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a woman channeling。 Then es a simple herb; forkroot; and anyone at all can feed you a tea that leaves you unable as a stone to channel for hours。 Useful with unruly wilders or the like; I suppose; but a nasty little surprise for those who think they knew everything; eh? Maybe next; someone will learn to make ter'angreal again。〃
       Elaida's mouth tightened。 She did not concern herself with impossibilities; and if no sister had managed to rediscover the making of ter'angreal in three thousand years; one never would and that was that。 It was knowledge slipping through her fingers when she wanted it held close that curled Elaida's tongue。 In spite of all her efforts; every last initiate in the Tower had learned of forkroot; now。 No one liked knowing in the least。 No one liked suddenly being vulnerable to anyone with a knowledge of herbs and a little hot water。 That knowledge was worse than poison; as the Sitters here made clear。
       At mention of the herb; Duhara's big; dark eyes grew uneasy in her coppery face; and she held herself more stiffly than usual; hands clutching skirts so red they seemed nearly black。 Sedore actually swallowed; and her fingers tightened on the worked leather folder Elaida had handed her; though the round…faced Yellow usually carried herself with a frosty elegance。 Andaya shivered! She actually wrapped her gray…fringed shawl around her convulsively。
       Elaida wondered what they would do if they learned the Asha'man had rediscovered Traveling。 As it was; they were barely able to make themselves speak of them。 At least she had managed to hold that knowledge to a handful。
       〃I think we might better concern ourselves with what we know to be true; yes?〃 Andaya said firmly; back in control of herself。 Her light brown hair; brushed till it gleamed; hung flowing down her back; and her silver…slashed blue dress was cut in the style of Andor; but Tarabon still rested strongly on her tongue。 Though neither particularly small nor particularly slim; she somehow always reminded Elaida of a sparrow about to hop on a branch。 A most unlikely…appearing negotiator; though her reputation had been earned。 She smiled at the others; not very pleasantly; and that seemed sparrowlike; too。 Perhaps it was how she held her head。 〃Idle speculation; it wastes precious time。 The world hangs by a thread; and myself; I do not wish to fritter away valuable hours prattling about supposed logic or chattering over what every fool and novice knows。 Does anyone have anything useful to say?〃 For a sparrow; she could put acid on her words。 Velina's face went red; and Shevan's darkened。
       Rubinde twisted her lips at the Gray。 Perhaps they were meant to make a smile; but they merely seemed to writhe。 With raven…black hair and eyes like sapphires; the Mayener usually looked as if she intended to walk through a stone wall; and planting her fists on her hips now; she seemed ready to walk through two。 〃We've dealt with what we can for the time being; Andaya。 Most of it; anyway。 The rebels are caught by the snows in Murandy; and we'll make winter hot enough for them that in the spring they'll e crawling back to apologize and beg penance。 Tear will be taken care of as soon as we find where the High Lord Darlin has vanished to; and Cairhien once we root Caraline Damodred and Toram Riatin out of their hiding places。 Al'Thor has the crown of Illian for the moment; but that's in work。 So; unless you have a scheme for snaffling the man into the Tower or making these so…called 'Asha'man' vanish; I have the business of my Ajah to be about。〃
       Andaya drew herself up; her feathers well and truly ruffled。 For that matter; Duhara's eyes narrowed; mention of men who could channel always lit fires in her head。 Shevan clicked her tongue as if at children squabbling … though she looked pleased to see it … and Velina frowned; for some reason sure Shevan had aimed at her。 This was amusing; but getting out of hand。
       〃The business of the Ajahs is important; daughters。〃 Elaida did not raise her voice; but every head swiveled toward her。 She replaced the ivory carving with the rest of her collection in the large box covered with roses and golden scrolls; carefully adjusted the positions of her writing case and correspondence box so the three lacquered boxes lined up just so on the table; and once their silence was perfect she went on。 〃The business of the Tower is more important; though。 I trust you will effect my decrees promptly。 I see too much sloth in the Tower。 I fear Silviana may find herself very busy if matters do not e right soon。〃 She did not voice any further threat。 She merely smiled。
       〃As you mand; Mother;〃 murmured six voices not so steady as their owners might have wished。 Even Duhara's face was pasty pale as they made their curtsies。 Two Sitters had been stripped of their chairs; and half a dozen had served days of Labor for penance … which was humiliating enough in their position to be Mortification of the Spirit besides; Shevan and Sedore certainly wore tight mouths as they remembered all too well scrubbing floors and working in the laundries … but none had been sent to Silviana for Mortification of the Flesh。 No one wanted to be。 The Mistress of Novices had two or three visits each week from sisters who been given penance by their Ajahs or set one for themselves … a dose of the strap; however painful; was done with much more quickly than raking garden paths for a month … but Silviana possessed considerably less mercy with sisters than with the novices and Accepted in her charge。 More than one sister must have spent the next few days wondering whether a month pulling a rake might not have been preferable after all。
       They scurried toward the doors; eager to be away。 Sitters or no; not one would have set foot this high in the Tower without Elaida's direct summons。 Fingering her striped stole; Elaida let her smile bee one of pleasure。 Yes; she was the mistress in the White Tower。 As was only proper for the Amyrlin Seat。
       Before that fast…stepping knot of Sitters reach the doorway; the left…hand door opened; and Alviarin stepped in; the narrow white stole of the Keeper almost vanishing against a silk dress that made Velina's seem dingy。
       Elaida felt her smile go crooked and begin sliding from her face。 Alviarin had a single sheet of parchment in one slim hand。 Odd; what one noticed at a time like this。 The woman had been gone almost two weeks; vanished from the Tower without word or note; without anyone so much as seeing her go; and Elaida had begun to think fond thoughts of Alviarin lying in a snowbank; or swept away in a river; sliding beneath the ice。
       The six Sitters skidded to a halt uncertainly when Alviarin did not move out of their way。 Even a Keeper with Alviarin's influence did not impede Sitters。 Though Velina; normally the most self…possessed woman in the Tower; flinched for some reason。 Alviarin glanced once at Elaida; coolly; studied the Sitters for a moment; and understood everything。
       〃I think you should leave that with me;〃 she said to Sedore in tones only a fraction warmer than the snow outside。 〃The Mother likes to consider her decrees carefully; as you know。 This 
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