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et and whispered an enchantment; they glowed into dim life。 The interior was more forbidding with this small bit of light。 I could see dark forms hunched here and there; and smaller creatures scuttled from my path。 But I plunged on; climbing rickety stairs; stepping with care over broken steps and snoring bodies。
 The brandy fumes curling in my brain began to dissipate in this squalor。 I eased my rapier in its sheath。 This was a place of thieves and witches; and I wondered again at my judgment。 Then I heard faint sounds of music wafting down the stairs; and laughter。 On the last landing was an enormous door。 Floral incense floated through; pushing aside the tenement's miasma of poverty and too many failed spells。 I pulled the chain。 Bells chimed。 Then footsteps; and the door swung open; creaking on its hinges。 Light spilled onto the landing; and I flung up a hand to shield my eyes。 〃How may I assist you; gentle sir?〃 came a deep voice。 My stylish costume was a badge of class and wealth。
 〃I have 。。。 an invitation;〃 I said; rubbing my eyes to hasten vision。 〃I have it here 。。。 someplace。〃 I was nervous as I groped for the card in my jerkin。
 My eyes suddenly adjusted。 My heart lumped into my throat when I saw the enormous black spider perched across my greet…er's face。 It had an obscene; bulbous body; with jagged bands for legs and huge red eyes that stared back at me。 The spider spoke。 〃Wele; gentle sir。〃
 I buried panic。 The spider was an elaborate tattoo; a totem。 My greeter was a tall; skeletal man; with a long; narrow face and pale skin that rarely saw sunlight。 He wore rich; brocaded clothing with the red waist sash of a Procurer…a manager licensed by the hetaerae guild。
 〃The hour is late;〃 the man said。 〃But you are most fortunate。 Melina has yet to dance。〃 He motioned。 〃This way; if you please。〃 I entered a broad; well…lighted foyer; carpeted with thick; colorful rugs from the western lands。 The music and laughter were louder。 The man looked over his shoulder。 〃My name is Leego; young sir。 If there is any way I can assist you this evening; you have only to mention my name to a slave。〃
 I found voice。 〃That is most kind of you; Leego;〃 I said。 〃May Butala always smile upon you。〃
 Leego nodded; then flung wide two large doors。 〃Greetings to our new guest;〃 he bellowed。 Feminine shrieks of pleasure and laughter met his announcement。 I was surrounded by a dozen of the most beauteous creatures I had ever seen; all quite naked。 Now; I was not an inexperienced youth。 I'd played tickle and slap…a…belly with many a pert; young household servant and tumbled in the hay with female cousins at my father's farms。 In recent years; I'd disported myself with enough tavern wenches and half…coin hetaerae to worry my father that I was poised for self ruin。 But I had never; ever been confronted with so much lusciously available flesh。 Each women seemed lovelier than the next。 One was tall and shorn of all hair。 She had legs and arms long enough to wrap around any man's girth。 Another had flowing blond hair and was small enough to twirl into any imagined position。 Some were lush; others slender。 And they all giggled and pressed themselves against me; burying me in jiggling flesh and tugging me deeper into the room。
 Someone asked my name。 〃Amalric;〃 I croaked。 〃Of the Antero family。〃 I heard a buzzing as my name was whispered around the room; and then I found myself sprawled among thick; perfumed pillows; a goblet in my hand filled with heady spirits and a naked woman to tempt me with candied delicacies from a silver tray。 Fearing any moment someone would shout fraud and drive me out of this paradise; I peered about; trying to behave as if this experience was trifling。
 No one was paying me the slightest attention。 There were about twenty other men in attendance。 Rich men; important men; older men; laughing and talking amongst themselves。 Like me; they were lying on thick; richly brocaded pillows and tended by Melina's naked servants。 The room was large; with vaulted ceilings; and was pleasingly lighted。 Soft music stirred the silken curtains that covered an arched entryway to one side。 Beside the entryway was a large; golden statue of Butala。 Her form was more slender than the traditional image; more inviting of caresses。 Rugs from the western lands covered the floor。 I had never seen weavers' art like these。 Erotic figures curled and blended together。 The wails were ablaze with murals depicting wild orgies in every imaginable setting; from forest glens to the pleasure rooms of the gods and goddesses。 A heady incense burned in a copper brazier。 It produced the thick red smoke wealthy hetaerae used to inflame a man's imagination。 For me it was entirely unnecessary。 My imagination was already as white hot as a swordsmith's furnace。 The woman into whose charge I had been given lifted a slice of honeyed peach to my lips。 I obediently opened my mouth。
 Then I saw Melina…and my mouth snapped shut。 I have already described her great beauty; her charm; her intelligence; and her skills。 But those are poor; weak words that cannot begin to illuminate the sensuous creature I saw that first time。 She was lounging across a low; gilded couch on the far side of the room。 The couch was raised on a rug…covered pallet。 Unlike her slave girls; she was fully clothed…maddeningly so。 She wore translucent pantaloons the color of hearth coals and a sheer blouse of the same shade; with a form…fitting; equally transparent jerkin over it。
 The buttons were of rare; worked stones。 Her feet were bare and quite small; with red painted nails and gold anklets。 Her hands were slender; with long; delicate fingers tipped in red。 Each finger bore a glittering ring。 Expensive bracelets jangled at her wrists。 Long black hair tumbled to the curve of her waist。 She toyed with it as she listened to a plump man sitting on the floor next to the couch。 He was middle…aged and dressed like a wealthy merchant。 A half…dozen other men were also favored enough to sit close to Melina。
 I hated every man in that room。 I could see that each only pretended interest in his panion's conversation。 The laughter was false; the talk chattering bravado。 In reality all they could think of was Melina。 Their eyes kept flickering toward her; greedy; devouring。 The naked flesh of those lovely slaves was nothing to them。 Just as it had bee nothing to me。 I had eyes only for the flash of those gold limbs beneath the sheer material of Melina's costume; the red…tipped breasts and the red glint of henna between those silken thighs。 The nakedness of her women intensified my desire to glimpse more…much more…of Melina。
 Then my heart stopped。 The hatred was forgotten。 Melina idly lifted her eyes。 They met mine。 I felt as if I had been struck by a heavy; padded club。 I had never in my life seen such dark mystery。 Those eyes were slightly bored at first; then I saw…or prayed I saw…a spark of interest。 Full; hennaed lips parted。 A pink tongue flicked across them。 She looked me up and down。 Leego came forward to refill her goblet; and I saw her whisper and point。 She was pointing at me!
 I thought my heart would burst at such good fortune。 Then I began to worry。 Had I somehow bee u
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