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 and I could feel the easy play of my muscles; which had been tempered and tuned for violence during my long journey。 What a helpless lot; I thought。 Then my anger fled。 Ah; well; I thought again。 They are a burden; but what of it? They were a burden to your father as well; and he trusted you to shoulder it when he handed over responsibility。
 I sighed; picked up the chair; and set it in place。 〃I am sorry for my anger; brother;〃 I said。 〃Now; I would like your agreement on my plan。 To ease your pain; I propose to repay you the value of your slaves from my own pocket。〃 I turned to the others。 〃Will that suffice?〃 There were noises of acceptance all around。 Porcemus became very friendly; hugged me; and apologized; and then they all left。
 That is how I; Amalric Emilie Antero; became the first to free the slaves in Orissa。 It was not a proud moment; for it all still was measured by greed; but at least it was done。 I settled back and waited for the reaction。 The first was most unexpected。 It came from Tegry。
 〃What have you done?〃 he thundered。
 I was taken aback; slaves do not speak that way to their owners。 Then I remembered he was a slave no more。 This would take much getting used to; especially with someone I disliked as much as Tegry; whom I had only kept on because of my father。
 〃Calm yourself; Tegry;〃 I said。 〃Explain my error; and I will do my best to correct it。〃
 〃You 。。。 you 。。。 freed me!〃
 I am sure my expression resembled a gaping fish。 〃What is wrong with that?〃 I sputtered。 〃I freed all of the slaves。〃
 Tegry's eyes filled with hatred。 〃I have worked all my life to reach my present position;〃 he gritted。 〃And now it is gone。 You have stolen my pride。〃
 〃How did I do this? You still have your job; but at a salary。 And you are still master of the affairs that were in your domain before。〃
 〃I 。。。 I 。。。 defecate on your salary! I've stolen more in a day; as is my right; then you pay me in eight。 As for my position; I now have no authority over the servants。 No real authority。 You have freed them; you fool。 When I order them to work; they laugh in my face if they do not like my manner。 Only this moment I took a whip to a stable hand; and the bastard had the audacity to rip it from my hand。 And then he 。。。 he quit。 He left。 There is no way I can order him back; because he no longer is required to obey。〃
 〃You'll just have to adopt an easier manner;〃 I answered。 〃If you are unhappy with your pay; why; I can raise it。 But not eight times。 That; Tegry; is more theft than is your right。 But I'll double it; and we'll let bygones be…〃
 〃No; you won't;〃 Tegry shouted。 〃If I am free; then I will not work for such a man as yourself。 I warned your father。 But he wouldn't listen。 Very well; then; if a stable hand can do it 。。。 so can I。 Lord Antero; I resign my position。 I will be gone within the hour; and you will be a sorry man that you so abused me。〃 He turned on his heel and stalked out。
 Although we did not announce my actions loudly; word spread quickly enough; and there was much hot talk about that 〃crazy Antero〃 who freed his slaves。 But soon others took my side; especially young businessmen; who could see my point about higher profits。 Some of them freed their slaves; and then the profit point took on a tone of morality and civic pride。
 〃They are saying if barbarians like the Lycanthians can allow their slaves to purchase their freedom;〃 Janos reported with much laughter; 〃then Orissa can certainly go them one better。〃
 〃I only hope it hasn't injured your cause;〃 I said。
 〃Actually; it has improved it;〃 Janos said。 〃The same people who support me are the ones most likely to free their slaves。 So it turns out we are walking hand in hand again; as if we were back to our trek。〃 Not that all went perfectly。 Hot words turned to brawls now and then。 Many owners became angry when they were accosted on the street by former slaves who berated them for not freeing the people in their keep。
 Then a public meeting was called at the Great Amphitheater。 It was announced that a second expedition to the Far Kingdoms had been approved; and there would be public discussion on who would lead it。 Once again; Cassini's name was raised。 I rode with Janos to the meeting。 He dressed himself as a soldier; still favoring the plain; light armor and mon sword on his back。 But astride his horse; his black beard brushed until it glistened and his big white teeth smiling; he looked like a young king。 Outside the amphitheater; we were cheered by a large group of angry young men; among them was Malaren。
 'Thank you for the greeting;〃 Janos said。 〃But what is happening?〃
 〃I will tell you; my dear man;〃 Malaren seethed。 'They plan to steal the leadership of the expedition。〃
 〃Who is they?〃 I broke in; for Janos was too jolted to ask。
 A burly man with thick; calloused hands answered。 〃Those dog…bitten Magistrates; that's who;〃 he shouted。 I saw the mark on his arm…he was a recent slave。 〃And the damned Evocators're in on it; too。〃
 〃Not all of them;〃 Malaren said。 〃But there are enough old men and cowards in both groups to give it to Cassini。〃
 I looked at Janos; his eyes steel and his hand reaching for his sword。 He looked ready to kick his horse into a gallop and charge the amphitheater。 Someone shouted; 〃We're with you; Greycloak!〃 Others took up the shout。 〃We'll not let them try and cheat you again。〃 Other voices were raised; and I saw many more had joined us。 Among them were lords like Malaren and mon folk; blacksmiths; and sailors; and yes; former slaves as well。 I felt a great stirring of battle ing on。
 Abruptly Janos was all calmness。 He raised a hand; and there was silence。 〃We will not behave as rabble;〃 he said。 〃If you are with me; then e quietly。 I want you all to sit together; and I swear that I shall speak for all of you as well as myself。〃
 There were mutters; but Janos' manding presence prevailed; we readied ourselves to enter。 I felt a tug at my breeches; and I looked down and recognized a young servant from my household。 Her eyes were wide and frightened。
 〃What is it?〃 I asked。
 〃It is Lady Antero;〃 she cried。 〃e quickly。 Your child is being born。〃
 Her words pierced me。 I was torn by the heat of the moment and fear for Deoce。 Janos kicked his horse to my side。 〃Go;〃 he said。
 〃But 。。。 the meeting 。。。 the 。。。〃
 He pushed me; rough。 〃I can do this。 I will need you more later。 Now; go!〃 My wavering broke; and I swept the servant girl up on my saddle and raced through the streets for the villa。 Behind me I heard a great roaring echo from the amphitheater。
 The birthing bed was a horror of blood and pain。 Two mid…wives tended my poor Deoce; and not all their medicines and spells could ease her agony。 My daughter was ing; but she wasn't ing easily。 Deoce gripped my hand so hard; I thought my fingers would break。 〃I knew you would e;〃 she wept。 'They said there was 。。。 a meeting。 The expedition! But 。。。 I knew you would e just the same。〃
 I tried to find words; but they were all puny things beside her pain and faith in me。 All I could say was that I loved her and that I would love her until the sands all washed away to sea。 She gave a terrible scream; and I thought I had lost my 
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