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    Quintana looked at Kleist severely。 〃Can the Soviets actually do this thing and get away with it?〃
    Kleist wasn't listening。 His gaze returned to the chart and he made a little pencil line that marked a course to the southern shore of Cayo Santa Maria。 〃Where approximately do you put the antenna?〃
    Pitt took the pencil and made a tiny dot on the sperm…shaped island at the base of the tail。 〃A wild guess at best。〃
    〃All right。 We'll equip you with a small waterproof radio sender and receiver。 I'll convert the position on the chart and program it into the Navstar puter; then maintain a fix on your signal and guide you in。〃
    〃You won't be the only one who can put a fix on us。〃
    〃A small gamble; but one that will save valuable time。 You should be able to blow the antenna and cut off their radio mand of the Gettysburg much faster than fighting your way inside the pound and destroying its brain center。〃
    〃Makes sense。〃
    〃Since you agree;〃 said Kleist quietly; 〃I suggest you gentlemen shove off。〃

    The special…purpose underwater transporter looked nothing like any submarine Pitt had ever seen。 The craft was slightly over three hundred feet long and shaped like a chisel turned sideways。 The horizontal wedgelike bow tapered quickly to an almost square hull that ended abruptly at a boxed…off stern。 Her upper deck was pletely smooth without any projections。
    No man stood at her helm。 She was totally automated with nuclear power that turned twin propellers or; when required; soundless pumps that took in water from the forward momentum and thrust it silently through vents along the sides。
    The SPUT was specifically designed for the CIA to support covert arms smuggling; undercover agent infiltration; and hit…and…run raids。 She could travel as deep as eight hundred feet at fifty knots; but also had the capability of running onto a beach; spreading her bows; and disgorging a two…hundred…man landing force with several vehicles。
    The ship broke the surface; her flat deck only two feet above the black water。 Quintana's team of Cuban exiles scrambled from the hatches and quickly began lifting the water Dashers that were passed up from below。
    Pitt had ridden a Dasher at a resort in Mexico。 A water…propulsion vehicle; it was manufactured in France for seaside recreation。 Called the sports car of the sea; the sleek little machine had the look of two torpedoes attached side by side。 The operator lay back with each leg stretched out in one of the twin hulls and controlled the movement with an automobile…type steering wheel。 Power came from a high…performance battery that could propel the craft by means of water jets over smooth seas at twenty knots for three hours before recharging。
    After Pitt proposed using them to cruise under the Cuban radar network; Kleist hurriedly negotiated a special purchase from the factory and arranged to have them flown by Air Force transport to San Salvador within fifteen hours。
    The early morning air was warm and a light rain squall passed over。 As each man slipped into his Dasher; he was shoved across the wet deck; over the low freeboard; and into the sea。 Shaded blue lights had been mounted in the sterns so each man could follow the one in front。
    Pitt took a few moments and stared into the darkness toward Cayo Santa Maria; desperately hoping he wasn't too late to save his friends。 An early gull wheeled crying over his head; invisible in the murky sky。
    Quintana gripped him by the arm。 〃You're next。〃 He paused and stared through the gloom。 〃What in hell is that?〃
    Pitt held up a wooden shaft in one hand。 〃A baseball bat。〃
    〃What do you need that for? You were issued an AK…74。〃
    〃It's a gift for a friend。〃
    Quintana shook his head in bewilderment。 〃Let's get going。 You'll lead off。 I'll bring up the rear and catch stragglers。〃
    Pitt nodded and eased into his Dasher and adjusted a tiny receiver in one ear。 Just before the SPUT crew pushed him over the side Colonel Kleist bent down and shook Pitt's hand。 〃Get them to the target;〃 he said tensely。
    Pitt gave him a sober grin。 〃I aim to。〃
    Then his Dasher was in the water。 He adjusted the power lever to half speed and eased clear of the ship。 There was no use in turning to check if the others were following。 He couldn't have seen them anyway。 The only light came from the stars; and they were too dim to sparkle the water。
    He increased speed and studied the luminescent dial of the pass strapped to one wrist。 He maintained a heading of due east until Kleist's voice came through his earpiece 〃Bear 270 degrees。〃
    Pitt made the correction and kept on the course for ten miles; keeping a few knots below the Dasher's full speed to allow the men behind to close up if they strayed out of line。 He was certain the sensitive underwater sensors would pick up the raiding party's approach; but he counted on the Russians to dismiss the readings on their recording instruments as a school of fish。
    A long way off to the south toward Cuba; a good four miles perhaps; a searchlight from a patrol boat blazed on and swept the water like a scythe; cutting the night; searching for intruding vessels。 The faroff glow dimly lit them up; but they were two small and low in the water to be seen at that distance。
    Pitt received a new bearing from Kleist; and altered course to the north。 The night was as dark as a crypt; and he could only hope the other thirty men were hugging his stern。 The Dasher's twin bows dipped into a series of rising waves; tossing spray into his face; and he tasted the strong saltiness of the sea。
    The slight turbulence from the Dasher's passage through the water caused flecks of sparkling phosphorus that briefly flashed like an armada of fireflies before dying in his wake。 Pitt was finally beginning to relax a bit when Kleist's voice came through his ear again 〃I put you about two hundred yards from shore。〃
    Pitt slowed his little boat and eased ahead cautiously。 Then he stopped; drifting with the current。 He waited; eyes strained against the dark; tense and listening。 Five minutes went by; and Cayo Santa Maria's outline vaguely loomed ahead; black and ominous。 The surf was nearly nonexistent on the inside waters of the island; and its soft lapping on the beach was the only sound he could hear。
    He gently pressed the power pedal and went forward dead slow; ready to turn hard and speed out to sea if they were detected。 Seconds later; the Dasher bumped noiselessly into the sand。 Immediately Pitt stepped out and dragged the light craft across the beach and into the underbrush beneath a line of palm trees。 Then he waited until Quintana and his men rose up like wraiths and silently grouped around him in a tight knot; indistinct blurs in the gloom; thankful to a man their feet were on solid land again。
    As insurance against Murphy's law; Quintana took precious time to account for every man and briefly check his equipment。 Finally satisfied; he turned to Pitt。 〃After you; amigo。〃
    Pitt took a reading from the pass; and then led the way inland on a slight angle to his left。 He held the baseball bat out in front of him like a blind man with a cane。 Less than tw
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