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a voice that might have been heard at the base of the hill。 〃Today; we shall do what has not been done since the Breaking of the World; when our ancestors fought wind and wave gone mad。 By the Bowl of the Winds and the mercy of the Light; they survived。 Today; we will use the Bowl of the Winds; lost to us for more than two thousand years; and now returned。 I have studied the ancient lore; studied the records of the days when our foremothers first learned the sea and the Weaving of the Winds; and the salt entered our blood。 What is known of the Bowl of the Winds; I know; more than anyone else。〃 Her eyes cut toward her sister; a satisfied glance that Tebreille did not acknowledge。 Which seemed to satisfy Caire even more。 〃What the Aes Sedai cannot do; I will do today; if it pleases the Light。 I expect every woman to stand her station to the last。 I will not accept failure。〃
       The rest of the Atha'an Miere seemed to accept that speech as expected and proper; but the Kinswomen gaped at Caire in astonishment。 In Elayne's opinion; grandiose did not begin to describe it; plainly Caire fully expected that the Light would be pleased; and she would be most displeased if it was not! Nynaeve rolled her eyes to the heavens and opened her mouth。 Caire forestalled her。
       〃Nynaeve;〃 the Windfinder announced loudly; 〃you will now demonstrate your skill at linking。 Be about it; woman; and quickly!〃
       In response; Nynaeve shut her eyes tight。 Her lips。。。 writhed。 She looked about to burst a blood vessel。 〃I assume that means I have permission to speak!〃 she murmured。 Fortunately too low to be heard by Caire; on the far side of the circle。 Opening her eyes; she put on a smile that was quite horrible when added to the rest of her expression。 She was a sour stomach and several other plaints rolled into one。
       〃The first thing is to embrace the True Source; Caire。〃 The light of saidar suddenly shone bright around Nynaeve; she was using the angreal on her hand already; by what Elayne could feel。 〃I assume you know how to do that; of course。〃 Ignoring the abrupt tightening of Caire's mouth; Nynaeve went on。 〃Elayne will now assist me in the demonstration。 If we have your permission?〃
       〃I prepare myself to embrace the Source;〃 Elayne put in quickly; before Caire could erupt; 〃but I don't actually embrace it。〃 She opened herself; and the Windfinders leaned forward; peering at her; though there really was nothing to see yet。 Even Kirstian and Garenia forgot their fear enough to show interest。 〃While I'm at this point; the rest is up to Nynaeve。〃
       〃Now I will reach out to her。。。 〃 Nynaeve paused; looking at Talaan。 Elayne had not had a chance to tell her anything; really。 It's much the same as with an angreal。〃 Nynaeve said; addressing the slender apprentice。 Caire growled; and Talaan tried to watch Nynaeve with her head down。 〃You open yourself to the Source through an angreal; just as I will through Elayne。 As though you mean to embrace the angreal and the Source at the same time。 It isn't very difficult; really。 Watch; and you'll see。 When it's time to bring you into the circle; just put yourself on the brink。 That way; when I embrace through you; I'll embrace through the angreal as well。〃
       Concentration or no concentration; sweat began to bead on Elayne's forehead。 But then; the heat had nothing to do with it。 The True Source beckoned; it throbbed; and she throbbed with it。 It demanded。 The longer she hung just a hairsbreadth from touching the Power; the worse the desire; the need; would grow。 Hanging; she began to tremble slightly。 Vandene had told her that the longer you channeled; the worse that anticipation grew。
       〃Watch with Aviendha;〃 Nynaeve told Talaan。 〃She knows how to … 〃 She caught sight of Elayne's face and finished hurriedly。 〃Watch!〃
       It was not exactly the same as using an angreal; though very close。 It was not meant to be done hurriedly; either; Nynaeve did not have a soft touch; at best。 Elayne felt as though she were being shaken; nothing happened physically; but inside her head she seemed to be bouncing around; tumbling wildly downhill。 Worse; she was jostled toward embracing saidar with excruciating slowness。 It took less than a heartbeat; and seemed to take hours; days。 She wanted to howl; but she could not breathe。 Abruptly; like a dam bursting; the One Power flowed through her; a rush of life and joy; of bliss; and breath left her in a long gasp of pleasure and relief so overwhelming that her legs wobbled。 It was all she could do to keep from panting。 Tottering; pulling herself up; she gave Nynaeve a stern look; and Nynaeve shrugged apologetically。 Twice in one day! The sun had to be turning green。
       〃I now control the flow of saidar from her as well as my own;〃 Nynaeve went on; not quite meeting Elayne's eyes; 〃and will until I let her go。 Now; don't fear that whoever leads the circle;〃 she shot a frown at Caire and sniffed; 〃can make you draw too much。 This really is a great deal like an angreal。 The angreal buffers you against the extra Power; and in somewhat the same way; in a circle you can't be made to draw too much。 In fact; in a circle you can't draw quite as much as you can otherwi…〃
       〃This is dangerous!〃 Renaile broke in; shouldering roughly between Caire and Tebreille。 Her scowl took in Nynaeve; Elayne; and the sisters standing off from the circle as well。 〃You say that one woman can simply seize another; hold her captive; use her? How long have you Aes Sedai known this? I warn you; if you try to use it on one of us … 〃 It was her turn to be cut off。
       〃It doesn't work that way; Renaile。〃 Sareitha touched Garenia; and she and Kirstian leaped apart to make room。 The young Brown eyed Nynaeve uncertainly; then folded her hands and took on a lecturing tone; as if addressing a class。 With it came posure; perhaps she did see Renaile as a pupil right then。 〃The Tower studied this for many years; long before the Trolloc Wars。 I have read every page that survives in the Tower Library of those studies。 It was proven conclusively that one woman cannot form a link with another against her will。 It simply cannot be done; nothing happens。 A willing surrender is necessary; just as in embracing to saidar itself。〃 She sounded absolutely definite; but Renaile still frowned; too many people knew how Aes Sedai could sidestep the Oath against lying。
       〃And why did they study it?〃 Renaile demanded。 〃Why was the White Tower so interested in such a thing? Perhaps you Aes Sedai still study?〃
       〃That is ridiculous。〃 Exasperation dripped from Sareitha's voice。 〃If you must know; it was the problem of men who can channel that drew them to it。 The Breaking of the World was a living memory to some; then。 I don't suppose even very many sisters remember … it hasn't been part of the required instruction since before the Trolloc Wars … but men can be brought into a circle; too; and as the circle doesn't break even if you go to sleep。。。 Well; you can see the advantages。 That was an utter failure; unfortunately。 More to the point here; I say again that it is impossible to force a woman into a circle。 If you doubt; try it yourself。 You will see。〃
       Renaile nodded
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