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 was Reflex Point; not some low…echelon outpost hive staffed with Scouts and a couple of Trooper; ships。 For every ten Invid the cannon destroyed; there were ten more in the air; and Rook began to curse Rand for taking it on himself to confront them。

The three Veritechs had a bad time of it; that they survived at all was in no small way a result of the pandemonium Rand's shots were causing。 Numerous though they were; the Pincer Ships and Troopers seemed to be buzzing around in a blind rage; desperate to counterattack but at a loss as to direction; in some cases they were even annihilating one other。 Consequently; Scott; Rook; and Lancer were able to inflict a good deal of secondary damage as the syncro…cannon continued to send swaths of blue death into the field。

But the Invid ultimately located the cannon; and their forces proved to be more than Rand could handle。 Recalling what Scott had said earlier…that he would rather see the cannon destroyed than fall to the enemy…Rand saw to it that that was the case; arming the syncro's self…destruct mechanism even as Pincer Ships were moving in to overwhelm him。 He had rejoined Annie and was shielding her with his own body when the thing finally blew; taking twenty or more Invid ships with it。

〃I didn't want to blow the damn thing up;〃 Rand explained to Annie as dirt and rocks rained down on them。 〃But it was better than letting them get their steely paws on it!〃

Shortly; the Beta was hovering over them; a rescue rope dangling blessedly from its undercarriage。 Rand was shocked to find Marlene in the rear partment; but Scott told him that they couldn't risk leaving anyone behind。 Lunk was off somewhere in the APC。 Rand sent Annie back to sit with Marlene and climbed into the Beta's rear cockpit seat。

〃Prepare for mecha separation;〃 Scott told him over the net。 He said nothing about Graham and nothing about Rand's action; hoping to make Rand feel all the worse about it。

〃I'm ready; mander;〃 Rand said by way of apology。

He then turned to the women and told them to brace themselves。

Sue Graham was overjoyed at the shots she had been getting: entire squadrons of Invid Pincer Ships Ships reduced to slag heaps by blasts from the syncro…cannon; Veritechs and alien Troopers going at it tooth and claw in Earth's night skies; the ground…shaking self…destruction of the cannon itself…Invid craft clasped onto it like so many frenzied land crabs; the frightened look on the face of the young female freedom fighter as she climbed toward the safety of the hovering Beta Fighter。 It was splendid stuff; fantastic…the kind of footage that would earn her awards。

She knew that Lieutenant Bernard had caught sight of her once or twice during the chaos and was well aware of what he thought of her。 But she found it easy to dismiss him from her concerns。 It might be a bit unfortable later on; Sue told herself; but with the main fleet already overdue; she wouldn't have to put up with the lieutenant's flak for very long。 She had to admit; though; that he had certainly provided her with some of the day's best action sequences…especially now that his Beta had undergone mecha separation and his motley band had all reconfigured their fighters to Battloid mode。 It had been a long time since she had seen techno…knights dishing it out。 She kept her camera trained on the skies for a time; singling out the red Alpha and its attractive pilot。

But suddenly her lens found an even more interesting subject: the blond Human who had stepped from the Invid mand ship the day before。 She had seen his craft off and on during the battle; but now she had him fully in her sights。 And so; apparently; did the pilot of the Beta's rear ponent…that daredevil Rand。 The two ships; Battloid and Invid mander; exchanged hyphens of laser fire and flocks of heat…seeking missiles; they darted across the valley like two insects in a kind of death ritual。 But in the end it was the Earthling who prevailed; his missiles tore into the hovering; perhaps depleted ship and holed it top to bottom; blowing away one of its cannon arms and sending it into a lethal dive。

Sue reconfigured her Cyclone to Battle Armor mode and zoomed in to meet it; a gleaming figure in black hopping across the battle…scarred terrain。 Most of the drone ships had also taken note of their mander's demise and were fleeing the arena in the direction of the central hive。

Sue raised her camera and took a few steps toward the fallen ship; its pilot on the ground motionless beside it。 He had scampered out of the ruined cockpit and collapsed; but Sue was certain he wasn't dead。 As she stepped closer; the blond man got up; gasping。 She centered him in the lens brackets and asked: 〃Who are you? How long have you been fighting for them? What's the Regis really like?〃

The pilot dropped to his knees; lianas tight against his abdomen and stared at her unprehendingly。 Then he was on his feet again; taking shuffling steps。

Sue heard the angry rasp of thrusters behind her and turned to look up at the source of the sound。 It was one of the few remaining Pincer Ships; evil on its mind。 She broke into a wild run; but the first discs were already on their way。 For a brief instant her eyes met those of the blond pilot; before white light erased the world。。。

Scott got off a few rifle/cannon shots at the retreating Pincer Ship; but the thing got away。 He ordered a sweep of the area; then put down where he had seen the mand ship crash and Sue Graham shoot her last footage。 Lunk; Lancer; and the rest joined him after a moment。

〃Hey; is this guy really an Invid or what?〃 Lunk said; standing over the body of the blond man as though afraid to touch it。

Scott went over to the photographer and gently removed her helmet。 Alive but mortally wounded; Sue let out a long; deep moan。 Scott tried to cradle her head in his lap; but the bulky armor of the Cyclone prevented it。 He pushed her hair away from her face。

〃It seems I've got pictures of an Invid with the body of a Human;〃 she managed to say; looking up at Scott through glazed eyes。

〃Were they worth dying for; Graham?〃

Behind him; Annie was making disgusted sounds。 She and Lunk and Marlene watched as green blood pulsed from the pilot's wounds。 〃Anybody that bleeds green blood must be an Invid;〃 she announced。 〃But how e they look like us all of a sudden? I mean; he looks almost Human; doesn't he; Marlene?〃

〃Like that other blond pilot;〃 said Lancer。 〃That woman。〃

Annie turned around to find out why Marlene wasn't answering her; she saw that Marlene was staring wide…eyed at a wound she had received to her left shoulder。 Alarmed; Annie reached out。 Then she noticed the blood。

It was green。

Annie collapsed to her knees in disbelief。 Was it possible that through all their months together she had never seen Marlene bleed? It had to be some kind of mistake…a hallucination!

Annie's actions had drawn everyone's attention; and all eyes were now fixed on Marlene。 No one knew how to react: someone might as well have told them that Marlene was suffering from a fatal disease。 The pale woman looked from face to face; then put her hands to her head in a gesture of plete shock。 〃No! No!〃 she screamed; tossin
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