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lla replaced her。
       Every time one of the Kinswomen came to make her roundabout plea to be relieved of Ispan; one of the sisters came soon after to offer the same plea。 All save Merilille; who still blinked whenever Elayne looked at her。 Perhaps shouting did have its uses。 Certainly no one else tried to be so straightforward in attacking the Kin。
       For instance; Vandene began with discussing the Sea Folk and how to counter the effects of the bargain made with them; why it was necessary to counter them as much as possible。 She was quite matter…of…fact; with never a word or gesture to lay any blame。 Not that she needed any; the subject did that; however delicately handled。 The White Tower; she said; maintained its influence in the world not by force of arms; or persuasion; or even by plotting or manipulation; though those two she brushed past lightly。 Rather the White Tower controlled or influenced events to whatever extent they did because everyone saw the Tower as standing apart and above; as more even than kings or queens。 That in turn depended on every Aes Sedai being seen that way; as mysterious and apart; different from everyone else。 A different flesh。 Historically; Aes Sedai who could not manage that … and there were a few … were kept out of public view as much as possible。
       It took Elayne a little while to realize that the thrust of the conversation had shifted away from the Sea Folk; and to see where it was headed。 A different flesh; mysterious and apart; could not have a sack thrust over its head and be tied across a saddle。 Not where anyone who was not Aes Sedai could see; anyway。 In truth; the sisters would be rougher on Ispan than the Knitting Circle could possibly make themselves be; just not in public。 The argument might have borne more weight had it e first; but as it was; Elayne sent Vandene packing as quickly as she did anyone else。 And saw her replaced by Adeleas; right after Sibella was told that if none of the Knitting Circle could understand what Ispan was mumbling; then none of the sisters was likely to either。 Mumbling! Light! The Aes Sedai took their repeated turns; and even knowing what they were up to; sometimes it was hard to see the connection at first。 By the time Careane began by telling her that those boulders really had been toes once; supposedly on a statue of some warrior queen nearly two hundred feet high。。。
       〃Ispan stays where she is;〃 she told Careane coolly without waiting for more。 〃Now; unless you really want to tell me why the Shiotans thought of putting up a statue like that。。。 〃 The Green said ancient records claimed it had worn little more than armor; and not a great deal of that! A queen! 〃No? Then; if you don't mind; I'd like to talk with Aviendha alone。 Thank you so much。〃 Even being curt did not stop them; of course。 She was surprised they did not send Merilille's maid to take a turn。
       None of this would have happened had Nynaeve been where she was meant to be。 At least; Elayne was sure that Nynaeve could have quelled the Knitting Circle and the sisters both; in short order。 She was a great one for quelling。 The problem was that Nynaeve had glued herself tight to Lan's side before they left the first clearing。 The Warders scouted ahead and to both sides of their path; and sometimes to the rear; only riding back to the column long enough to report what they had seen or give directions on how to avoid a farm or a shepherd。 Birgitte ranged far; never spending more than moments with Elayne。 Lan ranged farther。 And where Lan went; Nynaeve went。
       〃No one's making any trouble; are they?〃 she demanded with a dark stare for the Sea Folk; the first time she followed Lan back。 〃Well; that's all right; then;〃 she said before Elayne had a chance to open her mouth。 Spinning her round…bellied mare like a racer; she nicked the reins and galloped after Lan holding her hat on with one hand; catching up to him just as he vanished around the flank of the hill ahead。 Of course; then there really was nothing to plain about。 Reanne had made her visit; and Merilille hers; and everything seemed settled。
       By the next time Nynaeve appeared; Elayne had suffered through a number of disguised attempts to have Ispan turned over to the sisters; Aviendha had spoken to Kurin; and the Windfinders were on a slow boil; but when Elayne explained; Nynaeve simply looked around; frowning。 Of course; right at that moment everyone had to be where they belonged。 The Atha'an Miere wore glares; true; but the Knitting Circle were all behind them; and as for the other sisters; no group of novices could have appeared more well…behaved and innocent。 Elayne wanted to shriek!
       〃I'm sure you can handle everything; Elayne;〃 Nynaeve said。 〃You have had all that training to be a queen。 This can't be anywhere near so … Drat the man! He's going again! You can handle it。〃 And off she went; galloping that poor mare as though it were a warhorse。
       That was when Aviendha chose to discuss how Rand seemed to like kissing the sides of her neck。 And incidentally how much she had liked it。 Elayne had liked that when he did it to her; too; but however used to discussing this sort of thing she had bee … unfortably used to it … she did not want to talk about it right then。 She was angry with Rand。 It was unfair; but if not for him; she could have told Nynaeve to stop treating Lan like a child who might trip over his own feet and attend to her own duties。 She almost wanted to blame him for the way the Knitting Circle was behaving; too; and the other sisters; and the Windfinders。 It's one of the things men are for; taking the blame; she remembered Lini saying once; and laughing while she did。 They usually deserve it; even if you don't know exactly how。 Not fair; yet she wished he were there long enough for her to box his ears; just once。 Long enough to kiss him; to have him kiss the sides of her neck softly。 Long enough to。。。
       〃He will listen to advice; even when he doesn't like hearing it;〃 she said abruptly; her face reddening。 Light; for all her talk about shame; in some areas Aviendha had none。 And it seemed that she herself no longer had any; either! 〃But if I tried to push him; he dug in his heels even when it was plain that I was right。 Was he that way with you?〃
       Aviendha glanced at her and appeared to understand。 Elayne was not sure whether she liked that or not。 At least there was no more talk of Rand and kissing。 For a while; anyway。 Aviendha had some knowledge of men … she had traveled with them as a Maiden of the Spear; fought beside them … but she had never wanted to be anything but Far Dareis Mai; and there were。。。 gaps。 Even with her dolls as a child she had always played at the spears and raiding。 She had never flirted; did not understand it; and she did not understand why she felt the way she did when Rand's eyes fell on her; or a hundred other things Elayne had begun learning the first time she noticed a boy looking at her differently than he did at the other boys。 She expected Elayne to teach her all of it; and Elayne tried。 She really could talk to Aviendha about anything。 If only Rand had not been the example used quite so often。 If he had been there; she woul
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