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hole lot down。 It will suffocate everyone on Earth。 No…one will survive。' 
   'No shit?' Elvis was impressed。
   'You fiend;' cried Ms Vrillium。 And quite rightly so。
   'And then what?' Christeen stepped before him。 'Lord of a barren planet? No…one to rule? No…one to worship you?' 
   'It's a demonic stratagem;' Dan argued。 'I never said it was perfect。' 
   'Holy cow;' whistled Elvis。 'Look at these dudes。' 
   Fergus Shaman had been nothing if not correct regarding Mungo's inpetence。 For Mungo; who had been fuming away that between them Dan and Christeen had now given the whole game away; had quite forgotten that whatever he was watching the entire viewing populations of two worlds were also watching。 So when the terrible realization finally dawned; minutes before; he had given the all…systems…go to the final Armageddon wipe…out。
   Down from the skies of Earth came Michael and all the saints。 Flaming swords; wild…eyed war…horses; thunder and lightning and the whole damn shooting gallery。
   'Boo boo;' went the bunker…bound; kicking their terminals。 Their one…time messiah was up in the Nemesis building planning to snuff them all out。 They didn't want to see all this rubbish。 'Boo boo;' they went。 'Bring back Christeen。' 
   Jam; jam; jam; went the newly…staffed switchboard at Earthers Inc。
   'The show must go on。' Mungo rammed buttons willy nilly。 Stock footage jumped through the system。 Michael and all the saints were met head on by the Charge of the Light Brigade (the 1930s black and white version)。 General Custer aimed his six…shooter at the wildly circling Indians。 Zulus bore down upon Rorke's Drift and chariots raced about the Circus Maximus。
   'Morgawr!' screamed the apoplectic Mungo。 'Stop him someone。 Don't let him jump。' 
   Down through the chaos of holographic projection; through the Zulus and the seventh cavalry and the Great White shark; which was circling a sinking lilo; shone a beam of golden light。 The Heavens opened; and upon high angelic hosts made with the harp strumming and the songs of praise。
   And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps。
   Revelation 14:2 (look it up if you don't believe me)
   Upon a throne of beryl surrounded by beasts of mythical origin; but undoubted authenticity; a shining figure descended。 Mungo smiled approvingly。 'There;' said he。 'That is a lot better。 That really looks the business; Morgawr。' 
   Jason Morgawr; now under heavy restraint; gazed into the hologram。 A foolish titter of laughter escaped through his lips。 'That's not me;' he whimpered。 'Not me。' 
   'Enough of this nonsense;' cried Dan。 'Everybody gets theirs。 Everybody。' He thrust his fist down upon the blood…red button。 Amidst the swirling confusion there was a terrible hush。 Pope Joan and the minions of the late L。 Ron looked on。 They had long ago run out of weaponry and had given it all up; anyway; to watch the show。 In the Dalai's apartment the players became a frozen tableau: Dan; grinning like the very Devil he was; Christeen; her hands locked in prayer; Fergus forting Gloria somewhat more than was necessary; Ms Vrillium cowering once more; Elvis standing noble and defiant; Rex doing likewise; perhaps a little more so。
   Suddenly a telephone rang。 Dan snatched it up。 A recorded voice said; 'We regret that the Doomsday button has been disconnected due to a maintenance dispute。 It's hoped that meaningful negotiations between management and shop floor will shortly return it to full operational capability。 We hope that this temporary suspension of service has not inconvenienced you too much。 Have another day。' 
   'What?' Dan began to foam at the mouth。 'What???' 
   Rex looked toward Christeen。 She shrugged。 'Not me; I didn't。。。 oh no。。。' 
   The room was suddenly swallowed up by a blinding golden light which poured through the windows from all sides。 Rex screwed up his eyes and squinted into the glare。 A dazzling throne hovered beyond the west…facing window and even now a shining figure was stepping down from it。 The light dulled slightly in intensity as Christeen knotted her fists and kicked furniture。 'Him。 I should have known。 It had to be him。' 
   'Him who?' Dan turned to view the radiant figure who was now waving away the throne as one might a taxi。
   The figure smoothed out the creases in his immaculate white suit and waved gaily toward the gaping group within。 'Hi; sis';' he called。
   'Oh bugger;' said Dan。
   Christeen buried her face in her hands。 'Not fair;' she protested; stamping her feet。 'Not fair。' The windows parted of their own accord and the shining figure entered the room。
   'God save all here;' said Jesus Christ; for it was none other。 He beamed around the room。 All; with the exception of Dan and Christeen; were now kneeling。 'Oh let's not be formal。' Such perfect diction。 'We're all friends here。 Well; nearly all。' 
   'My button;' said the disgruntled Dan。 'You broke my button。' 
   'Yes; sorry about that。 But we couldn't really have you killing everyone off just out of bad grace; could we?' 
   Dan sniffed。 'You can't pull a stroke like that。 No…one is going to swallow a Deus ex machina ending in this day and age。' 
   'A Deus what?' Elvis asked。 Such shoulder pads; he thought; who is this man's tailor?
   'Deus ex machina;' Jesus said。 'I think; all things considered; that it's truly justified。 And if I think so; I can't see who's going to argue。 So you'll just have to lump it; won't you?' 
   'Well; really。' Dan folded his arms and got a huff on。
   'He's such a tiresome little tick; isn't he?' As the question appeared to have been directed toward Rex; he nodded in ready response。
   'Yes sir;' he said; as the warmth of Jesus's smile dried out his acne。
   'Enough of that 〃sir〃 stuff; Rex。 You're almost one of the family。' 
   'I am?' Rex gazed up at the fantastic figure。 Even with the close…clipped beard and the designer sunglasses his resemblance to Christeen was undeniable。 God; what a handsome bloke; thought Gloria; I wonder if he's married yet。
   'Christeen;' said Jesus kindly。 'Aren't you going to say hello to your brother?' 
   Christeen shook her beautiful head。 'It's not fair;' said she。 Jesus gazed about him; taking it all in。 Ms Vrillium watched him at it。 What a lovely mover; she thought。
   'Why; thank you。' Jesus flashed her a smile which took twelve inches off her waistline。 'Now I see that the gang is almost all here。' 
   'Almost all?' gasped Mungo Madoc。 'There's more?' 
   'Almost all; Mungo。' Jesus replied。 'Does anybody know who's missing?' Faces were universally vacant。 'Oh e on;' Jesus urged。 'Surely you've been following the sub…plot? No?' He looked imploringly out from the book。 'Shall we tell them; readers?' 
   'Well; I'm going to tell them anyway。' Jesus took out a remote control from the waistcoat pocket of his Heavenly three…piece; aimed it at the ceiling; mid point of the erotic columns (which had now; unaccountably; toned down their dirty doings and were all hearts and flowers); pressed a button and stood back。
   'And tonight's star guest。 Mr Mystery himself。 e on down。' 
   An ethereal Hammond organ; of a generation now me
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