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o the royal suite to attend the stricken king。 Beyond initial; hurried inquiries regarding what had happened; no one paid much attention to the apparently devastated Conall; and he made a point to stay out of their way。
Arilan came; too; a little while later; but he was no physician; and by then; Conall had fixed a stunned facade of innocence in the outer halls of his mind; so that the Deryni bishop was unable to detect any hint of what really had happened to Nigel…and certainly; no one else was astute enough to discern the truth。 By dusk; Nigel's condition had Stabilized; but he did not regain consciousness。
〃He's been working too hard since we brought back word of Kelson's death;〃 Conall said to Father Lael; when the latter had withdrawn from the royal bedside at last; the first to think seriously of seeing how the king's heir fared。 〃I told him he should rest more。 He was distressed about having to send out those letters to the barons; too。〃
He gestured toward the table in the window; where the letters lay temporarily forgotten; and Lael followed his glance。
〃He was working on those when he had his seizure?〃 Lael asked。
Conall nodded。 〃They're the letters proclaiming his accession。 He'd already signed them when I came in; and I was helping him seal them。 It all went against the grain; though。 He never really wanted or expected to be king。 Archbishop Cardiel's probably told you what the privy council went through; just to gain his consent to be proclaimed right away。 If he'd had his way; he would have made them wait a year and a day for that; as well as for the coronation。 He was plaining about it when he…〃
He broke off in a choked sob and buried his face in one hand; feigning overwhelming sorrow as Lael laid a sympathetic hand on his shoulder。
〃It's been hard on you; too; hasn't it; son?〃 Lael murmured。 〃Don't you think you should get some sleep; though? There's nothing you can do for your father right now。 I or one of the other physicians will stay with him through the night。〃
Conall sniffled back tears and looked up; shaking his head。 In the event that anyone started to get suspicious; he wanted to be awake…just in case he needed to defend himself。
〃I don't think I could sleep。〃
〃I'll give you a sedative。〃
〃But; what if he needs me?〃
〃Nonsense;〃 Lael said。 〃Even if he does regain consciousness during the night…which I doubt he'll do…there's nothing you could do for him。 Besides; I think you're still a bit in shock yourself。〃
Conall started to protest; but then he cut himself off and shook his head; for he had begun to weigh the merits of having people at least think he was asleep; thereby putting him beyond possibly dangerous questioning。 Bed might; indeed; be the best place for him through the night; but he was not certain about Lael's sedative…just in case he did need to function at his best on short notice。
〃I…perhaps you're right; Father;〃 he said softly; all diffidence and subdued Haldane charm。 〃Undoubtedly you're right。 I haven't had a proper night's sleep since it all happened。〃
〃Well; then; let's see what we can do to ensure that you get one tonight;〃 Lael replied。 〃In the morning; we'll have a much better idea how your father's condition is going to progress; and it will be far more important for you to be clearheaded and rested then。 In case it hasn't yet dawned on you; you'll be king if Nigel dies。 And even if he lives; you'll be regent until he recovers…if he recovers。〃
〃You mean; he could be this way forever?〃 Conall asked softly。
〃He could。 Until he dies; at any rate。 I'm sorry; Conall。 I wish I could give you a more encouraging prognosis。〃
A quick pang of guilt stabbed at Conall's conscience; but it was quickly overshadowed by satisfaction。 He had never really wished his father ill; but neither had he been prepared to accept the consequences of being blamed for Tiercel's death。 He had intended neither; but he could not bring himself to regret either one; given the alternatives otherwise。 Besides; what was done was done now; and the prospect of being regent and eventually king was far too tantalizing not to thrill him。
〃I think I will have that sedative you mentioned; Father;〃 he whispered; making himself look up at Lael in sad resignation。
〃Fine;〃 Lael replied。 〃Let's get you into bed first; though。 You'll rest best in your own room; I think。〃
Without further discussion; an apparently dutiful Conall led Lael to his chambers and undressed in silence as the priest mixed a potion from his medical satchel。 But instead of getting into bed immediately; the prince drew on a night robe and went to the prie…dieu set against the wall near the door; feigning restlessness。
〃Set it on the nightstand there beside the bed; if you will; Father;〃 Conall murmured; resting one hand on the armrest of the prie…dieu as he glanced back at the priest。 〃I think I'd like to pray a little while before retiring。〃
〃Of course;〃 Lael murmured; plying。 〃Would you tike me to pray with you; or would you rather be alone?〃
Conall bowed his head。 〃I think I'd prefer to be alone; Father; if you don't mind。 This has all been…very difficult。〃
〃Of course。 Your Highness。〃
Conall thrilled to the title of address as Lael made him a bow and left the room; but as soon as the priest had gone; he went to the nightstand and emptied the contents of the cup into the chamber pot under the bed。 He poured fresh wine into the cup after that and sat sipping at it in a window for nearly an hour; gazing lazily down into the darkening garden。 Just at sunset; before it got too dark to see; he was pleased to observe Rothana among a group of other nuns and ladies of the court whom Father Ambros was leading back from the basilica; returning from evening prayers。
Soon after that; he did go to bed; and his dreams that night were of Rothana; as they had been several times since his return from Valoret; and of making love to her。 He woke in a sweat more than once; determined to make the dream a reality as soon as possible。

〃Once;〃 said Morgan; 〃just once; before I die; I'd like to ride into Dhassa without having to resort to subterfuge。〃
〃If you don't keep your voice down; we'll be doing it this time;〃 Duncan murmured; 〃possibly with consequences that are at least inconvenient。 Act like a monk; now。〃
〃Dominus vobiscum;〃 Morgan muttered; bowing in the saddle of his little mountain pony as a merchant passed by。
He and Duncan were making the final approach to the city gates from the northeast shore of the lake; mail and leather concealed under the ubiquitous black habits and cowls of lay brothers attached to the cathedral chapter there。 As courier monks; they were even entitled to the swords strapped beneath their knees…though Morgan had wrapped the hilt of his with leather to hide the gold wire and gem…stones that adorned it; and sheathed it in a plain black scabbard。
The disguises had been Father Nivard's idea; before sending Duncan on his way three days before。 The two also wore the pilgrim badges of both Dhassa's patron saints; though Saint Torin's had burned to the ground the last time these two particular Deryni passed through Dhassa territory。 Both Morgan and Duncan had made substantial donations to cover t
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