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to force a woman into a circle。 If you doubt; try it yourself。 You will see。〃
       Renaile nodded; accepting at last; there was very little else to do when an Aes Sedai made a simple statement of fact。 Yet Elayne wondered。 What was in the pages that had not survived? She had noticed a slight change in Sareitha's inflection at one point。 She had questions。 For later; when there were fewer ears around。
       When Renaile and Sareitha withdrew; Nynaeve twitched her divided skirts straight; plainly irritated at the interruption; and opened her mouth again。
       〃Continue your demonstration; Nynaeve;〃 Caire manded harshly。 Her dark face might have been smooth as a frozen pond; but she was not very pleased; either。
       Nynaeve's mouth worked before she could make any sound e out; and when it did; she went on in a rush; as though afraid someone else might break in。
       The next part of the lesson was passing control of the circle。 That had to be done voluntarily; too; and even as she reached out toward Nynaeve; Elayne held her breath until she felt the subtle shift that meant she now controlled the Power flowing into her。 And that flowing through Nynaeve; of course。 She had not been sure it would work。 Nynaeve could form a circle easily; if not with any finesse; but passing guidance also involved a form of surrender; Nynaeve had considerable difficulties relinquishing control or being brought into a circle; just as she had once had difficulty surrendering to saidar。 Which was why Elayne kept the guidance for now。 It would have to be passed to Caire; and Nynaeve might not be able to manage letting go twice。 Those apologies must have been much easier for her。
       Elayne linked next with Aviendha; so Talaan could actually see how it was done with an angreal; as much as there was to see; and it went perfectly; Aviendha was a very quick study; blending in easily。 Talaan was quick as well; it turned out; adding her still greater angreal…aided flow without a hitch。 One by one; Elayne brought them in; and she herself almost shivered at the river of the Power that streamed into her。 No one yet was drawing nearly as much as she could; but it added up; especially with angreal involved。 Elayne's awareness climbed higher with each addition of saidar。 She could smell the heavy scents in the lacework gold boxes that the Windfinders wore around their necks; and separate one from another。 She could make out each fold and crease in everyone's clothes as sharply as if she had her nose pressed to the cloth; more sharply。 She was aware of the faintest movement of the air against her hair and skin; caresses she never would have noticed without the Power。
       That was not the whole of her awareness; of course。 The link had a certain kinship to the Warder bond; just as intense and somehow even more intimate。 She knew that a tiny blister from climbing the hill made a spot of pain on Nynaeve's right heel; Nynaeve always talked about good stout shoes; but she had a weakness for slippers with a great deal of embroidery。 Nynaeve wore a fixed frown; directed at Caire; her arms were crossed; her fingers wearing the angreal played on the braid pulled over her right shoulder; every line of her of a piece; yet inside she was a maelstrom of emotions。 Fear; worry; anticipation; irritation; wariness and impatience bounced over each other; and washing through it all; sometimes submerging the rest; ripples of warmth and waves of heat that threatened to burst into flame。 Those last Nynaeve suppressed quickly; especially the heat; but they always returned。 Elayne almost thought she could recognize them; but it was like something glimpsed from the corner of your eye that was gone when you turned your head。
       Surprisingly; Aviendha felt fear; too; but small and tightly contained; and all but swallowed by determination。 Garenia and Kirstian; shaking visibly; were nearly pure terror; so strong it was amazing that they could even have begun to embrace the Source。 What filled Reanne to overflowing was eagerness; and no matter her skirt smoothing。 As for the Atha'an Miere。。。 Even Tebreille exuded a wary alertness; and it did not take the quick darting of Metarra's eyes; and Rainyn's; to know the focus was Caire; watching them all; impatient and manding。
       Her; Elayne left to last; and it was no real surprise that she had to make four tries … four! … to bring the woman into the circle。 Caire was no better at yielding than Nynaeve。 Elayne desperately hoped the woman had been chosen for ability; not rank。
       〃I will now pass the circle to you;〃 she told the Windfinder when it finally was done。 〃If you recall what I did with Ny… 〃 Words froze momentarily in her throat as guidance of the circle was torn from her surrender; a sensation like having a sudden burst of wind rip all of her clothes off or yank the bones out of her。 She exhaled fiercely; and if it sounded close to spitting; well; so be it。
       〃Good;〃 Caire said; rubbing her hands together。 〃Good。〃 Her attention focused on the Bowl; her head twisting this way and that as she studied it。 Well; perhaps not all her attention。 Reanne started to sit down; and without looking up; Caire snapped; 〃Hold your station; woman! This isn't a fish lolly! Stand till you're told to move!〃
       Startled; Reanne jerked back to her feet; muttering under her breath; but she might as well have ceased to exist as far as Caire was concerned。 The Windfinder's eyes remained on the flattened crystal shape。 Elayne felt resolve in her great enough to move a mountain。 And something else; tiny and quickly stamped out。 Uncertainty。 Uncertainty? If after all of this; the woman really did not know what to do …
       At that moment; Caire drew deeply。 Saidar flooded through Elayne; almost as much as she could hold; an unbroken ring of light blazed into being; joining the women in the circle; brighter wherever one used an angreal; but nowhere faint。 She watched closely as Caire channeled; forming a plex weave of all Five Powers; a four…pointed star that she laid atop the Bowl with what Elayne somehow was sure was exquisite precision。 The star touched; and Elayne gasped。 Once; she had channeled a trickle into the Bowl … in Tel'aran'rhiod; to be sure; and only a reflection of the Bowl; though still a dangerous thing to do … and that clear crystal had turned a pale blue; and the carved clouds moved。 Now; the Bowl of the Winds was blue; the bright blue of a summer sky; and fleecy white clouds billowed across it。
       The four…point star became five…pointed; the position of the weave altered slightly; and the Bowl was a green sea with great heaving waves。 Five points became six; and it was another sky; a different blue; darker; winter perhaps; with purple clouds heavy with rain or snow。 Seven points; and a gray…green sea raged in storm。 Eight points and sky。 Nine and sea; and suddenly; Elayne felt the Bowl itself drawing saidar; a wild torrent far greater than all the circle together could manage。
       The changes continued unabated inside the Bowl; sea to sky; waves to clouds; but a writhing; braided column of saidar shot up from that flattish crystal disc; Fire and Air; Water and Earth and Spirit; a column of intr
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