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uccess in their previous profession。 This is a young woman's destiny; unless the auspices read when she is a year old indicate she will… be either a chief or a councillor; which is a supreme blessing; or a woman of the camp; which they consider somewhat of a disappointment。 The woman beside you is; by the way; the daughter of the man who the Ham'u chose as worthy of the honor of being your host。 Her name is Tepon。〃
 It may have been the depsh'; or perhaps I was being acclimatized to unsettling events here; beyond Orissa's walls; but instead of frowning at what most Orissans would consider the deepest depravity; I turned and smiled at the girl; who; encouraged; moved closer; allowed a bit of her robe to slip open。 I smelled roses and musk。
 Tepon smiled。 Her lips were rouged; her breath sweet; and her teeth were filed into pretty needle points that added exotic spice to her looks。 I took another drink of depsh'。 The girl spoke to me; her voice soft and musical。 I shook my head。 I didn't understand。
 〃She thinks the color of your hair is beautiful。 Like a desert sunrise;〃 Janos translated。
 I made some inane response。 Then the reality of the situation struck。 〃Janos; my friend。 I assume that the Ifora are human?〃
 〃Then this guesting must have a price。 Unless they are entranced by my hair and your vocabulary。〃
 〃There is a price;〃 Janos started; and then a man stood; tapping on an elaborately carved clapper。 A flute piped; then another。 Thumb…cymbals tinkled。 A great drum boomed rhythmically。 〃Ah;〃 Janos said。 〃I know this one。 The price is low。〃
 He stood; unpeeling one of the girls who'd bee curious about what was under his tunic; and drew his short sword。 He cast it up; spinning; and caught it by the handle。 〃No;〃 he said; 〃I need a real sword; not an ornament;〃 and he threw the blade; burying it to its hilt in the ground。 He shouted in Ifora; and from out of the darkness a great curved scimitar was pitched to him。 Janos cast; caught; cast again; the blade spinning; catching firelight; sending sparkles into my eyes。 The Ham'u rose and began a rhythmic chant。 It may have been the herbs in the drink; or it may have been my imagining; but I understood; most clearly; the story Janos was enacting as he danced; slowly; then faster; and now he was wearing only the kilt。 It was the story of a great warrior who was defeated by evil and sorcery; forced to flee from his tents into the depths of the desert; where not even the bones of the wild ass could be found。 He wandered for a time。 There were evil beings of the dry salt marsh who attempted to slay him…and here Janos's blade flashed in a series of arabesques… but he defeated them。 He was lost; abandoned; staggering; about to die; and the god of the desert wind took pity。 The two maidens who'd been with Janos were beside him; their bodies moving; firelight and silk; next to him; touching him。 He gained strength and the tale went on: And the spirit of the wind fed him and nourished him and bore him back across the trackless sands to the tents of his enemy。 Suddenly Janos danced alone; his sword a blur; as if he were fighting an invisible foe。 Finally; the warrior triumphed; and his opponent lay dead before him。 All the riches of the man belonged to him now。 But instead; the warrior chose another path。 He chose to return to the desert。 And to the embrace of the desert wind。
 Janos stopped as the chant ended。 There was nothing but the crackle of the flames。 Then a thumb…cymbal tinkled once; twice; three times。 A sudden wind gusted through the camp。 Janos bowed。 To the Ifora? To the wind? To the dance? I knew not。 The two women approached him and took him by the hand。 They led him away into one of the tents。
 A bowl touched my lips。 I drank deeply。 I lay back; against Tepon's body; her fingers moving tenderly over me。 For some reason; this felt to be the time。
 〃Janos!〃 My voice was not loud。
 〃I hear。〃
 〃Will you acpany me? To the Far Kingdoms?〃
 Laughter boomed from nowhere。 〃Of course! Of course! I thought you would never ask。〃
 And there was nothing more except Tepon; the tent that suddenly blossomed around us; and we were alone; and her body; and firelight。
 I woke some time after dawn。 I was naked except for my cloak wrapped around my waist。 There was an inquisitive goat staring at me from less than a foot away。 I lay on rocky ground in the flaring sunlight。 Tepon's head was pillowed on my stomach。 The great drum of the night before was now in my head。
 And I was destined for the Far Kingdoms。
 The Evocators
 MY SISTER TRAMPED in from the exercise yard; undid her cuirass; and dumped it on the floor。 〃If you love me; brother; dear;〃 Rali groaned; 〃fetch a drink before I perish。〃 I hastened to the fireside where I had set a strong; spiced punch to brew。 I lifted the iron jug from the ashes with tongs and poured out a steaming; aromatic goblet。 It was my sister's favorite drink。 She grinned as I handed it to her。 〃Such a devoted brother;〃 she said。 〃Unselfish; as well。 Anticipating his sister's smallest whim; with no thought of any reward。〃 She took a long drink。
 〃Don't tease me; Rali;〃 I begged。 〃I've barely slept since our talk last week。〃
 〃Oh; please don't plain to me about your sleeping habits;〃 she said with a laugh。 〃You've probably slipped another love potion to some doxy and she's been ferreting about your bed all this time。〃 My sister crossed the room on those fine; long legs of hers; kicked off her sandals; and settled on the couch。 〃e rub my feet;〃 she manded; 〃and by and by; I shall tell all。〃
 I rushed to do her bidding; anxious to learn on which side of the ledger my sister was going to write her name。 If she was opposed; there was little chance my father would agree to Janos' scheme to seek the Far Kingdoms。 If her vote was yes; and she further agreed to smooth the way with our father; there was a small chance he might bless the plan and fund my maiden expedition。
 Rali sighed as I coaxed the knots from her tired feet; and took another drink。 〃This soft life will be the death of me;〃 she said。 〃Every day is the same。 Up at daybreak to drill and train my women。 Administrative work until dusk; and then I share a drink and a roasted joint or two with Otara。 By day's end I'm so weary with boredom; it's a small miracle if I have energy enough to give Otara a tumble。 A situation she has been quick to deplore of late。〃
 Otara was her lover of many years。 She was a small; motherly woman of delicate beauty who doted on my sister and would fight to the death to keep her from harm。 Not that Rali was likely to require help。 She was tall; with long; cabled muscles and narrow hips。 Rah' was some ten years my senior and in her fighting prime。 Swift as a direwolf in an attack and twice as deadly。 She was equally skilled with sword; javelin; and her strong; ram's horn bow。 But no one would ever mistake her for a man; nor did she ape men in her manners。 Rali had a pleasing form and was willowy and delicate in her movements; although soldier plain in her talk。 When I was small and still allowed in her bathchamber; I remember how struck I was at the smooth; milky color of her skin where the drill…field sun did not 
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