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memories and portraits-第3章

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and small jests; he will give you the best of himself; like one 

interested in life and man's chief end。  A Scotchman is vain; 

interested in himself and others; eager for sympathy; setting forth 

his thoughts and experience in the best light。  The egoism of the 

Englishman is self…contained。  He does not seek to proselytise。  He 

takes no interest in Scotland or the Scotch; and; what is the 

unkindest cut of all; he does not care to justify his indifference。  

Give him the wages of going on and being an Englishman; that is all 

he asks; and in the meantime; while you continue to associate; he 

would rather not be reminded of your baser origin。  Compared with 

the grand; tree…like self…sufficiency of his demeanour; the vanity 

and curiosity of the Scot seem uneasy; vulgar; and immodest。  That 

you should continually try to establish human and serious 

relations; that you should actually feel an interest in John Bull; 

and desire and invite a return of interest from him; may argue 

something more awake and lively in your mind; but it still puts you 

in the attitude of a suitor and a poor relation。  Thus even the 

lowest class of the educated English towers over a Scotchman by the 

head and shoulders。

Different indeed is the atmosphere in which Scotch and English 

youth begin to look about them; come to themselves in life; and 

gather up those first apprehensions which are the material of 

future thought and; to a great extent; the rule of future conduct。  

I have been to school in both countries; and I found; in the boys 

of the North; something at once rougher and more tender; at once 

more reserve and more expansion; a greater habitual distance 

chequered by glimpses of a nearer intimacy; and on the whole wider 

extremes of temperament and sensibility。  The boy of the South 

seems more wholesome; but less thoughtful; he gives himself to 

games as to a business; striving to excel; but is not readily 

transported by imagination; the type remains with me as cleaner in 

mind and body; more active; fonder of eating; endowed with a lesser 

and a less romantic sense of life and of the future; and more 

immersed in present circumstances。  And certainly; for one thing; 

English boys are younger for their age。  Sabbath observance makes a 

series of grim; and perhaps serviceable; pauses in the tenor of 

Scotch boyhood … days of great stillness and solitude for the 

rebellious mind; when in the dearth of books and play; and in the 

intervals of studying the Shorter Catechism; the intellect and 

senses prey upon and test each other。  The typical English Sunday; 

with the huge midday dinner and the plethoric afternoon; leads 

perhaps to different results。  About the very cradle of the Scot 

there goes a hum of metaphysical divinity; and the whole of two 

divergent systems is summed up; not merely speciously; in the two 

first questions of the rival catechisms; the English tritely 

inquiring; 〃What is your name?〃 the Scottish striking at the very 

roots of life with; 〃What is the chief end of man?〃 and answering 

nobly; if obscurely; 〃To glorify God and to enjoy Him for ever。〃  I 

do not wish to make an idol of the Shorter Catechism; but the fact 

of such a question being asked opens to us Scotch a great field of 

speculation; and the fact that it is asked of all of us; from the 

peer to the ploughboy; binds us more nearly together。  No 

Englishman of Byron's age; character; and history would have had 

patience for long theological discussions on the way to fight for 

Greece; but the daft Gordon blood and the Aberdonian school…days 

kept their influence to the end。  We have spoken of the material 

conditions; nor need much more be said of these: of the land lying 

everywhere more exposed; of the wind always louder and bleaker; of 

the black; roaring winters; of the gloom of high…lying; old stone 

cities; imminent on the windy seaboard; compared with the level 

streets; the warm colouring of the brick; the domestic quaintness 

of the architecture; among which English children begin to grow up 

and come to themselves in life。  As the stage of the University 

approaches; the contrast becomes more express。  The English lad 

goes to Oxford or Cambridge; there; in an ideal world of gardens; 

to lead a semi…scenic life; costumed; disciplined and drilled by 

proctors。  Nor is this to be regarded merely as a stage of 

education; it is a piece of privilege besides; and a step that 

separates him further from the bulk of his compatriots。  At an 

earlier age the Scottish lad begins his greatly different 

experience of crowded class…rooms; of a gaunt quadrangle; of a bell 

hourly booming over the traffic of the city to recall him from the 

public…house where he has been lunching; or the streets where he 

has been wandering fancy…free。  His college life has little of 

restraint; and nothing of necessary gentility。  He will find no 

quiet clique of the exclusive; studious and cultured; no rotten 

borough of the arts。  All classes rub shoulders on the greasy 

benches。  The raffish young gentleman in gloves must measure his 

scholarship with the plain; clownish laddie from the parish school。  

They separate; at the session's end; one to smoke cigars about a 

watering…place; the other to resume the labours of the field beside 

his peasant family。  The first muster of a college class in 

Scotland is a scene of curious and painful interest; so many lads; 

fresh from the heather; hang round the stove in cloddish 

embarrassment; ruffled by the presence of their smarter comrades; 

and afraid of the sound of their own rustic voices。  It was in 

these early days; I think; that Professor Blackie won the affection 

of his pupils; putting these uncouth; umbrageous students at their 

ease with ready human geniality。  Thus; at least; we have a healthy 

democratic atmosphere to breathe in while at work; even when there 

is no cordiality there is always a juxtaposition of the different 

classes; and in the competition of study the intellectual power of 

each is plainly demonstrated to the other。  Our tasks ended; we of 

the North go forth as freemen into the humming; lamplit city。  At 

five o'clock you may see the last of us hiving from the college 

gates; in the glare of the shop windows; under the green glimmer of 

the winter sunset。  The frost tingles in our blood; no proctor lies 

in wait to intercept us; till the bell sounds again; we are the 

masters of the world; and some portion of our lives is always 


Nor must we omit the sense of the nature of his country and his 

country's history gradually growing in the child's mind from story 

and from observation。  A Scottish child hears much of shipwreck; 

outlying iron skerries; pitiless breakers; and great sea…lights; 

much of heathery mountains; wild clans; and hunted Covenanters。  

Breaths come to him in song of the distant Cheviots and the ring of 

foraying hoofs。  He glor
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