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 anyone flexed along its edges; changing shape and even size continuously。 Her legs began to tremble; strain stung her eyes as much as sweat did。 She did not know how much longer she could go on。 Gritting her teeth; she fought。 One thread at a time。 One thread at a time。
       A thousand miles away; less than a hundred paces away through the shuddering gateway; dozens of soldiers swept around the white farm buildings; short men carrying crossbows; in brown breastplates and painted helmets that looked like the heads of huge insects。 Behind them came a woman with red panels bearing silver lightning on her skirts; a bracelet on her wrist linked by a silvery leash to the collar around the neck of a woman in gray; and then another sul'dam and her damane; then another pair。 One of the sul'dam pointed at the gateway; and the glow of saidar abruptly enveloped her sul'dam。
       〃Get down!〃 Elayne screamed; falling backward; out of sight of the farmyard; and silver…blue lightning shot through the gateway with a roar that filled her ears; forking savagely in every direction。 Her hair lifted; every strand trying to stand on its own; and thunderous fountains of earth erupted wherever one of the forks struck。 Dirt and pebbles rained down on her。
       Hearing returned suddenly; and a man's voice from the other side of the opening; a slurred; drawling accent that made her skin crawl as much as the words。 〃。。。 must take them alive; you fools!〃
       Abruptly one of the soldiers was leaping into the meadow right in front of her。 Birgitte's arrow punched through the clenched fist embossed on his leather breastplate。 A second Seanchan soldier stumbled over the first as he fell; and Aviendha's belt knife stabbed into his throat before he could recover。 Arrows flew from Birgitte's bow like hail; with one boot on the horses' reins; she grinned grimly as she shot。 The trembling horses tossed their heads and danced as if they would jerk free and run; but Birgitte simply stood and shot as fast as she could draw。 Shouts from beyond the gateway said Birgitte Silverbow still struck home with every shaft she loosed。 Answer came; quick as bad thought; black streaks; crossbow bolts。 So quick; all happening so fast。 Aviendha fell; blood running over the fingers clutching her right arm; but she let go of her wound immediately; crawling clear; scrabbling on the ground for the angreal; her face set。 Birgitte cried out; dropping her bow; she grabbed her thigh where a quarrel stuck out。 Elayne felt the stab of agony as sharply as if it were her own。
       Desperately; she seized another thread from where she lay half on her back。 And realized to her horror after one tug that it was all she could do to hold on。 Had the thread moved? Had it slipped free any at all? If it had; she did not dare let go。 The thread trembled greasily in her grasp。
       〃Alive; I said!〃 that Seanchan voice roared。 〃Anyone who kills a woman gets no share of the taking gold!〃 The flurry of crossbow bolts ceased。
       〃You wish to take me?〃 Aviendha shouted。 〃Then e and dance with me!〃 Saidar's glow abruptly surrounded her; dim even with the angreal; and balls of fire sprang into being in front of the gateway and sprayed through again and again。 Not very large balls; but the blasts as they burst back in Altara sounded in a steady stream。 Aviendha panted with effort; though; her face glistened with sweat。 Birgitte had recovered her bow; she looked every inch the hero of legend; blood streaming down her leg; barely able to stand; but an arrow half drawn; searching for a target。
       Elayne tried to control her breathing。 She could not embrace one shred more of the Power; nothing to help。 〃The two of you must get away;〃 she said。 She could not believe how she sounded; calm as ice; she knew she should have been wailing。 Her heart was trying to pound through her ribs。 〃I don't know how much longer I can hold this。〃 That held true for the entire weave as much as for that single thread。 Was it sliding? Was it? 〃Go; as fast as you can。 The other side of the hills should be safe; but every span you can cover gains something。 Go!〃
       Birgitte growled in the Old Tongue; but nothing that Elayne knew。 It sounded like phrases she would like to learn。 If there was ever a chance。 Birgitte went on in words Elayne could understand。 〃You let that bloody thing go before I tell you; and you won't have to worry about waiting for Nynaeve to skin you; I'll do it myself。 And then let her have a turn。 Just be quiet and hang on! Aviendha; get around here … behind that thing! … can you keep that up from behind it? … get around here and on one of these bloody horses。〃
       〃As long as I can see where to weave;〃 Aviendha replied; staggering to her feet。 She wobbled sideways and barely caught herself short of falling。 Blood flowed down her sleeve from a wicked gash。 〃I think I can。〃 She vanished behind the gateway; and the fireballs continued。 You could see through a gateway from the other side; though it appeared to be a heat haze hanging in the air。 You could not walk through from that side; though … the attempt would be extremely painful … and when Aviendha reappeared; she was stumbling well wide。 Birgitte helped her mount her gelding; but backwards; of all things!
       When Birgitte motioned fiercely to her; Elayne did not bother with shaking her head。 For one thing; she feared what might happen if she did。 〃I'm not certain I can hold on if I try to get up。〃 In truth; she was not certain she could get up; tired was no longer in it; her muscles were water。 〃Ride as fast as you can。 I'll hold on as long as I'm able。 Please; go!〃
       Muttering curses in the Old Tongue … they had to be; nothing else ever had the sound! … Birgitte shoved the horses' reins into Aviendha's hands。 Nearly falling twice; she hobbled to Elayne and bent to take her by the shoulders。 〃You can hang on;〃 she said; her voice filled with the same conviction Elayne felt from her。 〃I never met a Queen of Andor before you; but I've known queens like you。 A backbone of steel and a lion's heart。 You can do it!〃
       Slowly she pulled Elayne up; not waiting for an answer; her face tight; every stab in her leg echoing in Elayne's head。 Elayne quivered with the effort of holding the weave; holding that one thread; she was surprised to find herself erect。 And alive。 Birgitte's leg throbbed madly in her head。 She tried not to lean on Birgitte; but her own trembling limbs would not support her pletely。 As they lurched toward the horses; each half leaning on the other; she kept looking back over her shoulder。 She could hold a weave without looking at it … she could normally … but she needed to reassure herself that she really did still have a grip on that one thread; that it was not slipping。 The gateway now appeared like no weave she had ever seen; twisting wildly; wreathed with fuzzed tentacles。
       With a groan; Birgitte heaved her into her saddle more than helped her。 Backward; just like Aviendha! 〃You have to see;〃 she explained; limping to her gelding; holding the reins of all three horses; she pulled herself up painfully。 Without a sound; but Elayne felt the agony。 〃You do what needs doing and leave where we're going 
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