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ns rising in my own heart。 You are not the cause of those questions; you are only a catalyst。 It might well be that I would have reached this point even if we had never met。〃
Kelson tossed off the rest of his wine; then glanced out uneasily into the hall again。 Now was the time for Morgan to show up。 He had learned what he set out to learn and was well content with what he had found out…at least for now… but he did not wish to risk destroying it by dwelling on the point; or by encouraging court gossip that might also put pressure on this fragile victory。 Fortunately; rescue was ready at hand; for Morgan was; indeed; approaching。
〃Ah; Morgan;〃 he hailed him。 〃I see that you've returned。 Do you have a report for me?〃
〃Most assuredly; Sire;〃 Morgan said; bowing and then handing Rothana down the step from the window bay。 〃My lady; I apologize if I've interrupted your conversation。〃
〃Nay; Your Grace; methinks I should see how the Princess Janniver fares。 If you will excuse me。 Sire。〃
When she had made her curtsey and retired; Morgan turned back to Kelson。
〃All's well?〃 the king asked。
〃Aye。 Rasoul and his men should be underway by now。 We left them just short of Desse。 Rasoul gave me his solemn oath that he wouldn't go anywhere but there。 If he was lying; I couldn't tell。 What's happened while we were gone?〃
Kelson shrugged and came down out of the window bay; and the two of them headed slowly toward the dais where a rowdy handful of Dhugal's bordermen had surrounded him and Duncan and were singing them a bawdy song。
〃Nothing much;〃 the king said。 〃I was a little uneasy about our Torenthi plans; after some of the things Rasoul said; so I've called a meeting of the privy council for noon tomorrow。 I'd rather have done it tonight; but this was hardly the time or place。 It occurred to me that Rothana might have some additional insight on Rasoul's thinking; since he used to frequent her father's court when she was a girl; so I've asked her to join us。〃
Morgan nodded。 〃What about Cardiel and Arilan? Are they ing?〃
〃I suppose。 After you and Duncan left; they disappeared。〃 Kelson hunched down in his crimson mantle and studied his spur straps as they continued to walk。 〃I suppose they retired early; it was a long day。 Anyway; I sent pages to both their apartments with written notice。〃
Morgan nodded grimly。 〃I…think they were not pleased with Duncan's revelation。 It remains to be seen what they'll do about it…though it shouldn't affect tomorrow's meeting。 Even Rasoul recognized that there was something wrong; however。 And I think Duncan may be having second thoughts now。〃
They had nearly reached the dais; and Dhugal's jubilant bordermen turned to greet them with a ragged chorus of border cheers and upraised goblets; most of them empty。 The newly knighted Jass MacArdry had removed his crimson mantle and draped it ceremoniously around Duncan's shoulders; and one of the MacArdry drummers was beating a slurred tattoo with his sticks on the edge of a stool; his drum having been temporarily 〃lost〃 through the good graces of the efficient deputy of Lord Rhodri。
〃Urram do'n Righ!〃 said Ciard 0 Ruane; sloshing wine into Kelson's cup and thrusting another into Morgan's hand as a pair of pages saw to the others。 〃Homage to our king! Th' MacArdry's men salute ye; Ceannard Mhor; fer rightin' the wrong tha' was done t' this fine son of th' McLains! Twas well done; t'knight Sir Duncan。 Slainte!'〃
〃Air do slainte; gentlemen;〃 Kelson responded with a grin; lifting his cup in salute。 〃To your very good health! And I'm glad you approve。〃
〃Slainte; Ard Righ 。。。 slainte!〃 the bordermen responded; draining their cups to the dregs and sweeping great bows to the high king。
〃I thank you for your vote of confidence; gentlemen。 That's heartening; after the words of the Torenthi ambassador。 Dolfin…〃
He snapped his fingers to catch the attention of his new senior squire; waiting attendance at the back of the dais。
〃Aye; my lord?〃
〃Dolfin; please tell Lord Rhodri that I said to break out a beaker of our best Fianna wine for the enjoyment of these leal MacArdry men。〃
〃Yes; my lord。〃
〃And have I anyone on duty in my apartments tonight; or are they all here reveiling?〃
〃No; my lord。 Ivo Hepburn awaits your pleasure〃
〃Ah; good。 You can retire; then; after you've run that errand to Rhodri。 I shan't need both of you tonight。〃
〃Yes; my lord。〃
When; the lad had hurried off to do Kelson's bidding; with the MacArdry men trailing after to claim their promised reward; Kelson sighed and glanced around the quieting hall。 The musicians had finished their last piece and were packing up instruments in the rear gallery; and inebriated revelers who had no other quarters in the castle were beginning to bed down on pallets along the edges of the hall。 The ladies largely had withdrawn。
〃God; I'm tired;〃 Kelson breathed。
〃You're tired;〃 Dhugal said with a snort。 〃I'm the one who's been doing all the dancing〃。
〃And your father and I;〃 said Morgan; 〃are the ones who rode nearly to Desse and back while you and our gracious king feasted and drank yourselves nearly to happy oblivion。 And that being the case; I; for one; am about ready for some serious drinking before I go up to bed。〃 He loosened the throat of his tunic and glanced wistfully at the other three。 〃Anyone care to join me? Ewan brought Nigel a fine old Mask of Vezaire port to celebrate Conall's knighting; and the good dukes have invited Saer and me to sample it。 We might even talk about bishops。 There's room for a few more; if anyone wants。〃
Duncan shook his head wearily。 〃Not I; I'm afraid Vezaire port may be smooth going down; but in the morning you'll wish it had done no such thing。 And tomorrow morning; I have to be a bishop again。〃 A worried look flitted across his face for an instant and was as quickly replaced by a roguish grin。 〃In case any of you have forgotten tomorrow is Ash Wednesday。 I expect to see all three of you at the cathedral for my first Mass and ashes。 No pious knight would miss it。〃
〃I hate it when he puts things that way;〃 Morgan muttered; with a pained grimace。 〃I suppose  that means he isn't ing。 Either of you care to join me? If you shiny new knights don't mind drinking with tired old generals; that is。〃
〃I think Dhugal and I will pass as well;〃 Kelson replied with a grin; 〃though not because of the pany。 It has been a long day; and this shiny new knight who's king has something he'd like to discuss with another of his shiny new knights; before either of them passes out from exhaustion。 Do you mind; Dhugal?〃
〃Me? Not at all; Sire。〃
〃We'll walk out with you; though;〃 Kelson said。
They parted just outside the hall; Morgan and Duncan quickly disappearing in separate directions; and Kelson and Dhugal making their way briskly to Kelson's tower apartments。 Squire Ivo; a perky twelve…year…old with a thicket of dark; curly hair; had Kelson's slippers laid out and a fire already lit on the hearth; anxious to please; but he obviously was put off balance when Kelson requested water for himself and his guest instead of the wine the boy had ready。
〃Just…water; my lord?〃
〃That's right。 Just water。 God knows I've had enough wine。 Or would you
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