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m again; for it seemed that this was what he had been born for; to fight that banner。 He sent every arrow at it; straight as his skill and the void would serve; never worrying about the Trollocs forcing their way across the river; or the men and women dying to either side of him。 It was one of those Trollocs that ran him through; before it loped howling for blood deeper into the Two Rivers。 And as he lay on the bank of the Taren; watching the sky seem to grow dark at noon; breath ing ever slower; he heard a voice say; I have won again; Lews Therin。
       The arrow…and…circle contorted into parallel wavy lines; and he fought it back again。
       Verin's voice。 〃 。。。 right。 Something 。。。〃
       The Power raged。
       Tam tried to console Rand when Egwene took sick and died just a week before their wedding。 Nynaeve tried; too; but she was shaken herself; since for all her skill she had no idea what it was that had killed the girl。 Rand had sat outside Egwene's house while she died; and there seemed to be nowhere in Emond's Field he could go that he did not still hear her screaming。 He knew he could not stay。 Tam gave him a sword with a heron…mark blade; and though he explained little of how a shepherd in the Two Rivers had e by such a thing; he taught Rand how to use it。 On the day Rand left; Tam gave him a letter he said might get Rand taken into the army of Illian; and hugged him; and said; 〃I've never had another son; or wanted another。 e back with a wife like I did; if you can; boy; but e back in any case。〃
       Rand had his money stolen in Baerlon; though; and his letter of introduction; and almost his sword; and he met a woman called Min who told him such crazy things about himself that he finally left the city to get away from her。 Eventually his wanderings brought him to Caemlyn; and there his skill with the sword earned him a place in the Queen's Guards。 Sometimes he found himself looking at the Daughter…Heir; Elayne; and at such times he was filled with odd thoughts that this was not the way things were supposed to be; that there should be something more to his life。 Elayne did not look at him; of course; she married a Tairen prince; though she did not seem happy in it。 Rand was just a soldier; once a shepherd from a small village so far toward the western border that only lines on a map any longer truly connected it to Andor。 Besides; he had a dark reputation; as a man of violent moods。
       Some said he was mad; and in ordinary times perhaps not even his skill with the sword would have kept him in the Guard; but these were not ordinary times。 False Dragons sprang up like weeds。 Every time one was taken down; two more proclaimed themselves; or three; till every nation was torn by war。 And Rand's star rose; for he had learned the secret of his madness; a secret he knew he had to keep and did。 He could channel。 There were always places; times; in a battle when a little channeling; not big enough to be noticed in the confusion; could make luck。 Sometimes it worked; this channeling; and sometimes not; but it worked often enough。 He knew he was mad; and did not care。 A wasting sickness came on him; and he did not care about that; either; and neither did anyone else; for word had e that Artur Hawkwing's armies had returned to reclaim the land。
       Rand led a thousand men when the Queen's Guards crossed the Mountains of Mist … he never thought of turning aside to visit the Two Rivers; he seldom thought of the Two Rivers at all; anymore … and he manded the Guard when the shattered remnants retreated back across the mountains。 The length of Andor he fought and fell back; amid hordes of fleeing refugees; until at last he came to Caemlyn。 Many of the people of Caemlyn had fled already; and many counseled the army to retreat further; but Elayne was Queen; now; and vowed she would not leave Caemlyn。 She would not look at his ruined face; scarred by his sickness; but he could not leave her; and so what was left of the Queen's Guards prepared to defend the Queen while her people ran。
       The Power came to him during the battle for Caemlyn; and he hurled lightning and fire among the invaders; and split the earth under their feet; yet the feeling came again; too; that he had been born for something else。 For all he did; there were too many of the enemy to stop; and they also had those who could channel。 At last; a lightning bolt hurled Rand from the Palace wall; broken; bleeding; and burned; and as his last breath rattled in his throat; he heard a voice whisper; I have won again; Lews Therin。
       Rand struggled to hold the void as it quivered under the hammer blows of the world flickering; to hold the one symbol as a thousand of them darted along the surface of the void。 He struggled to hold on to any one symbol。
       〃。。。 is wrong!〃 Verin screamed。
       The Power was everything。
       Flicker。 Flicker。 Flicker。 Flicker。 Flicker。 Flicker。
       He was a soldier。 He was a shepherd。 He was a beggar; and a king。 He was farmer; gleeman; sailor; carpenter。 He was born; lived; and died an Aiel。 He died mad; he died rotting; he died of sickness; accident; age。 He was executed; and multitudes cheered his death。 He proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn and flung his banner across the sky; he ran from the Power and hid; he lived and died never knowing。 He held off the madness and the sickness for years; he succumbed between two winters。 Sometimes Moiraine came and took him away from the Two Rivers; alone or with those of his friends who had survived Winternight; sometimes she did not。 Sometimes other Aes Sedai came for him。 Sometimes the Red Ajah。 Egwene married him; Egwene; stern…faced in the stole of the Amyrlin Seat; led the Aes Sedai who gentled him; Egwene; with tears in her eyes; plunged a dagger into his heart; and he thanked her as he died。 He loved other women; married other women。 Elayne; and Min; and a fair…haired farmer's daughter met on the road to Caemlyn; and women he had never seen before he lived those lives。 A hundred lives。 More。 So many he could not count them。 And at the end of every life; as he lay dying; as he drew his final breath; a voice whispered in his ear。 I have won again; Lews Therin。
       Flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker。
       The void vanished; contact with saidin fled; and Rand fell with a thud that would have knocked the breath out of him if he had not already been half numb。 He felt rough stone under his cheek; and his hands。 It was cold。
       He was aware of Verin; struggling from her back to hands and knees。 He heard someone vomit roughly; and raised his head。 Uno was kneeling on the ground; scrubbing the back of his hand across his mouth。 Everyone was down; and the horses stood stiff…legged and quivering; eyes wild and rolling。 Ingtar had his sword out; gripping the hilt so hard the blade shook; staring at nothing。 Loial sat sprawled; wide…eyed and stunned。 Mat was huddled in a ball with his arms wrapped around his head; and Perrin h
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