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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第114章

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eventy…five years。

In 1730 there was born of poor fisher parents at Jelst a child named Wybrand Lokes。 He became a very skilful jeweler; and though he was of diminutive stature he married a woman of medium height; by whom he had several children。 He was one of the smallest men ever exhibited; measuring but 25 1/2 inches in height。 To support his family better; he abandoned his trade and with great success exhibited himself throughout Holland and England。 After having amassed a great fortune he returned to his country; where he died in 1800; aged seventy。 He was very intelligent; and proved his power of paternity; especially by one son; who at twenty…three was 5 feet 3 inches tall; and robust。

Another celebrated dwarf was Nicolas Ferry; otherwise known as Bebe。 He was born at Plaine in the Vosges in 1741; he was but 22 cm。 (8 1/2 inches) long; weighed 14 ounces at birth; and was carried on a plate to the church for baptism。 At five Bebe was presented to King Stanislas of Poland。 At fifteen he measured 29 inches。 He was of good constitution; but was almost an idiot; for example; he did not recognize his mother after fifteen days' separation。 He was quite lax in his morals; and exhibited no evidences of good nature except his lively attachment for his royal master; who was himself a detestable character。 He died at twenty…two in a very decrepit condition; and his skeleton is preserved in the Museum of Natural History in Paris。 Shortly before his death Bebe became engaged to a female dwarf named Therese Souvray; who at one time was exhibited in Paris at the Theatre Conti; together with an older sister。 Therese lived to be seventy…three; and both she and her sister measured only 30 inches in height。 She died in 1819。

Aldrovandus gives a picture of a famous dwarf of the Duc de Crequi who was only 30 inches tall; though perfectly formed; he also speaks of some dwarfs who were not over 2 feet high。

There was a Polish gentleman named Joseph Borwilaski; born in 1739 who was famed all over Europe。 He became quite a scholar; speaking French and German fairly well。 In 1860; at the age of twenty…two; and 28 inches in height; he married a woman of ordinary stature; who bore him two infants well conformed。 He was exhibited in many countries; and finally settled at Durham; England; where he died in 1837 at the almost incredible age of ninety…eight; and is buried by the side of the Falstaffian Stephen Kemble。 Mary Jones of Shropshire; a dwarf 32 inches tall and much deformed; died in 1773 at the age of one hundred。 These two instances are striking examples of great age in dwarfs and are therefore of much interest。 Borwilaski's parents were tall in stature and three of his brothers were small; three of the other children measured 5 feet 6 inches。 Diderot has written a history of this family。

Richeborg; a dwarf only 23 inches in height; died in Paris in 1858 aged ninety years。 In childhood he had been a servant in the House of Orleans and afterward became their pensioner。 During the Revolution he passed in and out of Paris as an infant in a nurse's arms; thus carrying dispatches memorized which might have proved dangerous to carry in any other manner。

At St。 Philip's; Birmingham; there is the following inscription on a tomb: 〃In memory of Mannetta Stocker; who quitted this life on the 4th day of May; 1819; at the age of thirty…nine years; the smallest woman in the kingdom; and one of the most accomplished。〃 She was born in Krauma; in the north of Austria; under normal conditions。 Her growth stopped at the age of four; when she was 33 inches tall。 She was shown in many villages and cities over Europe and Great Britain; she was very gay; played well on the piano; and had divers other accomplishments。

In 1742 there was shown in London a dwarf by the name of Robert Skinner; 。63 meters in height; and his wife; Judith; who was a little larger。 Their exhibition was a great success and they amassed a small fortune; during twenty…three years they had 14 robust and well…formed children。 Judith died in 1763; and Robert grieved so much after her that he himself expired two years later。

Figure 161 shows a female dwarf with her husband and child; all of whom were exhibited some years since in the Eastern United States。 The likeness of the child to the mother is already noticeable。

Buffon speaks of dwarfs 24; 21; and 18 inches high; and mentions one individual; aged thirty…seven; only 16 inches tall; whom he considers the smallest person on record。 Virey in 1818 speaks of an English child of eight or nine who was but 18 inches tall。 It had the intelligence of a child of three or four; its dentition was delayed until it was two years old and it did not walk until four。 The parents of this child were of ordinary stature。

At the 〃Cosmorama〃 in Regent Street in 1848 there was a Dutch boy of ten exhibited。 He was said to be the son of an apothecary and at the time of his birth weighed nine pounds。 He continued to grow for six months and at the expiration of that time weighed 12 pounds; since then; however; he had only increased four pounds。 The arrest of development seemed to be connected with hydrocephalus; although the head was no larger than that of a child of two; the anterior fontanelle was widely open; indicating that there was pressure within。 He was strong and muscular; grave and sedate in his manner; cheerful and affectionate; his manners were polite and engaging; he was expert in many kinds of handicraft; he possessed an ardent desire for knowledge and aptitude for education。

Rawdon described a boy of five and a half; at the Liverpool Infirmary for Children; who weighed 10 1/2 pounds and whose height was 28 or 29 inches。 He uttered no articulate sound; but evidently possessed the sense of hearing。 His eyes were large and well formed; but he was apparently blind。 He suckled; cut his teeth normally; but had tonic contractions of the spine and was an apparent idiot。

Hardie mentions a girl of sixteen and a half whose height was 40 inches and weight 35 1/2 pounds; including her clothes。 During intrauterine life her mother had good health and both her parents had always been healthy。 She seemed to stop growing at her fourth year。 Her intellect was on a par with the rest of her body。 Sometimes she would talk and again she would preserve rigid silence for a long time。 She had a shuffling walk with a tendency to move on her toes。 Her temporary teeth were shed in the usual manner and had been replaced by canines and right first molar and incisors on the right side。 There was no indication of puberty except a slight development of the hips。 She was almost totally imbecile; but could tell her letters and spell short words。 The circumference of the head was 19 inches; and Ross pointed out that the tendon…reflexes were well marked; as well as the ankle…clonus; he diagnosed the case as one of parencephalus。 Figure 162 represents a most curious case of a dwarf named Carrie Akers; who; though only 34 inches tall; weighed 309 pounds。

In recent years several dwarfs have commanded the popular attention; but none so much as 〃General Tom Thumb;〃 the celebrated dwarf of Barnum's Circus。 Charles Stratton; surnamed 〃Tom Thumb;〃 was born at Bridge
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