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y。 Without a sound; but Elayne felt the agony。 〃You do what needs doing and leave where we're going to me。〃 The horses leaped away; perhaps as much from eagerness to be gone as from Birgitte's heel in her own mount's flank。
       Elayne hung on to the high cantle of her saddle as grimly as she did to the weave; to saidar itself。 The galloping horse flung her about; and it was all she could do to remain in the saddle。 Aviendha used her saddle's cantle as a prop to keep herself upright; her mouth hung open; sucking air; and her eyes seemed fixed。 The glow surrounded her; though; and that stream of fireballs continued。 Not as fast as before; true; and some shot wide of the gateway; streaking trails of flame through the grass or exploding on the ground beyond; but they still formed and flew。 Elayne took strength; made herself take strength; if Aviendha could keep on when she looked ready to fall on her face; she could; too。
       At a gallop; the gateway began to dwindle; brown grass stretching out between them and the opening; and then the ground was slanting upward。 They were climbing the hill! Birgitte was again the arrow in the bow; all focus; fighting down the agony in her legs; urging her horses for more speed。 All they had to do was reach the crest; reach the other side。
       With a gasp; Aviendha sagged onto her elbows; bouncing on her saddle like a loose sack; the light of saidar flickered around her and was gone。 〃I cannot;〃 she panted。 〃I cannot。〃 That was all she could get out。 Seanchan soldiers began leaping into the meadow almost as soon as the hail of fire ceased。
       〃It's all right;〃 Elayne managed。 Her throat was sand; all the moisture that had been in her now coated her skin and soaked her clothes。 〃Using an angreal is tiring。 You did well; and they can't catch us now。〃
       As if to mock her; a sul'dam appeared in the meadow below; even at half a mile there was no mistaking the two women。 The sun; low in the west; still flashed glints off the a'dam linking them。 Another pair joined them; then a third; and a fourth。 A fifth。
       〃The crest!〃 Birgitte shouted joyfully。 〃We made it! It's good wine and a well set…up man tonight!〃
       In the meadow; a sul'dam pointed; and time seemed to slow for Elayne。 The glow of the One Power sprang up around the woman's damane。 Elayne could see the weave forming。 She knew what it was。 And there was no way to stop it。 〃Faster!〃 she shouted。 The shield struck her。 She should have been too strong for it … she should have been! … but exhausted as she was; barely clinging to saidar as she was; it sliced between her and the Source。 Down in the meadow; the weave that had been a gateway fell in on itself。 Haggard; looking as though she could not possibly move; Aviendha hurled herself from her saddle at Elayne; carrying them both off。 Elayne had just time to see the far slope of the hill below her as she fell。
       The air turned white; blanking her sight。 There was sound … she knew there was sound; a great roar … but it lay beyond hearing。 Something struck her; as if she had fallen from a rooftop onto hard pavement; from a tower top。
       Her eyes opened; staring at the sky。 The sky looked; strange somehow; blurry。 For a moment she could not move; and when she did; she gasped。 She hurt everywhere。 Oh; Light; she hurt! Slowly she raised a hand to her face; her fingers came away red。 Blood。 The others。 She had to help the others。 She could feel Birgitte; feel pain as bad as what gripped her; but at least Birgitte was alive。 And determined; and angry apparently; she could not be injured too badly。 Aviendha。
       With a sob; Elayne rolled over; then pushed up to hands and knees; her head spinning; agony stabbing her side。 Vaguely she recalled that moving with even one broken rib could be dangerous; but the thought was as hazy as the hillside。 Thinking seemed。。。 difficult。 Blinking appeared to help her sight; though。 Some。 She was almost to the bottom of the hill! High above; a haze of smoke rose from the meadow beyond。 Unimportant; now。 Not important at all。
       Thirty paces up the slope; Aviendha was on her hands and knees; too; almost falling over when she raised a hand to wipe away blood that poured down her face; but searching anxiously。 Her gaze fell on Elayne; and she froze; staring。 Elayne wondered how bad she looked。 Surely no worse than Aviendha herself; half of the other woman's skirt was gone; her bodice torn nearly off; and everywhere skin showed; there seemed to be blood。
       Elayne crawled to her。 With her head; it seemed much easier than trying to stand and walk。 As she came close; Aviendha gave a relieved gasp。
       〃You are all right;〃 she said; touching bloody fingers to Elayne's cheek。 〃I was so afraid。 So afraid。〃
       Elayne blinked in surprise。 What she could see of herself appeared in every bit as bad shape as Aviendha。 Her own skirts remained intact; but half of her bodice was ripped away entirely; and she seemed to be bleeding from two dozen gashes。 Then it struck her。 She had not been burned out。 She shivered at the thought。 〃We are both all right;〃 she said softly。
       Well off to one side; Birgitte wiped her belt knife on the mane of Aviendha's gelding and straightened from the still horse。 Her right arm dangled; her coat was gone; along with one boot; and the rest of her garments torn; as much blood stained her skin and clothes as either of theirs。 The crossbow bolt standing out from her thigh seemed to be the worst of her injuries; but the rest certainly added up to as much again。 〃His back was broken;〃 she said; gesturing to the horse at her feet。 〃Mine's well; I think; but the last I saw of him; he was running fit to win the Wreath of Megairil。 I always thought he had a turn of speed。 Lioness。〃 She shrugged; and winced。 〃Elayne; Lioness was dead when I found her。 I'm sorry。〃
       〃We are alive;〃 Elayne said firmly; 〃and that is what counts。〃 She would weep for Lioness later。 The smoke above the hilltop was not thick; but it rose over a wide area。 〃I want to see exactly what it was that I did。〃
       It took clinging to one another for all three of them to stand; and laboring up the hillside was an effort of panting and groans; even from Aviendha。 They sounded as though they had been thrashed within an inch of their lives … which Elayne supposed they had been … and looked as though they had wallowed in a butcher's shambles。 Aviendha still carried the angreal tight in her fist; but even if she or Elayne had possessed more than their small Talent with Healing; neither could have managed to embrace the Source; much less channel。 At the top of the hill; they stood leaning on each other and stared at devastation。
       Fire ringed the meadow; but the heart of it was blackened; smoldering and swept clear even of boulders。 Half the trees on the surrounding slopes were broken or leaning away from the meadow。 Hawks began to appear; riding the hot air rising from the fire; hawks often hunted so; looking for small animals chased into the open by the flames。 Of the Seanchan there was no sign。 Elayne wished there were bodies; so she could be certain they were all dead。 Especially all of the sul'dam。 Gazing down at the bur
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