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 death chamber。 Outside the gates were huge toppled stones; broken pillars; and the shattered pavings of the cursed; ruined city。
 I ran out into the cold moonlight。 I hoped to find a negotiable ravine or slope that would lead me either down to the flatlands or to the river。 I was willing to chance my luck swimming those viscous…looking waters through the rapids to seek safety downstream。 I took a moment to get my bearings from the stars; frigidly indifferent as they stared down。 I picked a direction I thought the quickest route to the plateau's rim would lie; and having recovered a bit of my wind; trotted off。 I heard the first bowlings from Raveline's creatures。 I so dub them; even though I do not know if they were his creations or merely maleficent beings whose vile desires paralleled the prince's。 The baying grew louder; and I broke into a run。 I came into a broad avenue。 Down the center of the boulevard lay the remains of toppled statues。 I wasted a glance as I ran past。 Each statue's face had been effaced; as if a mason had chiseled each countenance away after the statues were brought down。 The statues were of men; but men not as we know them; nor had the models been giants or dwarfs。 I do not quite know how to describe them; except the proportions were not as they should have been。 I had no more time for observation; as the first of the creatures broke from a side street toward me。 The moonlight delineated him…it…well。 Imagine a large man; almost a giant; running on his hands and feet。 Further conceive that this man's arms and legs had been broken repeatedly and reshaped so that it became a bit easier for him to travel in this fashion than it would for a normal human。 Stretch a skull face until it is twice as long as a man's; add fangs; elongate and slant the eyes a bit like a wolf's; although that noble creature should not be pared to this beast; finish with a pale; rotted skin like a leper hides from the world; and you have a fairly accurate picture。 Its claws clattered against the stones as it closed on me。 Its baying rose into triumph; then became a howl of surprise as I scooped up a fist…size chunk of rubble and threw it with all my strength full into its face。 The creature reared and fell; writhing in blind agony and astonishment。 Perhaps the prey it had hunted previously had never struck back。 I fled on。 Behind me I heard more howling。 At the end of the boulevard I looked back。 The monster's packmates had joined their crippled fellow。 But they were not chasing me。 Instead; they took the moment to feed on their crippled brother。 I chose another street and ran toward where the ruins; and the highland; should e to an end。
 Something smashed into me; knocking me spinning。 I back flipped reflexively; and saw yet another of the beasts; just as it landed; spun back toward me; and leaped。 Another of Janos' trainings flashed to mind; and as the beast's jaws gaped; and I smelled its putrescent breath; I fed it my left forearm; smashing the limb sideways against the back of its throat。 I felt the fangs tear my flesh as my other arm went behind the back of its neck; clenched; and I brought my left arm sharply upward and my right in toward me; and the beast's neck broke cleanly。 I let its weight turn me; and brought the creature down; falling with my knees against its chest and heard ribs crack like withies。
 I regained my feet and sped on。 I hoped the pack would appreciate another morsel; and that the beast's fangs had not been poisoned。 Just at that moment my second wind came; and pain fell away。 Now I could run all night if it were necessary。 I heard a roar and thought it to be the river below。 I must be near the edge of the plateau。 Ahead of me the ground dipped into a natural amphitheater the builders of this city had used to build their own arena; one far vaster than Orissa's Great Amphitheater。 Stone steps led down a hillside to the stage; which had been protected with a stone canopy。 Some of the columns that had supported the canopy were still standing; with fragments of the dome hanging on their capitals。 And beyond was a vertical cliff edge。 I must skirt it until I found a ravine I could use for my descent。
 In that moment the beasts trapped me。 The pack streamed out of nowhere…from the earth itself; as if the ground were vomiting them。 I ran toward the stage; leaping from step to step。 I jumped to the stage and put my back to a column。 I grabbed two more chunks of stone for weapons。 The creatures encircled me; and; snarling and yapping; began closing the ring。 I knew they would not be allowed to kill me; but imagined Raveline would permit me to be thoroughly savaged before he pulled his hounds off。 One creature chanced a lunge; and I crushed his skull as a bravo's reward。 Now the ring was tighter as the pack came in on me。 I ventured a look behind me; and confidence flowed。 I would die here; I knew。 But I would not perish either under the fangs of these brutes nor from Raveline's magic。 When the end became inevitable; I would choose the quick clean death of the long fall to the river and rocks below。
 And then my ferret returned。 I did not know what he was at first; but I heard a hissing; a whistle; and liquid death flowed through the amphitheater toward me。 It was almost thirty feet long; sleek light…colored fur; and red…glowing eyes; and I knew not its nature until I bethought myself of a mink; and then knew better; seeing the black mask around its face just as the huge ferret took the first of the creatures from the rear; nipped once delicately at its spine; and cast the corpse aside。 The pack howled dismay at this new and unexpected attack and turned to savage the newer。 But the ferret was here; there; nowhere and everywhere; and every time its fangs snapped; one of the nightmares yapped its last。 One of Raveline's creatures bounded free and bayed a mand。 The others broke away from the battle and scuttled up the steps; trying to flee; but being slaughtered as they fled。 Then they were gone; and the great animal reared back on its haunches; snakelike head seeking new quarry; and in that moment I knew not only what; but who the being was; as my memory cast the picture of my long…dead pet; scenting the wind just before it slid after a rabbit。 He came back toward me; his long tail whipping; whistling a greeting as he had done years and years ago; and even in that moment of the greatest danger I found myself choking back sobs。
 The air shimmered next to my pet; and a manlike form appeared。 I knew it to be Halab's ghost and opened my mouth for a greeting; and then ferret and shade were gone。 As was the moon; the stars; and all of the amphitheater。 It was if a black dome had been dropped down。 From its middle shone a dim ghost light。 All that existed in this world was the stage; the columns that had held the roof 。。。 and Raveline。 He held his dagger ready。
 〃Most clever;〃 he snarled; and now there was no pretense of being casual。 〃And I have just made my last error with you; when I estimated you had but little of the talent。 I did not sense at any time you had any spirits watchdogging you。 Very clever indeed。 Why did you not call on your brother or whatever that beast is for rescue back in Irayas when Greif 
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