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 remember how struck I was at the smooth; milky color of her skin where the drill…field sun did not touch。 Where my hair was fiery red; hers was the color of pale straw; and her eyes were as clear and blue as the seas。
 〃What I need is a good fight to get the blood up;〃 Rali continued; as I rubbed at her sore feet 〃Or at least a hard march with some purpose; other than training。 An enemy to cow。 A city to besiege。〃 She raised the cup to her full lips and drank more。 〃But I haven't much hope such a thing will soon e to pass;〃 she said。 〃The Magistrates are fearful of letting us march very far from Orissa。 I think they believe a barbarian horde would be conjured up to ravage the city in our absence。〃
 Rali was a captain in the Maranon Guard。 In those times it was posed of five hundred warrior women; women who had taken a vow to Maranonia; the favored female deity of war。 They forswore marriage; motherhood; or any of the 〃normal〃 functions of women in our culture。 The guardswomen were highly trained and devoted to the defense of Orissa。 Few were man haters; although all preferred other women as sexual partners。
 〃May I fetch you another cup of punch?〃 I asked。 〃Or something to eat? I could tote your bathwater; if you wish。 Or any other errand suitable for a brother bent on groveling for his sister's favor。 A sister as beautiful as she is wise。 As soldierly as she is tender。 As…〃
 〃Stop before I throw up;〃 my sister laughed。 〃All right; Amalric。 You win。〃
 I changed my foot rubbing into a light stroke。 〃Oh; speak to me; sibyl;〃 I intoned。 〃Tell me what is in thy heart。〃 Rali was stricken by a fit of giggles。 Not from my cleverness so much as my skilled tickling of her feet。 I had found her weak place when I was a small child and she was a green recruit。
 My sister was one of the few people I had ever felt pletely at ease with。 There was no secret I would not confess to her; no sin she would not forgive。 But she never took advantage of this trust by prying。 I valued her advice above all others。 It was for this reason; I suppose; I had stayed away from her during those months I was afflicted with Melina。 I was too much in rut to want to hear good sense。 But when I had finally e to her; Rali's words were similar to Janos'。 She told me to tote the incident up to experience。 〃I'm not saying to go forth and sin no more;〃 she'd said。 〃But I am saying; next time you might try sinning less expensively 。。。 and publicly。〃 Then she'd fixed me with those clear blue eyes and asked what I intended to do next。 〃It is time I sought my Finding;〃 I had answered; 〃and join our father in the business。〃
 〃Noble words; dear brother;〃 she'd responded。 〃But I wonder if that is really what you want to do。 I've suspected for some time your recent behavior might have a deeper cause than youthful folly。 Perhaps you don't view the prospect of a trader's life with joy。〃 I realized once again how perceptive my soldier sister was。 Perhaps I was fighting a stodgy future; to be forced into the pany of men who cared only for money。
 〃You see it exactly;〃 I had cried。 〃If I am to be a merchantman like our father; I want to do much more than just take over the family business。 I want to make my own mark and be more than the son of a rich man; living off our father's youthful deeds。〃
 〃How do you plan to acplish this? Or; have you given this thought?〃 she'd asked。
 I told her about the Far Kingdoms and my desire to make them the object of my Finding。 And I told her of Janos。 She'd listened closely; offering no opinion until I was done。 Then she'd said; 〃I won't say nay。 And I won't say yea。 In fact; I will offer no view at all at this time。 However 。。。 What I will do is to ask about。 And when I have learned more; especially more of your new friend; Janos Greycloak; I will give you my decision。〃
 Now it was time for the decision she'd promised。 Although I joked and tickled; I awaited the oute in agony。 My sister pulled her feet away and sat straighter in the couch。 〃Fetch me another drink; please;〃 she said; 〃and I will tell you what I have learned。〃 In a moment she had her wish; and I sat there; barely able to breathe。
 〃You will forgive me; dear Amalric;〃 she said; 〃for I went at this in an unkindly fashion。 Rather than investigating the worthiness of your Finding to start with; I first sought evidence your Mend is a scoundrel。〃 A raised hand stopped my protest。 〃You must admit; your pany of late has been questionable young men as well as women。 For all I knew; Janos Greycloak was just a new; best friend。〃 I bowed my head; admitting the truth。
 〃To begin with;〃 she said; 〃I had a few quiet words with some of my acquaintances in the Magistrates' Own Guard。 My conclusion is Janos is not only an excellent soldier; but a skilled leader and organizer。〃 My breath whooshed in relief。 〃Don't be so quick;〃 Rali warned。 〃All is not lightness。 Captain Greycloak; it seems; is also a man who has earned his share of enemies during his short time in the Guard。 But I think most of it is because of jealousy。 Also his confident manner would anger many of those rich whoresons who lead their soldiery from a favorite tavern。〃
 I broke in。 〃There is also his ancestry; and the time he spent in the service of the Lycanthians。〃
 〃I realize that;〃 my sister answered。 〃But in an odd fashion; these facts end up speaking well for him。 Janos' mother was an Orissan; a member of the Kether family。 She had a reputation as a hotheaded maid with a stubbornly romantic streak。 Janos' father was a prince from Kostroma; who paid a rare trading visit to Orissa; where he met the young Kether woman。 They fell in love。 It was quite a scandal at the time。 Especially since Janos' mother defied the wishes of her family and ran off with the dashing young prince。 I believe they are both dead now。 Although no one knows the circumstance。〃
 This partly explained Janos' reluctance to tell me much about his parents。 〃How he came to serve the Lycanthians;〃 my sister continued; 〃I do not know。 Although I suspect he needed some means of earning his way after his father and mother died。〃
 〃He is quite poor;〃 I said。 〃It was my impression he is using all of whatever savings he has to maintain himself in the Guard。〃
 〃Exactly so;〃 my sister said。 〃He obviously viewed it as an investment。 So he could meet the right people to further his career。〃
 〃And I am that right person?〃 I asked; worried once more。 Had I been played for the fool again?
 My sister patted my hand。 〃Don't be so quick to judge where I'm going;〃 she said。 〃He may be poor; but I do not think money is his goal。〃
 〃He said that himself;〃 I said; a bit hotly; sorry I hadn't defended him a moment ago。
 〃It seems the Kether family…or what is left of it…stewed for quite some time when Janos showed up in Orissa。 They believed he would soon pay a visit; and make blood demands for assistance。 They would have refused him; of course。 Their view was he had no call; since his mother's direct line no longer exists。 Her father; it is said; died of a broken heart after his daughter shamed him by taking up with a barbarian prince。〃
 〃But he didn't go; did he?〃 I said with satisfaction。
 〃Actually; he did。 After a time; he called on hi
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