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g and looked white…faced at Ned Beaumont; twisting her fingers together; awaiting his response to her story。
 His response was a cool question: 〃Well; what of it?〃
 〃What of it?〃 she repeated in amazement。 〃Don't you see? How could I help knowing then that Taylor had run out after Paul and had caught up with him and had been killed by him? He was furious and〃 Her face brightened。 〃You know his hat wasn't found。 He was too much in a hurrytoo angryto stop for his hat。 He〃
 Ned Beaumont shook his head slowly from side to side and interrupted her。 His voice held nothing but certainty。 〃No;〃 he said。 〃That won't do。 Paul wouldn't've had to kill Taylor and he wouldn't've done it。 He could have managed him with one hand and he doesn't lose his head in a fight。 I know that。 I've seen Paul fight and I've fought with him。 That won't do。〃 He drew eyelids closer together around eyes that had bee stony。 〃But suppose he did? I mean accidentally; though I can't believe even that。 But could you make anything out of it except self…defense?〃
 She raised her head scornfully。 〃If it were self…defense; why should he hide it?〃
 Ned Beaumont seemed unimpressed。 〃He wants to marry von;〃 he explained。 〃It wouldn't help him much to admit he'd killed your brother even〃 He chuckled。 〃I'm getting as bad as you are。 Paul didn't kill him; Miss Henry。〃
 Her eyes were stony as his had been。 She looked at him and did not speak。
 His expression became thoughtful。 He asked: 〃You've only〃he wriggled the fingers of one hand〃the two and two you think you've put together to tell you that your brother ran out after Paul that night?〃
 〃That is enough;〃 she insisted。 〃He did。 He must've。 Otherwise why; otherwise what would he have been doing down there in China Street bare…headed?〃
 〃Your father didn't see him go out?〃
 〃No。 He didn't know it either until we heard〃
 He interrupted her。 〃Does he agree with you?〃
 〃He must;〃 she cried。 〃It's unmistakable。 He must; no matter what he says; just as you must。〃 Tears were in her eyes now。 〃You can't expect me to believe that you don't; Mr。 Beaumont。 I don't know what you knew before。 You found Taylor dead。 I don't know what else you found; but now you must know the truth。〃
 Ned Beaumont's hands began to tremble。 He slumped farther down in his chair so he could thrust his hands into his trousers…pockets。 His face was tranquil except for hard lines of strain around his mouth。 He said: 〃I found him dead。 There was nobody else there。 I didn't find anything else。〃
 〃You have now;〃 she said。
 His mouth twitched under his dark mustache。 His eyes became hot with anger。 He spoke in a low; harsh; deliberately bitter voice: 〃I know whoever killed your brother did the world a favor。〃
 She shrank back in her chair with a hand thrown up to her throat; at first; but almost immediately the horror went out of her face and she sat upright and looked passionately at him。 She said softly: 〃I know。 You're Paul's friend。 It hurts。〃
 He lowered his head a little and muttered: 〃It was a rotten thing to say。 It was silly。〃 He smiled wryly。 〃You see I was right about not being a gentleman。〃 He stopped smiling and shame went out of his eyes leaving them clear and steady。 He said in a quiet voice: 〃You're right about my being Paul's friend。 I'm that no matter who he killed。〃
 After a long moment of earnest staring at him she spoke in a small flat voice: 〃Then this is useless? I thought if I could show you the truth〃 She broke off with a hopeless gesture in which hands; shoulders; and head took part。
 He moved his head slowly from side to side。
 She sighed and stood up holding out her hand。 〃I'm sorry and disappointed; but we needn't be enemies; need we?〃
 He rose facing her; but did not take her hand。 He said: 〃The part of you that's tricked Paul and is trying to trick him is my enemy。〃
 She held her hand there while asking: 〃And the other part of me; the part that hasn't anything to do with that?〃
 He took her hand and bowed over it。
 When Janet Henry had gone Ned Beaumont went to his telephone; called a number; and said: 〃Hello; this is Mr。 Beaumont。 Has Mr。 Madvig e in yet? 。 。 。 When he es will you tell him I called and will be in to see him? 。 。 。 Yes; thanks。〃
 He looked at his wrist…watch。 It was a little after one o'clock。 He lit a cigar and sat down at a window; smoking and staring at the grey church across the street。 Out…blown cigar…smoke recoiled from the window…panes in grey clouds over his head。 His teeth crushed the end of his cigar。 He sat there for ten minutes; until his telephone…bell rang。
 He went to the telephone。 〃Hello。 。 。 。 Yes; Harry。 。 。 。 Sure。 Where are you? 。 。 。 I'm ing downtown。 Wait there for me。 。 。 Half an hour。 。 。 。 Right。〃
 He threw his cigar into the fireplace; put on his hat and overcoat; and went out。 I…he walked six blocks to a restaurant; ate a salad and rolls; drank a cup of coffee; walked four blocks to a small hotel named Majestic; and rode to the fourth floor in an elevator operated by an undersized youth who called him Ned and asked what he thought of the third race。
 Ned Beaumont thought and said: 〃Lord Byron ought to do it。〃
 The elevator…operator said: 〃I hope you're wrong。 I got Pipe…organ。〃
 Ned Beaumont shrugged。 〃Maybe; but he's carrying a lot of weight。〃 He went to room 417 and knocked on the door。
 Harry Sloss; in his shirt…sleeves; opened the door。 He was a thickset pale man of thirty…five; broad…faced and partially bald。 He said: 〃On the dot。 e on in。〃
 When Sloss had shut the door Ned Beaumont asked: 〃What's the diffugalty?〃
 The thickset man went over to the bed and sat down。 He scowled anxiously at Ned Beaumont。 〃It don't look so damned good to me; Ned。〃
 〃What don't?〃
 〃This thing of Ben going to the Hall with it。〃
 Ned Beaumont said irritably: 〃All right。 Any time you're ready to tell me what you're talking about's soon enough for me。〃
 Sloss raised a pale broad hand。 〃Wait; Ned; I'll tell you what it's about。 Just listen。〃 He felt in his pocket for cigarettes; bringing out a package mashed limp。 〃You remember the night the Henry kid was pooped?〃
 Ned Beaumont's 〃Uh…huh〃 was carelessly uttered。
 〃Remember me and Ben had just e in when you got there; at the Club?〃
 〃Well; listen: we saw Paul and the kid arguing up there under the trees。〃
 Ned Beaumont brushed a side of his mustache with a thumb…nail; once; and spoke slowly; looking puzzled: 〃But I saw you get out of the car in front of the Clubthat was just after I found himand you came up the other way。〃 He moved a forefinger。 〃And Paul was already in the Club ahead of you。〃
 Sloss nodded his broad head vigorously。 〃That's all right;〃 he said; 〃but we'd drove on down China Street to Pinky Klein's place and he wasn't there and we turned around and drove back to the Club。〃
 Ned Beaumont nodded。 〃Just what did you see?〃
 〃We saw Paul and the kid standing there under the trees arguing。〃
 〃You could see that as you rode past?〃
 Sloss nodded vigorously again。
 〃It was a dark spot;〃 Ned Beaumont reminded him。 〃I don't see how you could've made out their faces riding past like that; unless you slowed up or stopped。〃
 〃No; we didn't
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