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; but for the people of Orissa; as well; to as great a degree as I am empowered。〃
 Janos looked away。 His voice was thick with emotion。 〃You 。。。 you have honored me; and my family; beyond measure。 But〃… and he turned back… 〃what happens if that overgrown gibbon up there does harm to you? What an imbecile thing to have happen; when we are this close to our dreams。〃
 〃I am not that worried;〃 I said firmly。 〃I have two good reasons。 First; that creature warned us rather than immediately trying to obliterate our party。 I also wonder if that avalanche was in fact intended to strike; or was in fact a first caution? Second; I refuse to be terrified of someone who is naked。〃
 There was a third reason I did not mention。 The annihilation of the nomads still bothered me。 I did not see my mission in life was opening the Far Kingdoms by cutting a wasteland as I went。
 〃I still think you are being unwise;〃 Janos said。
 〃Very well;〃 I said。 〃I am being unwise。 Now; what I wish you to do is as you had planned; except you are to wait for a signal from me…or for that creature to attack…before striking。 Now it will be even more imperative the three of you not be seen as you move。〃
 〃There shall be no problem there;〃 Janos said。 〃But I must warn you; my friend; if you are killed in this absurd bit of benevolence; I shall speak to you very harshly。〃
 I grinned; clapped him on the back; and set the plan in motion。 Janos; Maeen; and Hebrus slid to the rear and then disappeared up a narrow ravine; while the rest of us milled about as a distraction。 We waited for nearly an hour。 The giant made no further move; other than shouting once more for us to retreat。 Beyond that; he seemed content to wait until winter arrived to drive us away。 This I found to be another indication that the creature might not be wholly malevolent。 I spent my time sorting through various packs; trying to decide what might work with giants; never having dealt with the breed before。 I also remembered one immutable characteristic all giants seemed to have in every tale my nurses told; and was further cheered。
 At last our keenest…eyed man; who we had set to keep watch on a certain scrubby bush; reported it had moved 。。。 slightly。 I stripped off my coat and weapons belt and rolled up my shirtsleeves; shivering in the mountain wind。 I walked forward with the leather case that contained my chosen items。 The giant sprang to alertness and shouted at me。 I did not reply; but walked very slowly onward。 He bristled and wavered; exactly like a house cat not sure whether to flee or not。 The closer I got; the less pretty my friend appeared。 His thick body hair curled around him like a flea…bitten pelt; and from his constant scratching; I am sure he had them roaming on his body。 He was misshapen; with larger hands and feet than even his monster body entitled him to。 His head was equally massive and elongated; with a lantern jaw。 Yellow teeth; fangs rather; hung over his lower lip。 He rose to his full height; brandishing an enormous club。 It looked to have been the trunk of a young tree; its branches ripped off and the bark crudely polished off against rocks。 I came no closer。 The giant was sweating profusely; as if we were back in the desert rather than on these chill heights。 He also stank abominably; so badly I nearly became sick。 I paid no attention to the pleadings of my overly civilized nose … a trader who dictates social customs to his customers is not only foolish but apt to be handed his teeth as a rebuttal。 I set the chest down and opened it; carefully lifting out my articles。 My arms were bare; to show I concealed nothing; and I moved very; very slowly。 The giant seemed to relax。 I sat; legs curled under me; as if I were a mon bazaar merchant; and waited。 The giant did not move。 He was a primitive sort。
 I chose one item; set it on a flat rock; and depressed the twisted rod that rose from its center。 Obediently; the mechanical top spun; its colors flashing brightly against the gray rock。 I heard a grunt of interest。 Next I picked up a gold necklace; and wincing a bit as I recollected its worth and that it had been intended to hang from the neck of a princess; draped it over my wrist。 Then I gently cast it toward my about…to…bee trading partner。 He drew back; startled。 The necklace did not attract him。 He crept forward; picked it up; examined it; muttering to himself; then put it on his own wrist。 He looked at it this way and that; then chortled in approval at his new bracelet。 Next he began looking about him。 The fairy tales were correct…giants were no brighter in reality than they had been presented; since it took him long moments to realize there was very little around for trading stock。 After considering rocks and even a bit of lichen growing from one boulder; he decided on an item。 He set his club down where the necklace had been。 Now I was quite sure we were in no especial danger。 I shook my head; no; I did not want the club; and motioned that the necklace was a present。 He came closer。 I saw his nose wrinkle in distaste and nearly smiled; remembering my father told me he once traded with men so primitive they never bathed or changed the skins they wore until they rotted away; and considered the smell of a clean human being nauseating。
 Other items were presented: some he disliked; such as perfumes; others he liked; such as a small silver figurine that I cradled like it was a child。 He laughed once more and took the figure。 I guessed it would bee a doll for his; or another giant's; child。 Gold chains were accepted。 But the great success was a box of sweetmeats I'd put in as an afterthought。 He inhaled the entire box; looking about him warily like any guilty child who was being selfish in not sharing with his playmates。
 When all my presents had been accepted or rejected; I stood and motioned to myself; then back at my panions; and then waved my hand toward the track beyond。 Fingers mimed walking 。。。 I sought permission to go by。 He grunted and then bellowed。 From high above came answering shouts。 The giant stood; showed me more tawny fangs in a friendly smile; and indicated the way was open。 There was but one small other matter。 I called out。 The giant looked mildly alarmed; then terrified as Janos; followed by Maeen and Hebrus; bows in hand; arrows nocked but not drawn; appeared on the ridge line just above where we stood。 Before the giant could snarl betrayal; the three men; following my instructions; set the bows down; ceremonially snapped their arrows in two; and cast them down toward us。 Even my less…than…gifted patriot understood…we could have killed him; but chose not to。 The broken arrows were also intended to signify that we had intentions for peaceful passage now 。。。 and in the future as well。 The giant laughed; at what I could not tell; picked up his gifts; and bounded up the side of a nearby draw。 Janos and his partners slid down from the ridge line; and we re…formed and went on our way。 We saw no more signs of the giant or of his colleagues。
 That night Janos approached me。 〃I have learned something;〃 he said ruefully。 〃A sword is not always the best way to untie a stubborn knot。〃 I shrugged it away … success with one peaceful and stupid being di
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