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    〃I don't like the look of that。〃
    〃I see nothing suspicious。 The President probably wants time to mount a massive propaganda campaign to announce another American space triumph。〃
    〃Or they may be wise to our intentions。〃 Maisky then became quiet; lost in thought。 His eyes had a worried look; and he clasped and unclasped his hands nervously。
    Velikov looked at him with amusement。 〃If this in any way upsets your plans; I could break in on Houston Control's frequency and issue a false mand。〃
    〃You can do that?〃
    〃I can。〃
    〃Simulate an order for the shuttle to depart the space station for reentry?〃
    〃And deceive the manders of the station and the shuttle into believing they're hearing a familiar voice?〃
    〃They'll never detect the difference。 Our puterized synthesizers have more than enough taped transmissions to perfectly imitate voice; accent; and verbal mannerisms of at least twenty different officials of NASA。〃
    〃What's to stop Houston Control from countermanding the order?〃
    〃I can scramble their transmissions until it's too late for them to stop the shuttle。 Then; if the instructions you gave us from our space scientists are correct; we'll override the craft's flight systems and bring her down at Santa Clara。〃
    Maisky looked at Velikov long and steadily。 Then he said; 〃Do it。〃

    The President was dead asleep when the phone beside his bed softly chimed。 He rolled over and read the luminous dial on his wristwatch。 Ten minutes after one in the morning。 Then he answered。 〃Go ahead。〃
    The voice that replied was Dan Fawcett's。 〃Sorry to wake you; Mr。 President; but something has e up that I thought you'd want to know about。〃
    〃I'm listening。 What is it?〃
    〃I've just received a call from Irwin Mitchell at NASA。 He said the Gettysburg has cast off from Columbus and is orbiting in preparation for reentry。〃
    The President sat bolt upright; waking his wife beside him。 〃Who gave the order?〃 he demanded。
    〃Mitchell can't say。 All munication between Houston and the space station is down because of some strange interference。〃
    〃Then how has he confirmed the shuttle's departure?〃
    〃General Fisher has been tracking and monitoring Columbus at the Space Operations Center in Colorado Springs since Steinmetz left Jersey Colony。 The sensitive cameras at the center caught the movement when Gettysburg left the station's dock。 He called me as soon as he was informed。〃
    The President pounded the mattress in dismay。 〃Damn!〃
    〃I took the liberty of alerting Jess Simmons。 He's already scrambled two Air Force tactical squadrons into the air to fly escort and protect the shuttle as soon as she drops through the atmosphere。〃
    〃How much time do we have before the Gettysburg lands?〃
    〃From initial descent preparation to touchdown; about two hours。〃
    〃The Russians are behind this。〃
    〃The general consensus;〃 acknowledged Fawcett。 〃We can't be sure yet; but all indications point to Cuba as the source of Houston's radio interference problem。〃
    〃When does Brogan's special team hit Cayo Santa Maria?〃
    〃0200 hours。〃
    〃Who's leading them in?〃
    〃One moment while I look up the name in yesterday's CIA report。〃 Fawcett left the line for no more than thirty seconds before he returned。 〃The mission is being directed by Marine Colonel Ramon Kleist。〃
    〃I know the name。 Kleist was a Congressional Medal of Honor winner。〃
    〃Here's something else。〃
    〃Kleist's men are being guided by Dirk Pitt。〃
    The President sighed almost sadly。 〃He's already given too much。 Is his presence absolutely required?〃
    〃It was Pitt or nobody;〃 said Fawcett。
    〃Can they destroy the jamming center in time?〃
    〃In all honesty; I'd have to say it's a toss…up。〃
    〃Tell Jess Simmons to stand by in the War Room;〃 said the President solemnly。 〃If anything goes wrong; I fear the only alternative left for us to keep the Gettysburg and her valuable cargo out of Soviet hands is to shoot her down。 Do you read me; Dan?〃
    〃Yes; sir;〃 Fawcett said; his face suddenly white。 〃I'll give him your message。〃


    〃All stop。〃 Ordered Kleist。 He rechecked the readings on the Navstar satellite instrument and tapped a pair of dividers on a flattened chart。 〃We're seven miles due east of Cayo Santa Maria。 This is close as we dare move the SPUT。〃
    Major Quintana; wearing mottled gray and black battle dress; stared at the yellow mark on the chart。 〃Should take us about forty minutes to swing around to the south and land from the Cuban side。〃
    〃The wind is calm and the sea is only running at two feet。 Another blessing is no moon。 It's pitch black topside。〃
    〃Good as well as bad news;〃 said Quintana heavily。 〃Makes us tough to spot; but we won't be able to see any wandering guards either。 Our main problem; as I see it; is not having an exact fix on the pound。 We could land miles from it。〃
    Kleist turned and stared at a tall; manding figure leaning against a bulkhead。 He was dressed in the same night battle fatigues as Quintana。 The piercing green eyes met Kleist's stare。
    〃You still can't pinpoint the location?〃
    Pitt straightened; smiled his congenial indifferent smile; and said simply; 〃No。〃
    〃You're not very encouraging;〃 Quintana said nastily。
    〃Maybe; but at least I'm honest。〃
    Kleist spoke with forbearance。 〃We regret; Mr。 Pitt; that visual conditions were not ideal during your escape。 But we'd be grateful if you were a bit more specific。〃
    Pitt's smile faded。 〃Look; I landed in the middle of a hurricane and left in the middle of the night。 Both events took place on the opposite side of the island from where we're supposed to land。 I didn't measure distances; nor did I sprinkle breadcrumbs along my trail。 The land was flat; no hills or streams for landmarks。 Just palm trees; brush; and sand。 The antenna was a half mile west of the village。 The pound; a good mile beyond。 Once we strike the road the pound will be to the left。 That's the best I can offer。〃
    Quintana gave a resigned nod。 〃Under the circumstances we can't ask for more than that。〃
    A crewman dressed sloppily in cutaway jeans and T…shirt stepped through the hatchway into the control room。 He silently handed a decoded munication to Kleist and left。
    〃Better not be a last…minute cancellation;〃 Pitt said sharply。
    〃Far from it;〃 Kleist muttered。 〃More like a new twist。〃
    He studied the message a second time; a frown crossing his normally impassive face。 He handed it to Quintana; who stared at the wording and then tightened his lips in annoyance before passing the paper to Pitt。 It read:


    〃Nice of them to warn us at the last minute;〃 said Pitt grimly。 〃0340 is less than two hours away。〃
    Quintana looked at Kleist severely。 〃Can the Soviets actually do this thing and get
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