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k it; knowing what I've told you?〃
Conall smiled; for Rothana herself had just shown him how he must shape his argument; so that in the end; she could not refuse。
〃I can ask because now; more than ever; I know how much love you have to give…to Gwynedd as well as the man you wed。 With God's help; perhaps I may one day win a portion of that love for myself。 But meanwhile; Gwynedd needs you; as much as Kelson ever did; and I need you… for many of the same reasons。 You need not answer me now; my lady; but promise that you'll think about it。 Be the queen Gwynedd needs; to balance a Haldane king。 And; if you truly think that Kelson's death lies partly at your feet; then make expiation by doing what you dreamed…only; with me rather than Kelson。 I swear to you; only the name of your king will change。〃
He knew he gambled much on so emotional an appeal; and prayed she would not refuse outright and force him to resort to blackmail…for as a last recourse; he knew he could tell her what he had seen between her and Kelson; and threaten to reveal it to her superiors; suitably embellished。 It would end any hope she might have of being permitted to continue in a religious vocation。
But she neither accepted nor refused him; in the few more minutes they spent together there in the garden; and he sensed she was considering; as he had asked。 The interview ended when her abbess。 Father Ambros; and several other sisters of Rothana's order came into the other end of the garden; the priest apparently leading the others in devotions while they walked。 Rothana excused herself immediately; promising; when pressed; to continue considering what he had offered。
Conall watched her thoughtfully as she hurried to join the others。 His head ached with the strain of the encounter; but he was sure she had not pierced his facade。 Now he could only wait for his next opportunity to broach the subject and pray that Father Ambros was discreet and Rothana herself would not dare to speak further of the matter to anyone else until Cardiel should release her from her vows。
And Rothana's letter to the archbishop must be investigated; too; to see how specific she had been。 From what he was learning of her way of thinking; Conall guessed she would have been circumspect in her exact reasons for requesting dispensation; but Conall stood a far better chance of acplishing their marriage if Cardiel thought her motive a questioning of her vocation rather than an intention to marry a specific individual。
Fortunately; Cardiel was human。 Conall could manipulate him; if he had to。 In fact; other than Arilan himself…and Morgan and Duncan; when they eventually returned…Conall doubted there was anyone at court that he could not manipulate; with the possible exception of his father。 And if Conall could make himself a part of Niger s power assumption…as was certainly possible; now being the heir…there might be ways to circumvent Nigel's abilities as well; even after he was brought to full potential。
Conall could feel his own power stirring within him as he stood and began making his leisurely way back into the residence wing of the castle; heading for his father's apartments to deal with the request Arilan had made of him。 Nigel must be persuaded to accept his Haldane power as soon as possible; so that Conall could be confirmed as the heir and his own growing powers not be so noticeable。
They were growing; too…no doubt as a result of Kelson's death and Conall's subsequent nearer proximity to the throne。 Growth of any kind often produced growing pains; however…headaches; in Conall's case; being more and more frequent。 He had one now。 Though Tiercel might have set his Haldane potential in motion early…and Conall's reading of Tiercel's memories undoubtedly had given him increased abilities even over what he had gained to that point…Conall was now eligible for more orthodox assistance to e into his inheritance。 Once Nigel was confirmed in full power; they would…have to confirm Conall as the heir… delicious anticipation!
His head continued to ache as he climbed the stairs; but he pushed the pain down with relative ease; now that he did not have to be on guard against Rothana。 Nor need he be too concerned about his father's powers。 So far as he could tell; Nigel was far behind Conall in ability; for all that he had been prepared to assume Kelson's legacy of magic as well as blood。
He found his father at a writing table built into a window of his parents' sleeping chamber; gazing out across the river; a quill forgotten in his fingers。 The funereal black of the prince regent's raiment was relieved only by his still; winter…pale face and hands and the silver threading his temples; the latter glinting in the sunlight as Nigel turned his head to see who had entered。 The new King of Gwynedd smiled and laid aside the pen as his eldest son approached; pushing aside the sheaf of parchment rectangles with an immense sigh of relief。
〃Thank God; Conall。 You've rescued me from an interminable stack of correspondence that needs to be signed and sealed。 The scribes must have worked all through the night… dozens of them。 Arilan is an even worse taskmaster than Duncan。 I don't suppose you'd care to lend a hand?〃
Conall smiled thinly in return and detoured to the fireplace to fetch a lighted candle before joining his father at the cluttered table; setting the candlestick in a space Nigel cleared hastily at the end exposed to the room。 Conall wanted to talk about only one of the two bishops his father had just named。 Helping seal the documents would give his hands something to do while he chose his words with care。
〃They have left you with a stack; haven't they?〃 he said; pulling a coil of scarlet sealing wax from the clutter and straightening out the wick end to light it from the candle。 〃I fear I shan't be much help with the signing; but I can dribble sealing wax with the best of them。 Which seal are you going to use?〃
Nigel twisted his personal signet off his finger and set it before Conall with a sigh。
〃Regardless of what they say; I'm not the king yet; son;〃 he said。 〃And I don't mind telling you; I hoped never to have to send these。〃
He pulled the first letter from its stack and laid it on the table before Conall; holding it steady as the red drops made a growing mound of molten wax on the parchment below his signature…to which Nigel had added P。 for Princeps; rather than R。 for Rex。
Conall said nothing as his father set the seal into the hot wax; leaving the imprint ofNigel's personal arms rather than the undifferenced Haldane lion that was now his due; but it was obvious Nigel was aware of his son's scrutiny。 He gave Conall a tight; strained smile as he set the letter aside and drew the next one into position; deliberately averting his grey Haldane gaze。
〃I know;〃 Nigel said softly; watching the wax pool on the next letter。 〃I'm probably being foolish still to hold out hope that Kelson might yet live。 But I don't want to be king。 If I thought I dared; I'd seriously consider abdicating in your favor。 You wouldn't mind; either; would you? You're young enough for the responsibility to seem like adventure。 But of course the great lords would never stand for it。 There's no place
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