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Why did you not call on your brother or whatever that beast is for rescue back in Irayas when Greif abducted you? Or were you setting a trap for me?〃
 Raveline stopped and shook his head in wonderment。 〃The double cunning that sorcery brings。 But it does not matter whether you hunted me; or I you。 This dome; this shield; is one of my proudest spells。 It utterly seals us。 We are beyond the reach of any power I know; earthly or supernatural。 I prepared it years ago; when my brother and I were first struggling over which one our father; damned may his soul be; would choose to rule over Vacaan。 It is; perhaps; the ultimate version of that protective spell Janos cast and then lifted over you。 It is proof against all; and will only vanish when I will it 。。。 or I die。 Its only limitation is the spell disallows the use of magic by anyone; including myself; under the dome。
 〃So here it is; Antero。 You have your wrestling skills 。。。 and I have mine。 And I have the knife。 Now without the powers my magic gave it; but still razor enough to cut your guts out。 I am truly sorry your skills have defeated my attempts to make your demise more plex; but so be it。 At least your ghost shall never be avenged; and shall never know peace in its wanderings。 This time; Antero; I shall e to you。〃 True to his words; he shuffled toward me。
 I have never considered myself either a fully skilled soldier or back…alley brawler and know little about knives other than the most sensible thing is to flee with great rapidity anyone waving a blade about。 However; Janos had tutored us what to do when faced with various assailants when unarmed。 There were ways to disarm and destroy a man who held his knife like an ice pick; like a candle; or one who waved his knife wildly in front of him as if a blade provided a magical shield。 As for a man who moved like Raveline; who shuffled in slowly; moving crablike always toward your weak side; keeping his blade well back; against his thigh or nearly touching his side; with his other hand extended for a block 。。。 Janos had smiled grimly and told us there were but two options: flight or death。
 I; too; shuffled to his weak side 。。。 away from the knife 。。。 keeping my hands well out; hoping Raveline would strike wildly and I could seize a wrist; or perhaps kick his legs from under him。 As I'd learned; I watched nothing but my enemy's eyes; knowing I would sense any movement of the blade as it began。 He slashed once; then again on his backhand; but my stomach was not there。 Once more his dagger marked air; and I chanced a blow。 The razor edge of his knife sliced the inside of my arm open; but fortunately he'd missed any blood vessels。 I ignored the wound 。。。 and we circled on。 He changed his tactics slightly and moved closer; forcing me back and back again。 Eventually he would trap me against the dome and pin me like a butterfly to a wall。 My back…reaching foot touched rough stone; one of die columns; and I momentarily lost my balance。 Raveline lunged for my heart; and I sidestepped quickly; his knife scoring my chest; but my fist smashed his face。 He yelped pain and stumbled back。 His nose was broken; and blood gushed from his nostrils。 But he still kept his fighting grip on the knife。
 〃How long has it been since you've felt pain; Lesser Majesty?〃
 I said; deciding a man who loved the sound of his own words as much as Raveline did might also fall victim to the words of others。 〃How long; princeling…that…shall…never…be…king? Perhaps you feel faint。 Perhaps you wish to cry。〃
 His lips drew back in a soundless snarl; and he short stepped toward me; keeping one foot held back; like a fencer。 He would lunge in an instant; and I held my mind ready for his attack; not allowing tension 。。。 willing my muscles to seek their own response。
 The lunge never came。 I heard; from above; a slight scraping。 Raveline glanced up; then stared; eyes widening; mouth opening; and the great rock; once part of the stage's canopy; whose mortar had held it to the column's capital for aeons and aeons; crushed him as a boot crushes a scorpion。 He was dead before he could scream 。。。 and the black dome was gone 。。。 and once more the ruined city was about me in the moonlight。 Stunned; I looked up toward the top of that column。 The air shimmered above me; and I dimly saw the form of a man。 〃Halab;〃 I gasped。
 I heard; more in my mind than anywhere; the soft voice。 〃The prince knew not all the rules of all the worlds。 Even a ghost may move the real 。。。 If the call is great enough。〃
 There was silence but for the rush of the river below; then Halab's voice again; 〃I am revenged; and my ghost will wander no more。 I go now; following the path you opened to Eanes a short time ago。〃
 I bowed my head。 〃Good…bye; my brother。〃
 I heard Halab for the last time。
 〃Good…bye; Amalric。 There is one task left。 I cannot be with you 。。。 cannot be of aid。 But it is one which must be pleted。 For you; for the family; for Orissa; and for all of this world。 I make you a final gifting。 May it serve you well。〃
 I felt emptiness。 Something was gone 。。。 something I realized had been not far from me all these years; since the day my father returned from the palace of the Evocators with the tale of Halab's death。
 I took a deep breath。 Yes。 There was a final task to be performed。
 The Last Voyage
 NOW THERE WAS little to fear either in this cursed city or in the catabs below。 I took the poniard from beside Raveline's body and went back through the streets to where the entrance to the Black Prince's burrow yawned。 I took no wrong turnings; nor made missteps; as sure of my direction as if I were in Orissa。 I followed the stone steps as they went down; down; down; and knew I was the first of Raveline's victims ever to do this。 I passed Greif's sprawled body and bethought whether I should find some dirt to sprinkle; then decided otherwise。 His ghost had much evil to atone for; he deserved to haunt those caves for an eternity。
 The black gondola was still moored to the dock。 I untied the boat and boarded it。 Using the rudder as a sweep; I turned the boat toward the cavern's mouth。 As I came out of the cavern into the dark river that poured down toward the flatlands and Irayas; the current sent the boat speeding down the canyon。 The craft obeyed my unspoken and undefined desire as well as it had Greif s。
 I could see dawn's promise as I neared the city。 Perhaps I should have made the enchanted gondola take me to my palace; where I knew Omerye agonized。 But I also knew I must confront Janos now; not just for the sake of my people 。。。 but for all who live as wizards' slaves。 To this day I honestly do not know what end I foresaw when I finally did confront him。 For my soul's sake; I pray my intent was pure and untainted by desire for revenge。
 As Janos' mansion bulked out of the calm waters; I dropped Prince Raveline's dagger into the river。 Through the remnants of the night I saw its jewels and sorcelled blade spin until the knife…my only weapon…vanished。 I tied Raveline's boat to a piling under the main deck where that sobbing woman's skiff had been lashed。 I had planned to climb one of the pilings to avoid the guard that should have 
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