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       〃I think you should leave that with me;〃 she said to Sedore in tones only a fraction warmer than the snow outside。 〃The Mother likes to consider her decrees carefully; as you know。 This would not be the first time she changed her mind after signing。〃 She held out a slim hand。
       Sedore; whose arrogance was notable even among Yellows; barely hesitated before giving her the leather folder。
       Elaida ground her teeth in fury。 Sedore had hated her five days up to her elbows in hot water and scrub boards。 Elaida would find something less fortable for her next time。 Maybe Silviana after all。 Maybe cleaning the cesspits!
       Alviarin stepped aside without a word; and the Sitters went; adjusting shawls; muttering to themselves; reassuming the dignity of the Hall。 Briskly; Alviarin closed the door behind them and walked toward Elaida thumbing through the papers in the folder。 The decrees she had signed hoping Alviarin was dead。 Of course; she had not rested on hope。 She had not spoken to Seaine; in case someone might see and tell Alviarin when she returned; but Seaine was certainly working away as instructed; following the path of treason that surely would lead to Alviarin Freidhen。 But Elaida had hoped。 Oh; how she had hoped。
       Alviarin murmured to herself as she rifled the folder。 〃This can go through; I suppose。 But not this。 Or this。 And certainly not this!〃 She crumpled a decree; signed and sealed by the Amyrlin Seat; and tossed it to the floor contemptuously。 Stopping beside Elaida's gilded chair; with the Flame of Tar Valon in moonstones atop its high back; she slapped the folder and her own parchment down on the table。 And then slapped Elaida's face so hard she saw black flecks。
       〃I thought we had settled this; Elaida。〃 The monstrous woman's voice made the snowstorm outside seem warm。 〃I know how to save the Tower from your blunders; and I won't have you making new ones behind my back。 If you persist; be assured that I will see you deposed; stilled; and howling under the birch before every initiate and even the servants!〃
       With an effort; Elaida kept her hand away from her cheek。 She did not need a mirror to tell her it was red。 She had to be careful。 Seaine had found nothing yet; or she would have e。 Alviarin could open her mouth before the Hall and reveal the whole disastrous kidnapping of the al'Thor boy。 She might see her deposed; and stilled and birched with that alone; but Alviarin had another string to her bow。 Toveine Gazal was leading fifty sisters and two hundred of the Tower Guard against a Black Tower Elaida had been sure; when she gave the orders; held perhaps two or three men who could channel。 Yet even with the hundreds … hundreds! with Alviarin staring coldly down at her; that thought still curdled Elaida's stomach! … even with hundreds of these Asha'man; she had hope for Toveine。 The Black Tower would be rent in fire and blood; she had Foretold; and sisters would walk its grounds。 Surely that meant that somehow; Toveine would triumph。 More; the rest of the Foretelling had told her that the Tower would regain all its old glories under her; that al'Thor himself would quail at her anger。 Alviarin had heard the words ing out of Elaida's mouth when the Foretelling took her。 And she had not remembered later; when she began her blackmail; had not understood her own doom。 Elaida waited in patience。 She would repay the woman threefold! But she could be patient。 For now。
       Making no attempt to hide her sneer; Alviarin pushed the folder aside and moved the single parchment in front of Elaida。 She flipped open the green…and…gold writing case; dipped Elaida's pen in the inkwell and thrust it at her。 〃Sign。〃
       Elaida took the pen wondering what madness she would be putting her name to this time。 Yet another increase in the Tower Guard; when the rebels would be done before there was any use for soldiers? Another attempt to make the Ajahs reveal publicly which sisters headed them? That had certainly fallen on its nose! Reading quickly; she felt a knot of ice grow in her belly and keep growing。 Giving each Ajah final authority over any sister in its quarter no matter her own Ajah had been the worst insanity so far … how could picking apart the very fabric of the Tower save it? … but this …!
       The world now knows that Rand al'Thor is the Dragon Reborn。 The world knows that he is a man who can touch the One Power。 Such men have lain within the authority of the White Tower since time immemorial。 The Dragon Reborn is granted the protection of the Tower; but whosoever attempts to approach him save through the White Tower lies attainted of treason against the Light; and anathema is pronounced against them now and forever。 The world may rest easily knowing that the White Tower will safely guide the Dragon Reborn to the Last Battle and the inevitable triumph。
       Automatically; numbly; she added 〃of the Light〃 after 〃triumph;〃 but then her hand froze。 Publicly acknowledging al'Thor as the Dragon Reborn could be borne; since he was; and this might lead many to accept the rumors that he had knelt to her already; which would prove useful; but for the rest; she could not believe so much damage could be contained in so few words。
       〃The Light have mercy;〃 she breathed fervently。 〃If this is proclaimed; it will be impossible to convince al'Thor that his abduction was unsanctioned。〃 It would be hard enough without; but she had seen people convinced before that what had happened; had not; and them in the middle of it happening。 〃And he will be ten times on his guard against another attempt。 Alviarin; at best; this will frighten away a few of his followers。 At best!〃 Many likely had waded so deep with him they did not dare try to wade back。 Certainly not if they thought anathema already hung over their heads! 〃I might as well set fire to the Tower with my own hand as sign this!〃
       Alviarin sighed impatiently。 〃You haven't forgotten your catechism; have you? Say it for me; as I taught you。〃
       Elaida's lips pressed of their own accord。 One pleasure in the woman's absence … not the greatest; but a very real pleasure … had been not being forced to repeat that vile litany every day。 〃I will do as I am told;〃 she said at last; in a flat voice。 She was the Amyrlin Seat! 〃I will speak the words you tell me to speak; and no more。〃 Her Foretelling ordained her triumph; but; oh; Light; let it e soon! 〃I will sign what you tell me to sign; and nothing else。 I am。。。 〃 She choked over the last。 〃I am obedient to your will。〃
       〃You sound as if you need to be reminded of the truth of that;〃 Alviarin said with another sigh。 〃I suppose I've left you alone too long。〃 She tapped the parchment with a peremptory finger。 〃Sign。〃
       Elaida signed; dragging the pen across the parchment。 There was nothing else she could do。
       Alviarin barely waited for the pen's nib to lift before snatching up the decree。 〃I will seal this myself;〃 she said; heading for the door。 〃I shouldn't have left the Amyrlin's seal where you could find it。 I want to talk to you later。 I have left you to yourself too long。 Be here when I return。〃
       〃Later?〃 Elaida said。 〃When? Alvia
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