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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第233章

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without great twisting of the mesocolon。 Tompsett mentions that he was called to see a workman of sixty…five; suffering from extreme rectal hemorrhage。 He found the man very feeble; without pulse; pale; and livid。 By digital examination he found a hard body in the rectum; which he was sure was not feces。 This body he removed with a polyp…forceps; and found it to be a cylindric candle…box; which measured six inches in circumference; 2 1/2 in length; and 1 1/2 in diameter。 The removal was followed by a veritable flood of fecal material; and the man recovered。 Lane reports perforation of the rectum by the introduction of two large pieces of soap; there was coincident strangulated hernia。

Hunter mentions a native Indian; a resident of Coorla; who had introduced a bullock's horn high up into his abdomen; which neither he nor his friends could extract。 He was chloroformed and placed in the lithotomy position; his buttocks brought to the edge of the bed; and after dilatation of the sphincter; by traction with the fingers and tooth…forceps; the horn was extracted。 It measured 11 inches long。 The young imbecile had picked it up on the road; where it had been rendered extremely rough by exposure; and this caused the difficulty in extraction。

In Nelson's Northern Lancet; 1852; there is the record of a case of a man at stool; who slipped on a cow's horn; which entered the rectum and lodged beyond the sphincter。 It was only removed with great difficulty。

A convict at Brest put up his rectum a box of tools。 Symptoms of vomiting; meteorism; etc。; began; and became more violent until the seventh day; when he died。 After death; there was found in the transverse colon; a cylindric or conic box; made of sheet iron; covered with skin to protect the rectum and; doubtless; to aid expulsion。 It was six inches long and five inches broad and weighed 22 ounces。 It contained a piece of gunbarrel four inches long; a mother…screw steel; a screw…driver; a saw of steel for cutting wood four inches long; another saw for cutting metal; a boring syringe; a prismatic file; a half…franc piece and four one…franc pieces tied together with thread; a piece of thread; and a piece of tallow; the latter presumably for greasing the instruments。 On investigation it was found that these conic cases were of common use; and were always thrust up the rectum base first。 In excitement this prisoner had pushed the conic end up first; thus rendering expulsion almost impossible。 Ogle gives an interesting case of foreign body in the rectum of a boy of seventeen。 The boy was supposed to be suffering with an abdominal tumor about the size of a pigeon's egg under the right cartilages; it had been noticed four months before。 On admission to the hospital the lad was suffering with pain and jaundice; sixteen days later he passed a stick ten inches long; which he reluctantly confessed that he had introduced into the anus。 During all his treatment he was conscious of the nature of his trouble; but he suffered rather than confess。 Studsgaard mentions a man of thirty…five who; for the purpose of stopping diarrhea; introduced into his rectum a preserve…bottle nearly seven inches long with the open end uppermost。 The next morning he had violent pain in the abdomen; and the bottle could be felt through the abdominal wall。 It was necessary to perform abdominal section through the linea alba; divide the sigmoid flexure; and thus remove the bottle。 The intestine was sutured and the patient recovered。 The bottle measured 17 cm。 long; five cm。 in diameter at its lower end; and three cm。 at its upper end。

Briggs reports a case in which a wine glass was introduced into the rectum; and although removed twenty…four hours afterward; death ensued。 Hockenhull extracted 402 stones from the rectum of a boy of seven。 Landerer speaks of a curious case in which the absorptive power of the rectum was utilized in the murder of a boy of fifteen。 In order to come into the possession of a large inheritance the murderess poisoned the boy by introducing the ends of some phosphorous matches into his rectum; causing death that night; there was intense inflammation of the rectum。 The woman was speedily apprehended; and committed suicide when her crime was known。

Complete transfixion of the abdomen does not always have a fatal issue。 In fact; two older writers; Wisemann and Muys; testify that it is quite possible for a person to be transfixed without having any portion of the intestines or viscera wounded。 In some nations in olden times; the extremest degree of punishment was transfixion by a stake。 In his voyages and travels; in describing the death of the King of Demaa at the hands of his page; Mendez Pinto says that instead of being reserved for torture; as were his successors Ravaillac; and Gerard; the slayer of William the Silent; the assassin was impaled alive with a long stake which was thrust in at his fundament and came out at the nape of his neck。 There is a record of a man of twenty…five; a soldier in the Chinese war of 1860; who; in falling from his horse; was accidentally transfixed by a bayonet。 The steel entered his back two inches to the left of the last dorsal vertebra; and reappeared two inches to the left and below the umbilicus; as there was no symptom of visceral wound there were apparently no injuries except perforation of the parietes and the peritoneum。 The man recovered promptly。

Ross reports a case of transfixion in a young male aborigine; a native of New South Wales; who had received a spear…wound in the epigastrium during a quarrel; extraction was impossible because of the sharp…pointed barbs; the spear was; therefore; sawed off; and was removed posteriorly by means of a small incision。 The edges of the wound were cleansed; stitched; and a compress and bandage applied。 During the night the patient escaped and joined his comrades in the camp; and on the second day was suffering with radiating pains and distention。 The following day it was found that the stitches and plaster had been removed; and the anterior wound was gaping and contained an ichorous discharge。 The patient was bathing the wound with a decoction of the leaves of the red…gum tree。 Notwithstanding that the spear measured seven inches; and the interference of treatment; the abdominal wound closed on the sixth day; and recovery was uninterrupted。 Gilkrist mentions an instance in which a ramrod was fired into a soldier's abdomen; its extremity lodging in the spinal column; without causing the slightest evidence of wounds of the intestines or viscera。 A minute postmortem examination was held some time afterward; the soldier having died by drowning; but the results were absolutely negative as regards any injury done by the passage of the ramrod。

Humphreys says that a boy of eleven; while 〃playing soldier〃 with another boy; accidentally fell on a rick…stake。 The stake was slightly curved at its upper part; being 43 inches long and three inches in circumference; and sharp…pointed at its extremity。 As much as 17 1/2 inches entered the body of the lad。 The stake entered just in front of the right spermatic cord; passed beneath Poupart's ligament into the cavity of the abdomen; traversed the whole cavity across to the left 
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