing the harp perched on his knee; its upper arm carved and gilded to resemble the creatures on Rand's forearms。 Dragons; the Aiel called them。 Rand had only suspicions where Natael had gotten the thing。 He was a dark…haired man; who would have been accounted taller than most elsewhere than the Aiel Waste; in his middle years。 His coat and breeches were dark blue silk suitable for a royal court; elaborately embroidered with thread…of…gold on collar and cuffs; everything buttoned up or laced despite the heat。 The fine clothes were at odds with his gleeman's cloak spread out beside him。 A perfectly sound cloak; but covered pletely with hundreds of patches in nearly as many colors; all sewn so as to flutter at the slightest breeze; it signified a country entertainer; a juggler and tumbler; musician and storyteller who wandered from village to village。 Certainly not a man to wear silk。 The man had his conceits。 He appeared pletely immersed in his music。
       〃You can say what you wish in front of Natael;〃 Rand said。 〃He is gleeman to the Dragon Reborn; after all。〃 If keeping the matter secret was important enough; she would press it; and he would send Natael away; though he did not like the man to be out of his sight。
       Egwene sniffed loudly and shifted her shawl on her shoulders。 〃Your head is swelled up like an overripe melon; Rand al'Thor。〃 She said it flatly; as a statement of fact。
       Anger bubbled outside the Void。 Not at what she had said; she had been in the habit of trying to take him down a rung even when they were children; usually whether he deserved it or not。 But of late it seemed to him she had taken to working with Moiraine; trying to put him off balance so the Aes Sedai could push him where she wanted。 When they were younger; before they learned what he was; he and Egwene had thought they would marry one day。 And now she sided with Moiraine against him。
       Face hard; he spoke more roughly than he intended。 〃Tell me what you want; Moiraine。 Tell me here and now; or let it wait until I can find time for you。 I'm very busy。〃 That was an outright lie。 Most of his time was spent practicing the sword with Lan; or the spears with Rhuarc; or learning to fight with hands and feet from both。 But if there was any bullying to be done here today; he would do it。 Natael could hear anything。 Almost anything。 So long as Rand knew where he was at all times。
       Moiraine and Egwene both frowned; but the real Aes Sedai at least seemed to see he would not be budged this time。 She glanced at Natael; her mouth tightening … the man still seemed deep in his music … then took a thick wad of gray silk from her pouch。
       Unfolding it; she laid what it had contained on the table; a disc the size of a man's hand; half dead black; half purest white; the two colors meeting in a sinuous line to form two joined teardrops。 That had been the symbol of Aes Sedai; before the Breaking; but this disc was more。 Only seven like it had ever been made; the seals on the Dark One's prison。 Or rather; each was a focus for one of those seals。 Drawing her belt knife; its hilt wrapped in silver wire; Moiraine scraped delicately at the edge of the disc。 And a tiny flake of solid black fell away。
       Even encased in the Void; Rand gasped。 The emptiness itself quivered; and for an instant the Power threatened to overwhelm him。 〃Is this a copy? A fake?〃
       〃I found this in the square below;〃 Moiraine said。 〃It is real; though。 The one I brought with me from Tear is the same。〃 She could have been saying she wanted pea soup for the midday meal。 Egwene; on the other hand; clutched her shawl around her as if cold。
       Rand felt the stirrings of fright himself; oozing across the surface of the Void。 It was an effort to let go of saidin; but he forced himself。 If he lost concentration; the Power could destroy him where he stood; and he wanted all his attention on the mat
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