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 anything。 If only Rand had not been the example used quite so often。 If he had been there; she would have boxed his ears。 And kissed him。 Then boxed his ears again。
       Not a pleasant ride at all。 A miserable ride。
       Nynaeve made several more brief visits; before finally ing to announce that the Kin's farm lay just ahead; out of sight around a low rounded hill that appeared ready to fall on its side。 Reanne had been pessimistic in her estimate; the sun had not fallen nearly two hours' worth。
       We'll be there very quickly; now;〃 Nynaeve told Elayne; not seeming to notice the sullen stare Elayne gave in return。 〃Lan; fetch Reanne up here; please。 Best if they see a familiar face right away。〃 He whirled his horse away; and Nynaeve turned in her saddle briefly to fix the sisters with a firm eye。 〃I don't want you frightening them; now。 You hold your tongues until we have a chance to explain what's what。 And hide your faces。 Pull up the hoods of your cloaks。〃 Straightening without waiting for any reply; she gave a satisfied nod。 〃There。 All settled; and all right。 I vow; Elayne; I don't know what you were moaning so about。 Everyone's doing exactly as they should; so far as I can see。〃
       Elayne ground her teeth。 She wished they were in Caemlyn already。 That was where they were heading once this was done。 She had duties long overdue in Caemlyn。 All she had to deal with there was convincing the stronger Houses that the Lion Throne was hers despite her long absence; that and handling a rival claimant or two。 There might not have been any had she been there when her mother vanished; when she died; but the history of Andor said there would be by now。 Somehow; it seemed ever so much easier than this。
Chapter 4 
(Female Silhouettes) 
A Quiet Place 
       The Kin's farm lay in a broad hollow surrounded by three low hills; a sprawling affair of more than a dozen large; white…plastered buildings with flat roofs; gleaming in the sun。 Four great barns were built right into the slope of the highest hill; a flat…topped thing with one side that fell away in steep cliffs beyond the barns。 A few tall trees that had not lost all of their leaves provided a modicum of shade in the farmyard。 To the north and east; olive groves marched away and even up the sides of the hills。 A sort of slow bustle enveloped the farm; with easily over a hundred people in evidence despite the afternoon heat; carrying on all the everyday tasks but none quickly。
       It might almost have passed for a small village instead of a farm; except that there was not a man or a child to be seen。 Elayne did not expect any。 This was a waypoint for Kinswomen passing through Ebou Dar to elsewhere; so there would not be too many in the city itself at one time; but that was a secret matter; as secret as the Kin themselves。 Publicly this farm was known for two hundred miles or more as a retreat for women; a place for contemplation and escape from the cares of the world for a time; a few days; a week; sometimes longer。 Elayne could almost feel serenity in the air。 She might have regretted bringing the world into this quiet place; except that she also brought new hope。
       The first appearance of the horses ing around the leaning hill produced far less stir than she expected。 A number of the women stopped to watch; but no more than that。 Their clothing varied widely … Elayne even saw a sheen of silk here and there … but some carried baskets and others buckets; or great white bundles of what had to be wash。 One held a pair of bound ducks by the feet in either hand。 Noblewoman and craftswoman; farmer and beggar; all were equally wele here; but everyone did a share of the work during her stay。 Aviendha touched Elayne's arm; then pointed to the top of one of the hills; a thing like an inverted funnel skewed to one side。 Elayne added a hand to the shade of her hat and after a moment saw movement。 Small wonder no one was surprised。 Lookouts up there could see anyone ing from a long way。
       A middling woman walked out to meet them short of the farm buildings。 Her dress was in the Ebou Dari style; with a deep narrow neckline; but her dark skirts and brightly colored petticoats were short enough that she did not need to hold them up out of the dust。 She did not wear a marriage knife; the Kin's rules prohibited marriage。 The Kin had too many secrets to keep。
       〃That's Alise;〃 Reanne murmured; reining in between Nynaeve and Elayne。 〃She runs the farm this turn。 She's very intelligent。〃 Almost like an afterthought; she added; even more quietly; 〃Alise does not suffer fools gladly。〃 As Alise approached; Reanne drew herself up in her saddle; squaring her shoulders as though for an ordeal。
       Middling was exactly how Elayne thought of Alise; not someone to give Reanne pause; certainly; even had she not been the Eldest of the Knitting Circle。 Straight…backed; Alise appeared to be somewhere in her middle years; neither slender nor stout; tall nor short; a little gray flecking dark brown hair that was tied back with a piece of ribbon; but in a very practical manner。 Her face was unremarkable; though pleasant enough; a mild face; perhaps a little long in the jaw。 When she saw Reanne; she gave a fleeting look of surprise; then smiled。 That smile transformed everything。 It did not make her beautiful or even pretty; but Elayne felt warmed by it; forted。
       〃I hardly expected to see you。。。 Reanne;〃 Alise said; barely hesitating over the name。 Obviously she was unsure whether to use Reanne's rightful title in front of Nynaeve and Elayne and Aviendha。 She studied them with quick glances as she spoke。 There seemed to be a bit of Tarabon in her voice。 〃Berowin brought word of trouble in the city; of course; but I didn't think it was so bad you would have to leave。 Who are all these。。。 〃 Her words trailed off; and her eyes widened; staring beyond them。
       Elayne glanced back; nearly loosing a few of the choice phrases she had picked up in various places; most recently from Mat Cauthon。 She did not understand all of them; not most of them really … nobody ever wanted to explain what they meant exactly … but they did have a way of relieving emotion。 The Warders had doffed their color…shifting cloaks; and the sisters had drawn up the hoods of their dust…cloaks as instructed; even Sareitha; who had no need to hide her youthful face; but Careane had not pulled hers forward far enough。 It simply framed her ageless features。 Not everyone would know what they were seeing; yet anyone who had been in the Tower surely would。 Careane jerked the hood forward at Elayne's glare; but the damage was done。
       Others at the farm beside Alise possessed sharp eyes。 〃Aes Sedai!〃 a woman howled in tones suitable for announcing the end of the world。 Perhaps she was; for her world。 Shrieks spread like dust blown on the wind; and that quickly; the farm became a kicked anthill。 Here and there a woman simply fainted dead away; but most ran wildly; screaming; dropping what they carried; bumping into one another; falling down and scrambling up to run on。 Flapping ducks and chickens and short…horned black goats darted wildly to avoid being trampled。 In the midst o
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