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Wolfram swallowed。 〃I…don't wish to cause him distress; Sire; but I would like to hear the words。 The words can confirm much of his intent。〃
〃Very well。〃 Kelson sighed and turned his attention back to Duncan; waiting docile and ready beneath his hands。 〃Duncan; I'd like you to go back to that night when you and Maryse exchanged vows。 Think back to the chapel at Culdi。 You're fifteen years old; and it's midnight。 Did Maryse e to you?〃
〃Yes;〃 Duncan breathed。
〃And what; if anything; did you say to each other?〃
〃We knelt before the Blessed Sacrament;〃 Duncan whispered。 〃I took her hand in mine and made my vow。
〃Before Thee as the Supreme Witness; my Lord and my God; I make this solemn vow: that I take this woman; Maryse; as my lawful wedded wife; forsaking all others until death do us part。〃 His free hand lifted vaguely to his left shoulder; then subsided as he went on。 〃I give thee this token of my love and take thee for my iwfe; and hereto I plight thee my troth。〃
〃And what did you give her?〃 Kelson prompted softly。 〃A silver cloak clasp; shaped in the likeness of a sleeping God's head。〃
〃I see。 And what were the words she spoke to you?〃 Kelson could feel Duncan trembling beneath his touch; but it was the trembling of emotion; not resistance to the probe。
〃I take thee as my wedded husband。 I give thee this token as a sign of my love; and hereto I plight thee my troth;〃
〃And she gave you…〃
〃A shiral crystal; smooth from the river bottom and drilled to receive a slender leather thong;〃 Duncan replied; swallowing with difficulty。 〃It was…still warm from her body as she placed it around my neck。 Her perfume clung toit。〃
〃Be easy;〃 Kelson murmured; soothing the poignancy of the memory and shaking his head a little。 〃I know this is unfortable for you。''
But he had caught a glimpse of something else; something he knew Duncan had never even told his old confessor。 It was intensely personal for Duncan; but not particularly notable of itself。 Still; it certainly would seal the validity of his intent。
〃Tell me what happened next; Duncan;〃 he whispered。 〃Before you left the chapel; you did something else。 What was it?〃
Duncan drew a deep breath and let it out audibly; making a conscious effort to relax。
〃We knew that marriage was a sacrament that two people give to one another。 We also knew that our own administering of that sacrament was irregular。 But we wanted to make it as special and holy as we could; without a priest。 So I…went up to the altar and…took a ciborium from the tabernacle。〃
〃Wasn't it locked?〃 Wolfram muttered。
But Cardiel only hushed him as Kelson shook his head and urged Duncan to go on。
〃You took out a ciborium;〃 Kelson repeated; glossing over the opening of the tabernacle and the memory of Deryni powers brought into play to drop the tumblers of the door's tiny lock into place。 〃Then what did you do?〃
〃I…brought it down to the altar step and knelt beside Maryse。 Then we…gave one another Holy munion。 We…knew it wasn't normally allowed; but I was accustomed to handling the altar vessels when I served Mass。 And we couldn't have a nuptial Mass。。。〃
〃I take it;〃 Arilan interjected softly; 〃that everything was done with due reverence for the Blessed Sacrament?〃
〃Yes;〃 Duncan breathed。
〃I think there can be no doubt that the intent was there to solemnize a valid and sacramental marriage;〃 Cardiel said quietly。 〃Arilan? Wolfram?〃
As both nodded; Cardiel went on。
〃But one final question must be asked; then。 Where and when was the marriage consummated? You need not give any further details beyond that。〃
Duncan smiled dreamily; grateful for the kindness。
〃After we had finished in the chapel; we stole away to the stable loft; snug and hidden in the sweet…smelling hay。 Innocent that I was; it never even occurred to me to wonder whether our one painfully brief union might have borne fruit。 And munication; once she would have known; was impossible; given the bad blood between our two clans。 Perhaps she tried to write to me and tell me; but no messenger ever reached me。 It was only & full year later that I learned she had died the previous winter; ostensibly of a fever。 The first inkling I had otherwise was when; a year ago; I saw Dhugal wearing the cloak clasp I had given Maryse。〃
When Duncan had finished; it remained only for Dhugal himself; the offspring of that union; to e forward and offer as final evidence the tokens his parents had exchanged that long ago night in the chapel of Culdi: the cloak clasp bearing the sleeping lion's head; its concealed partment still containing the ring woven of Duncan's and Maryse's tears intertwined; and the honey…colored lump of shiral that Dhugal had worn since that day; now a year long past; when he and his father had finally discovered their true relationship。
〃Keep it;〃 Duncan had said; 〃in memory of your Mother。〃
〃But; that leaves you with nothing of hers;〃 Dhugal had protested。
〃It leaves me with everything;〃 Duncan had replied。 〃I have her son。〃
Now father and son stood a little shyly in a windowed alcove opening off the king's dayroom; still savoring the heady triumph of the archbishop's tribunal and the more creaturely satisfaction of the hot meal Kelson had ordered sent in upon their return。 The king; Morgan; Nigel; and Arilan continued to converse over the remnants of that meal; but Dhugal had felt the need for more private counsel with his father。 As he and Duncan moved a little farther into the alcove; out of sight and earshot of the others; the coppery streak of his border braid made bold contrast against the Unadorned black that he; like his father; had donned for the morning's solemn proceedings。
〃I know you told me before; but I'd forgotten that you and Maryse gave one another munion after you made your vows;〃 Dhugal said in a low voice; looking out at the rain while he fingered the shiral crystal that had been his Brother's。 〃Of course; you would have。 In fact; you were a priest even then; weren't you?…even though you'd not been ordained or even started in holy orders。 Yet you were willing to give it all up for her。〃
Duncan sighed and set both hands on one of the horizontal hands of iron supporting the mullioned window panes; leaning his forehead against the cool glass as he stared; unseeing; at the rain beyond。 At midafternoon; it was nearly dark already; but not nearly so dark as that dark night of the soul through which he had gone that long…ago summer。
〃I thought I was willing;〃 he said; after a moment。 〃I l fully intended to give it up; at the time。 And yet; I suppose I was already a priest。 I guess I've always known that; but: I…put it aside when I met your mother。 I used to wonder ? if that was why God took her from me…because I was His priest。〃
〃Why did He let you fall in love; then?〃 Dhugal demanded。 〃Was He only testing you? And then; when you ? failed the test; did He kill her; so you couldn't have her?〃
Duncan looked up sharply at the bitterness in Dhugal's voice; hearing an echo of his own rebellious anger when he learned that Maryse had died。
〃Dhugal; no!〃 he whispered。 〃It's true that she died; son; but He didn't kill her。 If I've learned anything in thirty…odd years of living; it's that He's a l
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