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given his word; proverbial fingers crossed behind his back; if only to calm her down。 She had appeared especially stressed out for the past week; and Scott was worried about her; so he wasn't surprised to hear her call out in the middle of the night。 He slipped out of his sleeping bag and went to her side; she seemed to sense his presence and e around; smiling weakly up at him in the moonlight。

〃I feel so strange; so alone; Scott。。。 〃

He reached out to stroke her luxuriant hair。 〃It's because we're so close to Reflex Point; Marlene。 I was afraid this would happen; that's why I wanted you to stay with Simon。。。 〃 He was suddenly aware that she wasn't listening to him but staring instead at the holo…locket that had slipped from his shirt。

〃You'll never forget her; the woman in your pendant。。。She was very special; wasn't she?〃

Scott held the heart…shaped memento in the palm of his hand and regarded it for a moment。 〃She was special; but so are you; Marlene。〃 He placed his hand against her cheek。 〃I wear this to remind me。。。Sometimes it's the only thing that gives me the strength to go on。〃

〃I'm sorry I brought it up;〃 she said sleepily; and rolled over in her bag。

Scott heard the roar of thrusters and went to the door and looked up。 Through the trees he could see three Invid patrol ships streak across the night sky。 Lancer was beside him now; he had the watch and had returned to the cabin at the sound of Marlene's cries。 〃Everything all right?〃 he asked。

Scott led him away from the doorway。 〃Nobody has enough strength left to hold on to; Lancer。 If we don't finish this thing soon。。。〃 Scott let it go and uttered a soft curse aimed at the stars。 〃What's keeping Hunter? Doesn't he realize…〃

〃Don't; Scott;〃 Lancer said; cutting him off。 〃We just have to keep taking things one step at a time。〃

〃I suppose you're right。〃 Scott turned to look back at his sleeping friends and teammates。 〃We've just got to…Lancer; where's Rand?!〃

Lancer swung around and saw the empty bedroll…then another。 〃Annie's missing; too。〃

Scott stepped deeper into the woods to whisper their names in the dark。 〃They're with Graham; I'm sure of it;〃 Scott told Lancer angrily。 〃Wake everyone up。 We've got trouble。〃

Ten minutes later; what remained of the team was ready for action; Lunk and Marlene were helping Scott; Lancer; and Rook into their battle armor。 〃My guess is that Graham is leading them to the syncro…cannon;〃 Scott was saying now。 They were gathered at the edge of the woods and could see that the Invid were still patrolling the area。 〃We have no choice…we have to get the Veritechs up。〃

〃I can't believe Rand would be foolish enough to listen to that woman;〃 said Lancer。 〃And to take Annie with him。。。〃

Rook snorted。 〃Doesn't surprise me any。 I think he's hot for that photographer。〃 She disregarded the fact that Rand had tried to take Graham's head off earlier in the day。

〃I know why he did it;〃 Marlene offered; looking away from them。 〃Because I made such a scene about Scott going。〃

Lancer flashed her an understanding look。 〃Still; why would he take Annie?〃

〃That was probably Graham's idea;〃 Scott answered him。 〃Can't you understand what she's up to?〃 he continued; seeing their puzzled looks。 〃The whole idea is to try to get some terrific action footage for herself。 Think about it: Annie and Rand; two freedom fighters far from home。〃

Scott was correct on every count; including his hunch that Sue Graham had set the whole thing in motion。 She and Rand and Annie were picking their way across a steep; rock…strewn incline now; nearing the place where Graham claimed to have hidden the Robotech weapon。 Neither Rand nor Annie minded in the least that Graham was getting it all down on disc; after all; this was a heroic undertaking; and who along the long road they had traveled had taken such an interest in their actions? And while it was true that Rand had been affected by Marlene's concern for Scott's safety; his motivations were more selfish than considerate。

What Graham had termed a cave was actually a kind of pocket in the hillside; well concealed and protected by a broad earthen overhang。 Several Invid patrol ships had overflown the area; but the cannon had thus far escaped detection。 Rand wasn't all that impressed by his first sight of the thing。 But the weapon was massive; he had to admit; with a boxcar…sized barrel that had a kind of mitered muzzle。 There was an adjacent drive unit; its front cockpit portion enclosed by a bubble shield。 The whole arrangement was mounted on a three…legged circular base that housed the weapon's thrusters and hoverports。 It reminded Rand of some of the artillery used by the Army of the Southern Cross in the Second Robotech War。

Rand and Graham scrambled down the slope while Annie waved good luck from the overhead ledge。 The photographer trained her camera on the young girl; then swung around to catch Rand as he was seating himself at the cannon's controls。

〃On second thought; this thing looks awesome;〃 he said; grinning for the lens。 〃But I'm sure I'll be able to handle it。 Why; when I think back to some of the spots we've…〃

〃Get started!〃 Graham yelled from the ground。 〃I want to get a shot of you ing out of the cave。〃

Rand's face reflected his disappointment; but a moment later he was pushing buttons and flipping switches; the cannon's thruster fires roaring to life beneath him。 He had had limited experience with Hovercraft of any sort; but what he knew was enough to send the weapon free of its rocky enclosure and place it to strategic advantage on a high ledge overlooking the valley floor; the river a dark; sinuous ribbon below him。 Infrared scanners told him where the Invid patrol ships were thickest; and without much thought as to the consequences; Rand slipped on a pair of targeting goggles and began to arm the gun。

Back at Annie's side now; Sue Graham aimed her camera and readied herself for the shot。

The syncro…cannon erupted; spewing a flash of blue fire into the night。 The first blast tore right through four Invid Enforcer ships; a streaking projectile through paper targets。 No more looking for vulnerable spots now; Rand said to himself。 He grinned and triggered three follow…up one to take out the survivors that were making for the skies。

Suddenly patrol craft and Troopers were lifting off all across the valley。 It was as though someone had tossed a smoke bomb into a into a bee's nest。 And Rand kept firing; scorching earth and air alike with the cannon's devastating salvos。 Then; out of the corner of his eye; he saw Graham; in her armor now and astride a black Cyclone。

〃Hey; what are you up to?〃 he asked her over the tactical net。 He saw Graham gesture to her camera。

〃I've got work to do。〃

〃But we're going to need you now that we've stirred everything up!〃 Rand yelled; but she was already gone。

Scott and the others took to the Veritechs at the cannon's first discharge。 Rook hadn't witnessed such an incredible display of power since the early battles between the last of the Southern Cross and the first Invid wave。 But even so; this was Reflex Point; not some low…echelon outpost hive staffed with Scouts and a couple of Trooper; sh
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