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n and women scattered about the place。
 〃Nothing to fear;〃 the Evocator said in a normal voice。 〃The spell is perhaps a bit strong; but at least you'll be rid of vermin; as well。〃 Before I could answer; he flung up his hands; shouting; 〃Finit!〃 A woosh; and the fire vanished。 With a start; I saw the coals in the tripod glow into renewed life。
 The Evocator hauled on the chain; dragging his Favorite across the chalk boundaries。 It was normal size; but still furious from its treatment。 〃Now; there's a good job done;〃 he said to me; jerking viciously on the chain。 〃I only need to…〃 Both of us jumped as the Favorite snarled and shot up to half man size。 It jerked on the chain; and Prevotant yelped as the leash slipped from his grasp; cutting soft flesh。
 〃Here now;〃 he thundered; 〃what's this all about? Stop it at once。〃 He waddled forward; fist raised。 The Favorite snarled again; and the snarl became a snap; snap; snapping of hysterical teeth。 It cowered as Prevotant approached; but its size did not diminish and its skin flashed with angry colors。 The Evocator gave it a furious kick。 The beast shrieked and leaped over its master。 The Evocator whirled; cursing and shouting for it to e back。 The Favorite closed its ears and bounded across the warehouse like a dog dosed under the tail with pepper oil。 A richly dressed woman screamed and leaped back into the pany of her slave retainers。 Her scream drew attention; and the Favorite veered and shot past her; scattering the woman's slaves and leaving a bloody bite on the woman's arm。
 Prevotant's anger turned to panic。 〃e back to Daddy;〃 he pleaded in high soprano。 〃Daddy has some tasty treats 。。。 Please e back。〃 But the Favorite ravaged on; shredding bundled goods with its teeth; ripping crates open with its claws。 My men tried to pin it in a corner; but it drove them back; growing even larger and charging forward。 Then it was ravaging through the cargo again。 The chaos must have sharpened my wits; for I saw not only that the damage was minimal; but that in that damage was my own escape from the Evocator。
 〃Ah; ha!〃 Prevotant shouted; as the Favorite turned and raced back toward us。 〃Now you'll listen to reason。〃 But it shrank and dodged between us。 I saw my chance and quickly tipped the tripod over。 The smoking coals tumbled among the crates of wooden toys。 Now it was the Evocator's turn for hysteria。 He rushed over and began beating at the small flames with the hem of his robe。 〃Help me;〃 he cried; 〃or all is lost。〃 He had visions of this warehouse…and then the whole riverfront…going up in smoke。 I strode casually up; gentled him aside; and stamped the fire out。
 I left him mere; mumbling stunned apologies; while I fetched the warehouse overseer; got a net; some long sticks; and a few husky slaves。 It wasn't long before we netted the Favorite; who was now tired and frightened; and brought it to its master。 Prevotant looked at me with sheep's eyes。 I ignored him; gazing coldly about at the ruin。
 〃Please let me set it right;〃 he said。
 I held out my hand。 〃You can start with my father's gold;〃 I retorted。
 This shocked him。 〃So much?〃 It was barely a whisper。 But he gave me back the pouch just the same。
 〃And; that's just to start with;〃 I continued。 〃Once I've tallied the score of this day's work 。。。〃 I shook my head。 〃I doubt you have the means for repayment。 I'll advise my father to seek repense from the Council。〃 I only meant to put the fear of the gods in him。 I really didn't expect to collect more。 I figured the debt my father's bookkeepers would conjure up would keep him humble for years to e。 I was about to go into my own dance of 〃Buts〃 and 〃On the other hands;〃 when he raised a finger for silence。 He looked about to see if anyone was watching。
 〃Perhaps I have something here that will soothe the young gentleman;〃 he said; all oiled charm。 He dipped into his robes and plucked something out。 He gave me a leer。 〃You will see it's very special;〃 he said。
 He handed me a card。 It was white and bordered in rich red。 In the center was the seal of the hetaerae guild: the blatantly naked form of Butala; the harvest goddess; with exaggerated breasts and pudenda。 Beneath it; in gold leaf: Melina will dance tonight for her special friends and benefactors。
 I knew who she was; as did every other man in Orissa。 Melina was one of perhaps no more than a dozen beautiful women who were at the very top of the pleasure trade。 They were all well…spoken and educated in the refinements of civilization。 Great men; rich men; handsome men; heroes; wooed them as much for the pleasure of their pany as for the pleasures of their flesh。 And in that final hot; rutting goddess of a skill they had no equal。 A man would do much for the love of Melina。 Especially a very young man with little to offer but his youth。
 I gaped。 〃How did you e by this?〃 It was not possible that a man like Prevotant would be asked to join such exalted pany; even if he were an Evocator。
 Prevotant dismissed my implied insult with another leer。 〃Do you really care?〃
 I looked at the card again。 Butala was no longer alone。 Now she reigned over an elaborate orgy。 As I stared the naked figures began to move; coupling and uncoupling in more ways that I had ever imagined。
 〃I was going to sell it;〃 the Evocator whispered in my ear。 〃It would bring a fancy price; no doubt。〃
 I looked at her name again; heat rising; the letters growing larger until they filled my vision。 〃Melina;〃 came the harsh whisper of the Evocator。 〃For you?〃
 I took the card; forcing a casual air。 〃Oh; I suppose it might be of interest。〃 I put it in my jerkin。
 〃We have agreement; then?〃 Prevotant asked。
 I hesitated but felt the card burn at my breast。 Already I was in her spell。 I had to see this woman for myself。 I nodded。 Prevotant chose to take the nod as a formal seal; shook my hand; and with much babbling; fled the warehouse with his little fiend chattering on his shoulder。 But his leer stayed in my mind after he left; and I felt a little silly for accepting the card。 Instead of taking the recovered gold and going straight home to triumph; I went to a tavern and drank and gamed with my friends until it grew late。 Brandy fumes mixed with youth to blow my first hesitations away。 Why should I let river slime like Prevotant affect me one way or another? Besides; wasn't he an Evocator? And weren't the Evocators the bane of the Antero family? Why; if I went; I'd be snapping my fingers under all their noses in the name of my family。 Wouldn't I?
 I slipped away from my panions and went out into the night to hire a litter。 The slaves carried me away through narrow streets。 When they finally set me down; the moon was at her full height。 The building the invitation drew me to had nothing to distinguish itself except general shabbiness。 In fact; the whole street was a neighborhood of tenements; shops; and taverns for the lowest of the free classes。 Lizards and pigs fought in mounded rubbish over scraps of offal。 I entered the tenement; doubt of a different kind nagging。 Inside; the dark was suffocating。 I pulled fire beads from my pocket and whispered an enchantment; they glowed into dim life。 The interior was more forbidding with th
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