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ncil all about what you've  done。 Why did you do it; by the way? I'm glad you did…I think…but why today?〃
Duncan shrugged; flicking his bunched gloves uneasily against his thigh。 〃It seemed like the logical thing to do; at the time。 And Dhugal wanted it。〃
〃Well; I suppose that's as good a reason as any。 It certainly makes things easier for me。〃 Morgan buffeted his cousin on the shoulder as they started up the stairs again。 〃First; then; why don't you see how Dhugal is holding up; and I'll find Kelson and let him know we're back。 There's no sense worrying。 It's done; and in the long run; it's going to be for the best。 We'll weather whatever temporary difficulties it's generated。〃
Inside the hall; the night's festivities were still in progress but all the signs indicated that things were beginning to wind to a halt。 Tonight's principal honorees had slept not at all the night before; after all…unless they snatched a few minutes on their knees during their vigil…and wine had been flowing freely for hours。 Dancing had further depleted the waning energies of the young and not so young。
By silent agreement; the two dukes separated as they entered; Duncan watching until Dhugal should finish the rowdy circle bransle winding its way back and forth across the floor and Morgan heading for Nigel to check in; since he did not immediately see Kelson。
Kelson saw Morgan; however。 He would have gone to him immediately; but he had only just gotten up the courage to approach Rothana; on the pretext of requesting her presence at a privy council meeting he had set for the following noon to discuss the Torenthi situation。
That mission acplished; he now suddenly wished himself almost anywhere else。 The deep magenta of Rothana's new gown set a disturbing flush on her dusky features; little diminished by the wisp of veil she had drawn across her lower face after dining。 Her long; dark hair hung over one shoulder in a heavy braid; blue…black and shiny as a raven's wing in the torchlight。 The effect was not lost on the king。
Nor was it likely that Morgan would e soon to rescue him。 He and Rothana were standing in one of the northern window bays; in plain enough view for the sake of propriety; but with so many knights wearing crimson mantles tonight; it might take a while for Morgan to spot him。
〃Ah; I see that Duke Alaric has returned;〃 Rothana said; following the direction of Kelson's attention as he glanced distractedly in Morgan's direction again。 〃Which brings me to a somewhat delicate question; while we have a few moments in private。 Did you know; beforehand; that Bishop Duncan would finally make public confirmation of his lineage?〃
Kelson glanced at the wine remaining in his goblet; then took a careful sip before looking back at her。
〃No; I didn't know;〃 he said quietly; 〃though he asked; before he did it; whether I approved。 Of course I did。〃
From their vantage point; a step above the level of the floor; he saw Duncan working his way toward the dais; watching Dhugal dancing; but Morgan had disappeared from sight。
〃It's certainly what Dhugal wanted; though;〃 he went on; turning back to her uneasily。 〃Apparently the two of them even quarreled about it; a few days ago。 I'm not certain what finally made Duncan decide to do it; but I'm glad he did…and he did it so well! Now Dhugal can be open about it; too。 After all; we can't hope for acceptance of Deryni if we don't set the example。〃
〃Aye; Bishop Duncan will be a good example; all around;〃 she agreed。 〃Few have not heard of what he suffered for you in Meara…though; to look at him; one would never know。 No scars show on the outside。 I wonder if he has nightmares。〃
〃Sometimes;〃 Kelson said distractedly。 〃But less and less often; he says。 I think seeing Loris and Gorony hang helped a lot。 Whatever else may have happened; he knows they can never touch him again。〃
〃Wicked; spiteful men!〃 Rothana murmured。 She moved farther into the window bay to lay one hand flat on the glass and stare unseeing at the moonlit garden beyond。 〃I don't understand how it could have e to that in Gwynedd; Kelson。 We Deryni have never had to tread so softly in the Forcinn。〃
Kelson glanced into his cup again and shrugged。
〃You didn't have a Deryni conqueror murder your royal house and impose despotic rule for four generations;〃 he countered。 〃When my ancestors were restored to their rightful throne; two hundred years ago; they'd had a bellyful of Deryni。 I suppose a backlash was almost inevitable。 If Saint Camber had lived longer; perhaps things might have been different。〃
〃Perhaps。 Tell me; do you really expect to find Saint Camber's relics this summer?〃
〃I hope to。 It's important to me。〃 He gulped another swallow of his wine。 〃Does that interest you…the prospect of restoring his cult in Gwynedd?〃
〃As a Deryni? Of course it does。 We haven't many Deryni saints…even discredited ones。 His cult was never really strong in Nur Hallaj; but it never quite died out; either… perhaps because so many Michaelines fled through the Forcinn; after they were expelled from Gwynedd。〃
Kelson swallowed; suddenly awkward as he saw the opportunity to ask the question he had been wanting to ask all evening。
〃How about as a religious?〃 he murmured。 〃Does your order support what I want to do?〃
〃My order is not Deryni; Sire;〃 she said demurely; from under lowered lashes。 〃Nor have I made a point of telling them what you want to do。〃
〃Did you…ah…receive some special dispensation to wear…er; not to wear your habit today?〃 Kelson dared to ask。
She looked him full in the eyes for just a second; far more boldly than he had dreamed she would dare; then quickly glanced at her feet; slippered in purple velvet。
〃I…did not think it needful to ask。 Sire。 I am a princess of royal blood; privileged to reside in the household of a most noble king。 On the day that king was to receive his knighthood; it seemed fitting that I dress in a way appropriate to my station; to do him honor。〃
Kelson swallowed; still not satisfied with her answer。
〃I appreciate the honor you have done me; Princess; but I would not have you promise the honor you owe to God。 I am a man。 I am not made of iron。〃
〃I know that;〃 she said; a blush staining her cheeks; even beneath her veil。
〃And?〃 he persisted。
〃And I…have found; in these past few months; that I am no longer certain I mean to take my final vows;〃 she managed to whisper。 〃I…have never questioned my vocation before now。〃
When she did not go on and would not look up at him; Kelson slowly nodded; cautious relief flooding into his breast。 Thank God Morgan had not e to rescue him when Kelson first had wished it。
〃You need say no more; my lady;〃 he murmured。 〃In a few days; I shall be leaving again for several months。 Perhaps…both of us might spend some of that time apart in careful consideration of what your words might mean。 I pray that you…and God…will forgive me if I dare to hope you do not take final vows。〃
〃There is nothing to forgive。 Sire…or; if there is; I forgive you freely; as I know Our Lord will also do。 This decision is mine to make。 It is I who must resolve the questions rising in my own heart。 You are not the cause of those questions; you are only a catalyst。 It mig
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