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 Ned Beaumont did not say anything。 His face was expressionless。
 Madvig reduced the sedan's speed as they approached the Log Cabin Club。 His face was red。 He asked huskily: 〃What do you think; Ned? Was she〃he cleared his throat noisily〃his mistress? Or was it just boy and girl stuff?〃
 Ned Beaumont said: 〃I don't know。 I don't care。 Don't ask her; Paul。〃
 Madvig stopped the sedan and sat for a moment at the wheel staring straight ahead。 Then he cleared his throat again and spoke in a low hoarse voice: 〃You're not the worst guy in the world; Ned。〃
 〃Uh…uh;〃 Ned Beaumont agreed as they got out of the sedan。
 They entered the Club; separating casually under the Governor's portrait at the head of the stairs on the second floor。
 Ned Beaumont went into a rather small room in the rear where five men were playing stud poker and three were watching them play。 The players made a place for him at the table and by three o'clock; when the game broke up; he had won some four hundred dollars。
 It was nearly noon when Janet Henry arrived at Ned Beaumont's rooms。 He had been pacing the floor; alternately biting his finger…nails and puffing at cigars; for more than an hour。 He went without haste to the door when she rang; opened it; and; smiling with an air of slight but pleasant surprise; said: 〃Good morning。〃
 〃I'm awfully sorry to be late;〃 she began; 〃but〃
 〃But you're not;〃 he assured her。 〃It was to have been any time after ten。〃
 He ushered her into his living…room。
 〃I like this;〃 she said; turning around slowly; examining the old…fashioned room; the height of its ceiling; the width of its windows; the tremendous mirror over the fireplace; the red plush of the furniture。 〃It's delightful。〃 She turned her brown eyes towards a half…open door。 〃Is that your bedroom?〃
 〃Yes。 Would you like to see it?〃 
 〃I'd love to。〃
 He showed her the bedroom; then the kitchen and bathroom。
 〃It's perfect;〃 she said as they returned to the living…room。 〃I didn't know there could be any more of these left in a city as horribly up to date as ours has bee。〃
 He made a little bow to acknowledge her approval。 〃I think it's rather nice and; as you can see; there's no one here to eavesdrop on us unless they're stowed away in a closet; which isn't likely。〃
 She drew herself up and looked straight into his eyes。 〃I did not think of that。 We may not agree; may even beeor now beenemies; but I know you're a gentleman; or I shouldn't be here。〃
 He asked in an amused tone: 〃You mean I've learned not to wear tan shoes with blue suits? Things like that?〃
 〃I don't mean things like that。〃
 He smiled。 〃Then you're wrong。 I'm a gambler and a politician's hanger…on。〃
 〃I'm not wrong。〃 A pleading expression came into her eyes。 〃Please don't let us quarrel; at least not until we must。〃
 〃I'm sorry。〃 His smile was apologetic now。 〃Won't you sit down?〃
 She sat down。 He sat in another wide red chair facing her。 He said: 〃Now you were going to tell me what happened at your house the night your brother was killed。〃
 〃Yes;〃 issuing from her mouth; was barely audible。 Her face became pink and she transferred her gaze to the floor。 When she raised her eyes again they were shy。 Embarrassment clogged her voice: 〃I wanted you to know。 You are Paul's friend and thatthat may make you my enemy; but I think when you know what happenedwhen you know the truth you'll not beat least not be my enemy。 I don't know。 Perhaps you'll But you ought to know。 Then you can decide。 And he hasn't told you。〃 She looked intently at him so that shyness went out of her eyes。 〃Has he?〃
 〃I don't know what happened at your house that night;〃 he said。 〃He didn't tell me。〃
 She leaned towards him quickly to ask: 〃Doesn't that show it's something he wants to conceal; something he has to conceal?〃
 He moved his shoulders。 〃Suppose it does?〃 His voice was unexcited; uneager。
 She frowned。 〃But you must see Never mind that now。 I'll tell you what happened and you can see it for yourself。〃 She continued to lean far forward; staring at his face with intent brown eyes。 〃He came to dinner; the first time we'd had him to dinner。〃
 〃I knew that;〃 Ned Beaumont said; 〃and your brother wasn't there。〃
 〃Taylor wasn't at the dinner…table;〃 she corrected him earnestly; 〃but he was up in his room。 Only Father; Paul; and I were at the table。 Taylor was going out to dinner。 Hehe wouldn't eat with Paul because of the trouble they'd had about Opal。〃
 Ned Beaumont nodded attentively without warmth。
 〃After dinner Paul and I were alone for a little while inin the room where you and I talked last night and he suddenly put his arms around me and kissed me。〃
 Ned Beaumont laughed; not loudly; but with abrupt irrepressible merriment。
 Janet Henry looked at him in surprise。
 He modified his laugh to a smile and said: 〃I'm sorry。 Go on。 I'll tell you later why I laughed。〃 But when she would have gone on he said: 〃Wait。 Did he say anything when he kissed you?〃
 〃No。 That is; he may have; but nothing I understood。〃 Perplexity was deepening in her face。 〃Why?〃
 Ned Beaumont laughed again。 〃He ought to've said something about his pound of flesh。 It was probably my fault。 I had been trying to persuade him not to support your father in the election; had told him that your father was using you as bait to catch his support; and had advised him that if he was willing to be bought that way he ought to be sure and collect his pound of flesh ahead of the election or he'd never get it。〃
 She opened her eyes wide and there was less perplexity in them。
 He said: 〃That was that afternoon; though I didn't think I'd had much luck putting it over。〃 He wrinkled his forehead。 〃What did you do to him? He was meaning to marry you and was chock…full of respect and what not for you and you must have rubbed him pretty thoroughly the wrong way to make him jump at you like that。〃
 〃I didn't do anything to him;〃 she replied slowly; 〃though it had been a difficult evening。 None of us was fortable。 I thoughtI tried not to show thatwellthat I resented having to entertain him。 He wasn't at ease; I know; and I suppose thathis embarrassmentand perhaps a suspicion that you had been right made him〃 She finished the sentence with a brief quick outward motion of both hands。
 Ned Beaumont nodded。 〃What happened then?〃 he asked。
 〃I was furious; of course; and left him。〃
 〃Didn't you say anything to him?〃 Ned Beaumont's eyes twinkled with imperfectly hidden mirth。
 〃No; and he didn't say anything I could hear。 I went upstairs and met Father ing down。 While I was telling him what had happened I was as angry with Father as with Paul; because it was Father's fault that Paul was therewe heard Paul going out the front door。 And then Taylor came down from his room。〃 Her face became white and tense; her voice husky with emotion。 〃He had heard me talking to Father and he asked me what had happened; but I left him there with Father and went on to my room; too angry to talk any more about it。 And I didn't see either of them again until Father came to my room and told me Taylor had had been killed。〃 She stopped talking and looked white…faced at Ned Beaumont; twisting her fingers together; aw
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