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e steered with an extra arm he'd recently fitted just beneath his right one to help improve his ski…boxing。
  〃Hey;〃 he cooed to himself; 〃you're a real cool boy you。〃 But his nerves sang a song shriller than a dog whistle。
  The island of France was about twenty miles long; five miles across the middle; sandy and crescent shaped。 In fact it seemed to exist not so much as an island in its own right as simply a means of defining the sweep and curve of a huge bay。 This impression was heightened by the fact that the inner coastline of the crescent consisted almost entirely of steep cliffs。 From the top of the cliff the land sloped slowly down five miles to the opposite shore。
  On top of the cliffs stood a reception mittee。
  It consisted in large part of the engineers and researchers who had built the Heart of Gold … mostly humanoid; but here and there were a few reptiloid atomineers; two or three green slyph…like maximegalacticans; an octopoid physucturalist or two and a Hooloovoo (a Hooloovoo is a super…intelligent shade of the color blue)。 All except the Hooloovoo were resplendent in their multi…colored ceremonial lab coats; the Hooloovoo had been temporarily refracted into a free standing prism for the occasion。
  There was a mood of immense excitement thrilling through all of them。 Together and between them they had gone to and beyond the furthest limits of physical laws; restructured the fundamental fabric of matter; strained; twisted and broken the laws of possibility and impossibility; but still the greatest excitement of all seemed to be to meet a man with an orange sash round his neck。 (An orange sash was what the President of the Galaxy traditionally wore。) It might not even have made much difference to them if they'd known exactly how much power the President of the Galaxy actually wielded: none at all。 Only six people in the Galaxy knew that the job of the Galactic President was not to wield power but to attract attention away from it。
  Zaphod Beeblebrox was amazingly good at his job。
  The crowd gasped; dazzled by sun and seamanship; as the Presidential speedboat zipped round the headland into the bay。 It flashed and shone as it came skating over the sea in wide skidding turns。
  In fact it didn't need to touch the water at all; because it was supported on a hazy cushion of ionized atoms … but just for effect it was fitted with thin finblades which could be lowered into the water。 They slashed sheets of water hissing into the air; carved deep gashes into the sea which swayed crazily and sank back foaming into the boat's wake as it careered across the bay。
  Zaphod loved effect: it was what he was best at。
  He twisted the wheel sharply; the boat slewed round in a wild scything skid beneath the cliff face and dropped to rest lightly on the rocking waves。
  Within seconds he ran out onto the deck and waved and grinned at over three billion people。 The three billion people weren't actually there; but they watched his every gesture through the eyes of a small robot tri…D camera which hovered obsequiously in the air nearby。 The antics of the President always made amazingly popular tri…D; that's what they were for。
  He grinned again。 Three billion and six people didn't know it; but today would be a bigger antic than anyone had bargained for。
  The robot camera homed in for a close up on the more popular of his two heads and he waved again。 He was roughly humanoid in appearance except for the extra head and third arm。 His fair tousled hair stuck out in random directions; his blue eyes glinted with something pletely unidentifiable; and his chins were almost always unshaven。
  A twenty…foot…high transparent globe floated next to his boat; rolling and bobbing; glistening in the brilliant sun。 Inside it floated a wide semi…circular sofa upholstered in glorious red leather: the more the globe bobbed and rolled; the more the sofa stayed perfectly still; steady as an upholstered rock。 Again; all done for effect as much as anything。
  Zaphod stepped through the wall of the globe and relaxed on the sofa。 He spread his two arms lazily along the back and with the third brushed some dust off his knee。 His heads looked about; smiling; he put his feet up。 At any moment; he thought; he might scream。
  Water boiled up beneath the bubble; it seethed and spouted。 The bubble surged into the air; bobbing and rolling on the water spout。 Up; up it climbed; throwing stilts of light at the cliff。 Up it surged on the jet; the water falling from beneath it; crashing back into the sea hundreds of feet below。
  Zaphod smiled; picturing himself。
  A thoroughly ridiculous form of transport; but a thoroughly beautiful one。
  At the top of the cliff the globe wavered for a moment; tipped on to a railed ramp; rolled down it to a small concave platform and riddled to a halt。
  To tremendous applause Zaphod Beeblebrox stepped out of the bubble; his orange sash blazing in the light。
  The President of the Galaxy had arrived。 
  He waited for the applause to die down; then raised his hands in greeting。
  〃Hi;〃 he said。
  A government spider sidled up to him and attempted to press a copy of his prepared speech into his hands。 Pages three to seven of the original version were at the moment floating soggily on the Damogran sea some five miles out from the bay。 Pages one and two had been salvaged by a Damogran Frond Crested Eagle and had already bee incorporated into an extraordinary new form of nest which the eagle had invented。 It was constructed largely of papier mache and it was virtually impossible for a newly hatched baby eagle to break out of it。 The Damogran Frond Crested Eagle had heard of the notion of survival of the species but wanted no truck with it。
  Zaphod Beeblebrox would not be needing his set speech and he gently deflected the one being offered him by the spider。
  〃Hi;〃 he said again。
  Everyone beamed at him; or; at least; nearly everyone。 He singled out Trillian from the crowd。 Trillian was a gird that Zaphod had picked up recently whilst visiting a planet; just for fun; incognito。 She was slim; darkish; humanoid; with long waves of black hair; a full mouth; an odd little nob of a nose and ridiculously brown eyes。 With her red head scarf knotted in that particular way and her long flowing silky brown dress she looked vaguely Arabic。 Not that anyone there had ever heard of an Arab of course。 The Arabs had very recently ceased to exist; and even when they had existed they were five hundred thousand light years from Damogran。 Trillian wasn't anybody in particular; or so Zaphod claimed。 She just went around with him rather a lot and told him what she thought of him。
  〃Hi honey;〃 he said to her。
  She flashed him a quick tight smile and looked away。 Then she looked back for a moment and smiled more warmly … but by this time he was looking at something else。
  〃Hi;〃 he said to a small knot of creatures from the press who were standing nearby wishing that he would stop saying Hi and get on with the quotes。 He grinned at them particularly because he knew that in a few moments he would be giving them one hell of a quote。
  The next thing he said though was n
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