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  PS: Make me a copy that I can take home and read over the weekend; would you?
  interoffice memo
  TO: Roger FROM: John RE: 〃LAST SEASON;〃 by 〃John Oceanby〃
  Are you saying you set all this in motion without reading the book? That takes my breath away。
  from the office of the editor…in…chief
  TO: John DATE: 4/3/81 MESSAGE: You're my guy; John。 We may have had our differences from time to time; but I've never doubted your editorial judgement for a single moment。 If you say this is the one; this is the one。 On that score; the ivy makes no difference。 You're my guy。 And while I probably don't need to tell you this; I will: no contact with James Saltworthy until we hear from Alan Williams。 Okay?
  interoffice memo
  TO: Roger FROM: John RE: Vote of confidence To say I'm touched by your confidence in me doesn't go far enough; boss。 Especially after the Detweiller fuck…up。 Fact is; I'm sitting here at my desk and damned near blubbering on my blotter。 All will be as you say。 My lips are sealed。
  PS: You do know; don't you; that Saltworthy must have already sent the book to Viking?
  from the office of the editor…in…chief
  TO: John DATE: 4/3/81 MESSAGE: First; no blubbering on the blotter…blotters cost money; and as you know; all expenses must now be forwarded to the parent pany on a week by week basis (if we needed another sign that The End Is Near; surely that's it)。 Blubber in your wastebasket。 。 。 or go on down to Riddley's former quarters and water the plant with your grateful tears。
  (Yes; I know perfectly well that no one is paying the slightest attention to my strong remendation that we all stay clear of the ivy。 I could put it in writing; I suppose; but it would just be a waste of ink。 Especially since I've been down there a time or two myself; breathing deep and drawing inspiration。)
  Second; how can you call the Detweiller business a fuck…up; considering how it has turned out? Harlow Enders and Apex may not know we're ready to turn the corner into a glorious future; but we do!
  Third; Alan Williams checked the files over there。 Last Survivor was supposedly read (or scanned; or perhaps just shifted from the envelope it came in to the one it went back in) and rejected in November of 1978。 The editor who signed off on it was one George Flynn; who left publishing to set up his own job…printing business in Brooklyn about a year ago。 According to AW; and I quote; 〃George Flynn had the editorial antennae of a rutabaga。〃
  Fourth; don't give the ms。 to LaShonda。 Make the copies yourself; and remember the false title page。
  Fifth (I'm ready for a fifth; believe me); please no more memos until at least afternoon。 I know I said 〃everything in writing〃 from here on out; but my head is starting to ache。 I have one from Bill I haven't even looked at。
  interoffice memo
  TO: Roger FROM: Bill Gelb RE: Possible Bestseller
  You asked for ideas; and I've had what might be a doozy; boss。 I went over to Smiler's earlier in the day (warning: that idiotic woman with the guitar is still in front…if she gets picked up and institutionalized; I hope the judge sends her to music school) and checked out their paperback rack。 It's a pretty good one (i。 e。; lots of Pocket Books; Signets; Avons; Bantams; no Zenith Houses except for one dusty Windhover that was published 2 years ago)。 I counted five so…called nonfiction books about aliens and/or flying saucers; and six on investing in the Reagan Era stock market。 My idea is suppose we bined the two?
  The core concept is this: a stockbroker is abducted by little gray men who first read his brainwaves; suck blood from his nasal cavities; and probe his anus…standard stuff; in other words; been…there done…that。 But then; to make up for the inconvenience; they give him stock tips based on their certain market knowledge; obtained in faster…than…light trips to the future。 Most of it would be zen stuff like 〃Never fill your barrow with old bricks〃 and 〃Ancient stars offer the best navigation。〃 This crap would; however; be spiced with more practical advice like 〃Never sell short in a bull market〃 and 〃In the long run; power and light stocks always rise。〃 We could call it Alien Investing。 I know that at first blush the idea sounds crazy; but who would have figured a breakout bestseller called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?
  I even have a writer in mind…Dawson Postlewaite; aka Nick Hardaway; the Macho Man himself。 The stock market is Dawson's hobby (fuck; it's his mania; what keeps him poor and thus in our stable) and I think he'd almost do it gratis。
  What do you think? And feel free to tell me I'm nuts; if that's what you think。
  from the office of the editor…in…chief
  TO: Bill Gelb DATE: 4/3/81
  MESSAGE: I don't think you're nuts。 No more so than the rest of us; anyway。 And it's a great title; almost a guaranteed pick…it…up…and…take…a…look on a rack of paperbacks。 Alien Investing is hereby green…lit。 On the cover I see a photo of the Stock Exchange with a space alien laid in; shooting cosmic rays (green; like the color of money) from his big black eyes。 Get Postlewaite on it at once。 I know he's got a deadline on Fresno Firestorm; but I'll see he gets the necessary extension。
  Caller Riddley Walker For Roger Wade Date April 3rd 1981 Time 12:35 PM Message He will be back Wednesday or Thursday of next week。 Winding up mother's affairs taking longer than he thought; There are difficulties with his brother and sister。 Mostly sister。 Asks if you will water plant but not mention to J。 Kenton that you are doing it。 Says 〃hoodoo ivy make dat boy pow'ful nervous。〃 Whatever that means。 Message taken by LaShonda
  From Roger Wade's Audio Journal; Cassette 1
  This is Friday the third of April。 Afternoon。 Bill Gelb has e up with an idea。 It's a dandy; too。 I'm not surprised。 Given what's happening; brilliance around here is almost a foregone conclusion。 When I returned from lunch。 。 。 with Alan Williams。 。 。 what a wonderful guy he is; not in the least because he treated at Onde's; a place that would collapse my meager expense account allowance for a month。 。 。 anyway; when I got back I spied an amusing thing。 Bill Gelb was sitting in his office and rolling dice on his desk。 He was too absorbed to notice me noticing him。 He'd roll; make a notation on one of those mini legal pads; then roll again; then make another notation。 Of course we all know he shoots craps with Riddley every chance he gets; but Riddley's in Alabama and won't be back until the middle of next week。 So what's this about? Staying in practice? Just can't get enough of dem bones? Some new system? All gamblers have systems; don't they? Who the hell knows。 He's had a great idea。 。 。 Alien Investing; forsooth。 。 。 and that earns him a little eccentric…editor time。
  Herb Porter has been going around all day with a big; silly smile on his chops。 He is actually being nice to people。 What in God
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