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fair。 Anyone might stop。 Anything might happen。
  He kissed the postcard and dropped it into a mailbox near the bus station; then crossed the parking lot and climbed a grassy embankment to the highway。 Among the mosaic of dirty gravel and shattered glass on the shoulder of the road; he found a single long bone as dry and clean as a fossil。 A chicken bone; probably; that somebody had tossed out a car window。 But it might be raccoon or cat or even…Nothing shuddered pleasurably…a human bone。 Maybe someone had been thrown from a wreck; or some hitchhiker like himself had been hit and killed here; and the policemen who cleaned up the mess had overlooked a finger or two。 Nothing put the bone in his raincoat pocket and closed his hand around it。 It nestled there; making a place for itself next to Lost Souls?
  An hour's worth of cars went by; sleek and faceless; windows rolled up against the ing night。 Colors melted across the sky; the sun died its bloody evening death。 Out here; away from the lights of the diner and the bus station; the sky was a deep violet pricked with stars like glittering chips of ice。 A night wind was freshening; and Nothing began to shiver。 He had almost decided to go back and try to sleep in the bus station when the Lincoln Continental screeched to a stop beside him。
  The car was unwieldy and enormous; salmon…pink splotched with great woundlike patches of rust。 A rope trailed from the rear bumper; unravelling; its end stained dark。 The car's interior; once white maybe; reeked of something rancid。
  As he got in; Nothing saw the green plastic Jesus on the dashboard; but before he could reconsider the driver leaned across him and pulled the passenger door shut。 Nothing realized suddenly what the rancid smell was: sour milk。 It made him think of the dumpsters behind the school cafeteria when they hadn't been dumped for a while。
  〃Where you headed?〃 After a moment's hesitation; the driver added; 〃Son?〃
  The green Jesus glowed faintly in the dimming light。 Nothing dragged his gaze away from it and looked into the driver's face; but not before he had realized that the eyes of the Jesus were painted red。 〃Missing Mile;〃 he said。 It was the only place he could think of on a second's notice。 〃North Carolina。〃
  The man nodded and turned back to the road。 〃Heard about the place。 Maggot's nest of sin; nightclubs and bars; fast women。〃 He scowled at the highway。
  Nothing looked more closely at the driver。 He seemed very white。 His face was unlined and pale; with a kind of crazy exalted beauty to it; but the hair that hung in it was the color of flat; hard…packed ice。 The man's hands were as spindly as two white spiders on the steering wheel; and the pale wrists disappeared into folds of cloth as white as milk。 Was he wearing robes?
  The white hands skittered on the wheel。 〃Have you been saved?〃
  〃Shit;〃 said Nothing softly。
  〃What was that?〃
  Nothing looked out the window at a graying landscape。 Born…agains made him into a smartass。 〃Yeah。 I was saved once; at a party。 I was almost sober; and my friend gave me another drink。〃
  One of the hands shot off the wheel。 Nothing flinched; thinking he was about to get smacked; but the hand only crawled through the clutter on the front seat and came up with a smeary purple…inked tract clutched in its fingers。 Saved by the Blood of the Lamb。
  The man dropped the tract ill Nothing's lap。 A long white finger touched Nothing's leg through a rip in his jeans。 〃You read that;〃 he said。
  〃Yeah; sure。 I will。〃 Nothing started to stuff the tract into his backpack。
  〃Now。〃 The voice was ice…edged。 Nothing thought of frozen milk; of shattering crystal。 〃You read me them words now。 Sing it loud and clear。〃
  〃No way。 Fuck that。〃 Nothing pushed himself back against the door。 〃Let me out。〃
  〃I could tell you were a sinner from the minute you climbed in。 Christ shows them to me; and it's my duty to save them。 I got to do it。 I got to do it。〃 The driver's voice sounded almost frightened now。 〃You got to read; it's my duty to make you。〃
  The needle of the speedometer was jittering; climbing。 Sixty。 Eighty。 The Lincoln slipped on the shoulder; sprayed gravel; righted itself。
  Nothing unfolded the tract。 The last fiery sliver of sun was just slipping down behind the pines。 The tiny violet letters squirmed and blurred before his eyes。 〃I can't read it;〃 he said。 〃Too dark。〃
  The driver touched a button。 Dull light flooded the car。 The man glanced sideways at him; and Nothing saw that the irises of his eyes were red。 No; not red。 Pink。 Bright jewel…pink。 Nothing was so intrigued that he forgot to be afraid。 〃Can you see?〃 he asked。
  A kind of radiance suffused the man's face; lighting up that crazy horrible beauty; making it glow。 〃My affliction;〃 he said。 'They call me albino。 I call it the hand of Jesus upon me。 I am stricken; and I walk with Him。〃
  〃They're; pretty;〃 said Nothing。 〃I wouldn't mind having pink eyes。
  The radiance disappeared。 The speedometer trembled up to ninety…five。 〃God…given affliction ain't pretty。 You go on。 You got to read。〃
  Nothing picked up the tract again。 As he shifted in his seat; his foot crushed something on the floor。 Now he could see where the sour smell came from: dozens of empty milk cartons littered the floorboards; some fresh; some faded with age。 Missing children smiled sunnily up at him; refusing to acknowledge that now they were probably just scattered bones in a culvert somewhere。
  Nothing took a deep breath and opened the tract。 The paper felt slick and cheap between his fingers。 〃What is eternal life?〃 he began。
  〃Go on;〃 the driver told him。 His breathing had begun to quicken。
  An hour later it was full dark outside the dusty windows。 The Lincoln was cruising at eighty。 The albino had made him read four more tracts; and between that and the sour…milk odor; Nothing's throat felt as if someone had poured hot sand down it。
  〃'Don't let Satan deceive you; for he lies。 BEING SAVED IS THE ONLY WAY INTO HEAVEN。。。'〃 Nothing faltered。 His voice was as hoarse as if he had just smoked a whole pack of Luckies。 If the albino was going to kill him and dump him in a ditch somewhere; they might as well get it over with。 If he stopped now; maybe he'd still be able to scream。
  〃I can't go any more;〃 he said; afraid to look at the albino。 Instead he stared out the window。 The countryside was dark。 Rain had begun to speckle the windshield; streaking down through a patina of dust and highway grit。 There was no light anywhere; not by the side of the road; not on the horizon。 Heavy clouds blotted out the moon。
  The Lincoln's one working headlight picked out a line of bright orange cones by the side of the road。 Highway work。 The cones flashed by slower 。 。 。 slower。 Gravel crunched beneath the wheels。 The car came to a full stop。
  The albino cut the ignition and turned to Nothing。 The only light came from the glowing green Jesus on the dash; a ghostly light; faint and phosphorescent。 The painted eyes stood out like holes in the tiny mournful face。 The albino stared at Nothing; his face shadowed; his own eyes glittering flatly。 When the craziness in his f
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