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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第255章

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nother occasion a staging with a number of workmen thereon gave way。 Two of the men were killed outright by striking some portion of the work in their descent; two others fell clear of the girders; and were rescued from the Firth little worse for their great fall。

Resistance of Children to Injuries。It is a remarkable fact that young children; whose bones; cartilages; and tissues are remarkably elastic; are sometimes able to sustain the passage over their bodies of vehicles of great weight without apparent injury。 There is a record early in this century of a child of five who was run over across the epigastrium by a heavy two…wheeled cart; but recovered without any bad symptoms。 The treatment in this case is quite interesting; and was as follows: venesection to faintness; castor oil in infusion of senna until there was a free evacuation of the bowels; 12 leeches to the abdomen and spine; and a saline mixture every two hours! Such depleting therapeutics would in themselves seem almost sufficient to provoke a fatal issue; and were given in good faith as the means of effecting a recovery in such a case。 In a similar instances a wagon weighing 1200 pounds passed over a child of five; with no apparent injury other than a bruise near the ear made by the wheel。

Infant…vitality is sometimes quite remarkable; a newly…born child sometimes surviving extreme exposure and major injuries。 There was a remarkable instance of this kind brought to light in the Mullings vs。 Mullings divorce…case; recorded in The Lancet。 It appeared that Mrs。 Mullings; a few hours after her confinement at Torquay; packed her newly…born infant boy in a portmanteau; and started for London。 She had telegraphed Dr。 J。 S。 Tulloch to meet her at Paddington; where he found his patient apparently in good condition; and not weak; as he expected in a woman shortly to be confined。 On the way to her apartments; which had been provided by Dr。 Tulloch; Mrs。 Mullings remarked to the Doctor that she had already borne her child。 Dr。 Tulloch was greatly surprised; and immediately inquired what she had done with the baby。 She replied that it was in a box on top of the cab。 When the box was opened the child was found alive。 The Lancet comments on the remarkable fact that; shortly after confinement; a woman can travel six or seven hours in a railroad train; and her newly…born babe conveyed the same distance in a portmanteau; without apparent injury; and without attracting attention。

Booth reports a remarkable case of vitality of a newly…born child which came under his observation in October; 1894。 An illegitimate child; abandoned by its mother; was left at the bottom of a cesspool vault; she claimed that ten hours before Booth's visit it had been accidentally dropped during an attempt to micturate。 The infant lived despite the following facts: Its delivery from an ignorant; inexperienced; unattended negress; its cord not tied; its fall of 12 feet down the pit; its ten hours' exposure in the cesspool; its smothering by foul air; also by a heavy covering of rags; paper; and straw; its pounding by three bricks which fell in directly from eight feet above (some loose bricks were accidentally dislodged from the sides of the vault; in the maneuvers to extricate the infant); its lowered temperature previous to the application of hot bottles; blankets; and the administration of cardiac stimulants。 Booth adds that the morning after its discovery the child appeared perfectly well; and some two months afterward was brought into court as evidence in the case。 A remarkable case of infant vitality is given on page 117。

Operations in the Young and Old。It might be of interest to mention that such a major operation as ovariotomy has been successfully performed in an infant。 In a paper on infant ovariotomy d several instances of this nature are mentioned。 Roemer successfully performed ovariotomy on a child one year and eight months old; Swartz; on a child of four; Barker; on a child of four; Knowsley Thornton; on a child of seven; and Spencer Wells Cupples; and Chenoweth; on children of eight。 Rein performed ovariotomy on a girl of six; suffering from a multilocular cyst of the left ovary。 He expresses his belief that childhood and infancy are favorable to laparotomy。

Kidd removed a dermoid from a child of two years and eleven months; Hooks performed the same operation on a child of thirty months。 Chiene extirpated an ovary from a child of three; Neville duplicated this operation in a child one month younger; and Alcock performed ovariotomy on a child of three。

Successful ovariotomies are infrequent in the extremely aged。 Bennett mentions an instance in a woman of seventy…five; and Davies records a similar instance。 Borsini and Terrier cite instances of successful ovariotomy in patients of seventy…seven。 Carmichael performed the operation at seventy…four。 Owens mentions it at eighty; and Homans at eighty…two years and four months。 Dewees records a successful case of ovariotomy in a woman over sixty…seven; McNutt reports a successful instance in a patient of sixty…seven years and six months; the tumor weighed 60 pounds; and there were extensive adhesions。 Maury removed a monocystic ovarian tumor from a woman of seventy…four; his patient recovering。 Pippingskold mentions an ovariotomy at eighty。 Terrier describes double ovariotomy for fibromata in a woman of seventy…seven。 Aron speaks of an operation for pilous dermoid of the ovary in a woman of seventy…five。 Shepherd reports a case of recurrent proliferous cyst in a woman of sixty…three; on whom successful ovariotomy was performed twice within nine months。 Wells mentions an ovarian cyst in a woman of sixty…five; from which 72 pints of fluid were removed。

Hawkins describes the case of a musician; M。 Rochard; who at the age of one hundred and seven was successfully operated on for strangulated hernia of upward of thirty hours' duration。 The wound healed by first intention; and the man was well in two weeks。 Fowler operated successfully for strangulated umbilical hernia on a patient of sixty…eight。

Repeated Operations。Franzolini speaks of a woman of fifty on whom he performed six celiotomies between June; 1879; and April; 1887。 The first operation was for fibrocystic disease of the uterus。 Since the last operation the woman had had remarkably good health; and there was every indication that well…merited recovery had been effected。 The Ephemerides contains an account of a case in which cystotomy was repeated four times; and there is another record of this operation having been done five times on a man。 Instances of repeated Cesarean section are mentioned on page 130。

Before leaving this subject; we mention a marvelous operation performed by Billroth on a married woman of twenty…nine; after her sixth pregnancy。 This noted operator performed; synchronously; double ovariotomy and resections of portions of the bladder and ileum; for a large medullary carcinomatous growth of the ovary; with surrounding involvement。 Menstruation returned three months after the operation; and in fifteen months the patient was in good health in every way; with no apparent danger of recurrence of the disease。

Self…performed Surgical Operations。There have be
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