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draw on me for extra power。 I'm not afraid。〃
〃And leave Richenda to the wolves; Derry?〃 Morgan said archly。 〃I'm going to make her regent before I go; but I'd hoped you'd stay with her; to give her a hand。〃
As Richenda looked up in surprise; uncertain whether to be pleased or stubborn still; Duncan glanced among the three of them in bewilderment。
〃It's a long story; Duncan;〃 Morgan murmured。 〃I'll tell you on the way。 In the meantime; can I trust that my beloved wife and my lieutenant can handle things in my absence?〃
〃Well; of course; but…〃
〃Good; then。 Duncan; do you want a bath and a change of clothes before we head out? And maybe even a nap? You've got time。 If…the worst has happened; we may be gone for quite a while; so I'll need a few hours to set things UP。〃
As Morgan set about the business of getting ready to leave for Dhassa; Kelson's face was before him in his mind's eye。

Meanwhile; Kelson's face was before Dhugal in the flesh as he touched a fingertip to the forehead of the sleeping king and released him from sleep。 The aroma of roasting fish wafted past Kelson's nostrils; and he came to with a start。
〃Food;〃 Kelson murmured; as he struggled blearily onto his elbows and blinked。 〃Thank God! I'm so hungry; I could eat a horse。〃
〃You wouldn't want to eat the one I was eating;〃 Dhugal said; helping the king sit up。 〃That's fish you smell。〃
〃Well; I know that;〃 Kelson muttered; giving Dhugal a sour glance。 〃Where'd you get a fish?〃
Dhugal chuckled and held up his hands; wiggling his fingers in display。 〃I charmed him right into my clutches。 Marvelous; the things one can do; if one's Deryni。 He hadn't any eyes; either。〃
〃No eyes?〃 Kelson glanced at the fish spitted on a stick above the fire。 〃What do you mean; no eyes?〃
Shrugging; Dhugal fetched the fish on the stick and handed it to Kelson。
〃He hasn't got any。 Here; see for yourself。 He's ready to eat; anyway。 I guess they don't need eyes; living down here in the dark and all。〃
Looking a little queasy; Kelson handed the fish back。
〃I don't know if I want to eat a fish that doesn't have eyes。 It isn't…natural。〃
〃Well; I think it's natural down here;〃 Dhugal said; as he slipped the fish off the stick and onto a clean…washed depression in the stone floor of the cavern; breaking it open so it could cool a little。 〃Besides; there's nothing else to eat; now that the horsemeat's gone bad。 This is the fifth or sixth one I've caught; and none of them had eyes。 I threw the first few back; because of that; but they're all the same。〃
He licked a fingertip and raised an appreciative eyebrow。 〃They taste good; at least。 And they're certainly proper Lenten fare。 My father would approve。〃
Kelson sighed; nibbling halfheartedly at a morsel of fish after Dhugal had broken off a more sizable chunk and fallen to。
〃Do you think Duncan and Alaric will e looking for us; Dhugal?〃 the king asked。 〃Or will they think we're dead?〃
Dhugal; hungrily wolfing down another bite offish; shook his head。
〃I dunno;〃 he said; when he had swallowed。 〃I have the feeling we're pretty far underground; so I'm not sure they'd know where to look。 I'm hoping there's a way out of here by following the stream bank in the direction the water's flowing。 We certainly can't get out the way we came in。〃
He picked up another chunk of fish。 〃We were tumbled along for quite a while before we beached in this cavern; though。 We could have e miles。 I'm sure they'll try to look; but…〃
As Dhugal shrugged again。 Kelson sighed and glanced toward the darkness in the direction the stream was flowing。
〃God; I wish I could remember more about what happened;〃 he whispered。 〃My memory's starting to e back; but…〃
〃How about your powers?〃 Dhugal asked quietly。
〃Nothing。〃 Kelson shook his head forlomly。 〃I keep trying to focus…on anything…but nothing happens except that my head hurts worse。 Do you think they'll e back?〃
〃You're asking me?〃 Dhugal said。
〃Well; you're the battle surgeon;〃 Kelson replied。 〃How long do the effects of head injuries last?〃
〃With a concussion like you've had…weeks; maybe。 But 4 don't know about your powers being affected; Kel。 I've never had a Deryni patient with a concussion before…at least not that I was aware of。〃
Kelson sighed explosively。 〃Well; you've got one now。 Besides; you're Deryni。〃
〃Yes; but only recently…recently discovered; that is。 You know my training is marginal。〃
〃Maybe you're a healer; like Duncan;〃 Kelson said。 〃Maybe you could heal me。〃
〃Kelson; I wouldn't dare。〃
〃But; you already said you'd healed my head; where the skull was pressed in。〃
〃No; I did a physical manipulation with my mind; like opening a lock without a key。 There's a big difference between that and healing。〃
〃I suppose。〃
〃Anyway; now that you're getting back on your feet again; we need to start moving downstream。 We can't stay here indefinitely。〃
Kelson looked doubtfully at Dhugal's boot; strapped with strips of fabric wound round the ankle。
〃Can you walk on that?〃
〃I'll manage。〃 Dhugal grimaced as he got to his feet; leaning heavily on his staff。 〃I'm pretty sure it isn't broken。 It does hurt; though。〃
〃You mean; you haven't looked at it?〃
〃I didn't dare take off the boot;〃 Dhugal replied; giving Kelson a hand up as he braced himself against his staff。 〃I'm getting pretty good at sensing through leather; though。 I tore some ligaments; but they're mending。 It's less swollen than it was。〃
As Dhugal thrust a stick of driftwood into the fire for a torch。 Kelson shook his head gingerly and picked up another stout piece of branch that would serve as a walking stick。 Dhugal slung the saddlebags across his shoulder; and Kelson carried the flask。
Even that soon proved too great a burden for the king; however。 Although Kelson thought they had been walking for several hours by the time they took their first rest break; Dhugal knew it had been far less time than that。 Regardless of how long it had been; the king was exhausted。 Dhugal had to let him sleep for several hours before he could summon up the strength to go on。 Dhugal wondered how long they could keep this up。
It went on for several relays of hobbling on along the rushing riverbank and then falling into exhausted sleep; the roar of the water lulling them almost immediately into deep; dreamless slumber; but finally the roof above them widened and opened out into a vast cavern; so high they could not see the ceiling; even when Dhugal sent a sphere of handfire as high as he could make it go。 The darkness seemed to press closer around them the farther they followed the river across the cavern; and pieces of driftwood for torches became fewer and fewer; so that Dhugal finally had to begin picking up suitable branches whenever he could find them and packing them along in the tops of the saddlebags。

The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble。
Proverbs 4:19
In Rhemuth; Conall's luck continued to hold。 Nigel's 〃seizure〃 was taken as exactly that; as first guards and servants; then a distraught Meraude; and finally a coterie of physicians flocked into the royal suite to attend the stricken king。 Beyond initial; hurried inquiries regarding what had 
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