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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第234章

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th Poupart's ligament into the cavity of the abdomen; traversed the whole cavity across to the left side; it then entered the thorax by perforating the diaphragm; displaced the heart by pushing it to the right of the sternum; and pierced the left lung。 It then passed anteriorly under the muscles and integument in the axillary space; along the upper third of the humerus; which was extended beyond the head; the external skin not being ruptured。 The stick remained in situ for four hours before attempts at extraction were made。 On account of the displacement of the heart it was decided not to give chloroform。 The boy was held down by four men; and Humphreys and his assistant made all the traction in their power。 After removal not more than a teaspoonful of blood followed。 The heart still remained displaced; and a lump of intestine about the size of an orange protruded from the wound and was replaced。 The boy made a slow and uninterrupted recovery; and in six weeks was able to sit up。 The testicle sloughed; but five months later; when the boy was examined; he was free from pain and able to walk。 There was a slight enlargement of the abdomen and a cicatrix of the wound in the right groin。 The right testicle was absent; and the apex of the heart was displaced about an inch。

Woodbury reports the case of a girl of fourteen; who fell seven or eight feet directly upon an erect stake in a cart; the tuberosity was first struck; and then the stake passed into the anus; up the rectum for two inches; thence through the rectal wall; and through the body in an obliquely upward direction。 Striking the ribs near the left nipple it fractured three; and made its exit。 The stake was three inches in circumference; and 27 inches of its length passed into the body; six or seven inches emerging from the chest。 This girl recovered so rapidly that she was able to attend school six weeks afterward。 In a case reported by Bailey a middle…aged woman; while sliding down a hay…stack; struck directly upon a pitchfork handle which entered the vagina; the whole weight of the woman was successfully maintained by the cellular tissue of the uterovaginal culdesac。

Minot speaks of the passage of one prong of a pitchfork through the body of a man of twenty…one; from the perineum to the umbilicus; the man recovered。

Hamilton reports a case of laceration of the perineum with penetration of the pelvic cavity to the depth of ten inches by a stick 3/4 inch thick。 Prowse mentions the history of a case of impalement in a man of thirty…four; who; coming down a hay…stack; alighted on the handle of a pitchfork which struck him in the middle of the scrotum; and passed up between the skin and fascia to the 10th rib。 Recovery was prompt。

There are several cases on record in which extensive wounds of the abdominal parietes with protrusion and injury to the intestine have not been followed by death。 Injuries to the intestines themselves have already been spoken of; but there are several cases of evisceration worthy of record。

Doughty says that at midnight on June 7; 1868; he was called to see a man who had been stabbed in a street altercation with a negro。 When first seen in the street; the patient was lying on his back with his abdomen exposed; from which protruded an enormous mass of intestines; which were covered with sand and grit; the small intestine (ileum) was incised at one point and scratched at another by the passing knife。 The incision; about an inch in length; was closed with a single stitch of silk thread; and after thorough cleansing the whole mass was returned to the abdominal cavity。 In this hernial protrusion were recognized four or five feet of the ileum; the cecum with its appendix; part of the ascending colon with corresponding portions of the mesentery; the distribution of the superior mesentery; made more apparent by its living pulsation; was more beautifully displayed in its succession of arches than in any dissection that Doughty had ever witnessed。 Notwithstanding the extent of his injuries the patient recovered; and at last reports was doing finely。

Barnes reports the history of a negro of twenty…five who was admitted to the Freedmen's Hospital; New Orleans; May 15; 1867; suffering from an incised wound of the abdomen; from which protruded eight inches of colon; all of the stomach; and nearly the whole of the small intestines。 About 2 1/2 feet of the small intestine; having a whitish color; appeared to be filled with food and had much of the characteristic feeling of a sausage。 The rest of the small intestine had a dark…brown color; and the stomach and colon; distended with gas; were leaden…colored。 The viscera had been exposed to the atmosphere for over an hour。 Having nothing but cold Mississippi water to wash them with; Barnes preferred returning the intestines without any attempt at removing blood and dirt further than wiping with a cambric handkerchief and the stripping they would naturally be subjected to in being returned through the opening。 In ten minutes they were returned; they were carefully examined inch by inch for any wound; but none was found。 Three silver sutures were passed through the skin; and a firm compress applied。 The patient went to sleep shortly after his wound was dressed; and never had a single subsequent bad symptom; he was discharged on May 24th; the wound being entirely healed; with the exception of a cartilage of a rib which had not reunited。

Rogers mentions the case of a carpenter of thirty…six who was struck by a missile thrown by a circular saw; making a wound two inches above the umbilicus and to the left。 Through the opening a mass of intestines and a portion of the liver; attached by a pedicle; protruded。 A portion of the liver was detached; and the liver; as well as the intestines; were replaced; and the man recovered。

Baillie; Bhadoory; Barker; Edmundson; Johnson; and others; record instances of abdominal wounds accompanied by extensive protrusion of the intestines; and recovery。 Shah mentions an abdominal wound with protrusion of three feet of small intestine。 By treatment with ice; phenol; and opium; recovery was effected without peritonitis。

Among nonfatal perforating gunshot wounds of the abdomen; Loring: reports the case of a private in the First Artillery who recovered after a double gunshot perforation of the abdomen。 One of the balls entered 5 1/2 inches to the left of the umbilicus; and two inches above the crest of the ilium; making its exit two inches above the crest of the ilium; on a line with and two inches from the 4th lumbar vertebra。 The other ball entered four inches below and to the rear of the left nipple; making its exit four inches directly below the point of entrance。 In their passages these balls did not wound any of the viscera; and with the exception of traumatic fever there was no disturbance of the health of the patient。 Schell records the case of a soldier who was wounded July 3; 1867; by a conoid ball from a Remington revolver of the Army pattern。 The ball entered on the left side of the abdomen; its lower edge grazing the center of Poupart's ligament; and passing backward; inward; and slightly upward; emerged one inch to the left of the spinous process of the sacrum。
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