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re; when the second expedition was wintering below in Wahumwa; I asked how far he had gotten before being driven back; by snowstorms; I assumed。
 〃I did not reach this point;〃 Janos said。 〃Not by far。 However; it was not snow that blocked my way; but gales and driven ice storms。 In the winter; hard winds blew across these peaks; so snow didn't cling to the rocks for long。〃
 Our passage was easy: it would not take an athlete to negotiate this defile; I noted with pleasure; since few traders maintain their bodies with anything other than roasts and vintage wine。 It would also be simple for heavily burdened beasts; even horses; to cross this range; beasts carrying Orissa's trade goods to the Far Kingdoms。 Rock slides had tumbled from the heights; and boulders littered the ground; but since the pass was almost two spearcasts wide; it was simple to avoid these obstacles。 There was a small waterfall splashing down; and I saw where someone had laid rocks to make a pool。 This route had been traveled before 。 。。 and would be again。
 Our path led up and around the mountain。 We could no longer see the valley and the cursed city behind us。 The way grew narrower。 I began to worry that perhaps we were following a blind alley; in spite of the pool we had seen; but was relieved to see the pass widen up ahead。
 Janos was walking in front of the column; and I was just behind him; the rest of the party and the animals strung behind。 I spun as gravel clattered from above; one of our archers had a shaft nocked and was already looking up。 We saw nothing but bare gray rocks。 Probably it was nothing; but we became more cautious。 Where the pass widened; it also steepened; and I found myself breathing hard。 The track crested ahead; and I resolved we would pause when we reached that crest; where two boulders sat in the center of the passage。 Eagerness ran through our veins; but as Maeen had told us over and over again; haste produces only 〃accidents; ambushes; and wedlock … all of which are to be avoided。〃 Proof came shortly。 Panting; I was paying less attention to anything but my next step when someone shouted a warning。 I saw one of those two huge boulders at the crest rolling toward us。 It picked up speed; crashing from side to side of the pass; as it hurtled down。 But the warning had been timely; and we were able to pull ourselves and our animals out of its way with no damage。 The boulder rumbled into the distance and was gone。 I hurried to Janos。
 〃Boulders;〃 he said; pointing out the obvious; 〃do not move of themselves。〃
 He ordered all archers to string their bows; and put four of them behind me; each with instructions to scan a particular area above us。 He also brought Lione up; to march as second man in the party。 We moved to the crest; hoping to see the land open out and reveal the great cities of the Far Kingdoms。 Instead; we saw more mountains and the pass climbing on into the distance。
 We examined the ground carefully where that boulder had sat for so many aeons before choosing its moment。 There were no scratch marks from a lever or pry bar that would indicate a human agency had sent it careening down。 Perhaps purely coincidence or; I was beginning to suspect; sorcery。 Perhaps we'd been located by our unseen enemies。 But none of us; especially Janos; felt any brush of wizardry。 We moved cautiously through the gorge。 The pass closed once more into a deep…V choke ahead; then the defile opened; climbing toward another false crest。 We were just in the middle of the narrow way when the heavens rumbled。 I thought thunder and looked up at the clouded sky。 Then I saw its cause: an avalanche was cascading down on us。 I shouted; one of myriad cries; and broke into a run; knowing I must escape the trap; I must flee to where the draw opened again as house…size stones and monstrous slabs rambled down。 The last of us…Maeen bravely bringing up the rear…had just cleared the danger area when the slide crashed across the pass; rocks shattering in demonic cacophony。
 Slowly the crashing stopped; the ringing echoes died across the mountains; and the dust settled。 Ashamed of my moment of fear; I collected myself and did a fast count。 Te…Date be praised…and I determined to make real sacrifice once on the other side of these mountains…all of us had survived; as had all our beasts of burden。 The avalanche had been launched a little late。 No one was willing to believe in two accidents from above just minutes apart。 At least we were safe here…the rock walls that gently sloped up on either side of us were scoured clean of boulders。 I was about to ask Janos how we would continue…was there a soldierly plan on moving through passes; as there seemed to be for everything else…when there came a bellow like the mountains themselves were shouting。
 That is when we saw the giant。 It is mon for large men to be called giants; and for any tribe whose height exceeds the norm to be called giants。 But this was truly such a being。 Even allowing for the magnification from the mountain air; he was three times the height of a tall Orissan; and at least as broad as a man was tall across his chest。 At first he might have been taken for some enormous ape; since he appeared to be fur…covered。 He was a bit more than a spearcast in front of us。 Weapons came up; and the giant ducked behind a boulder。 He shouted once more; in his unknown tongue; and it might have been a lonely mountain wind。 As we jumped for cover of our own; I found I had recovered my calm。
 Coldly; I was considering what had occurred。 〃I wager;〃 I said; 〃he is telling us to go back; to get out of 'his' mountains。〃
 Janos nodded agreement and barked orders…of course the military had a procedure for opposed movement through a pass。 〃There will be more than one;〃 he was telling Maeen。 〃Most likely they will be up above; providing cover for their rade。〃
 Maeen nodded understanding as Janos laid out the plan。 I said nothing; but listened with half my mind; while considering my first thought; it still made sense。 Janos had detailed three men; including himself; Maeen; and the closest thing we had to a mountaineer…our wall…climbing music teacher; Hebrus…for a special duty; and given the others specific orders as to what to do and when to do it。
 〃We are ready; Lord Antero;〃 he said; reverting to military formality as he not infrequently did when problems loomed and our soldiers were within earshot。 〃Will you take charge of the main party? The three of us will signal when in position and wait for your reply。〃
 〃Janos 。。。 you may think me either mad; or suddenly stricken with sentiment;〃 I said。 〃e aside。〃
 I drew him away and laid out my very different strategy。 He frowned。 〃I do not like it;〃 he said; after he'd given my scheme a polite few seconds of pretended consideration。 〃If you are attacked 。。。 all that we have acplished so far will be ruined。〃
 〃No; it will not be;〃 I said。 〃If the worst occurs; then you are in charge of the expedition and may take any measures necessary。 You will not be questioned later。 I left such orders with Rali; my brothers; and with Ecco。 You not only can speak with my voice; but for the people of Orissa; as well; to as great a degree as I am empowered。〃
 Janos looked aw
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