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the lead plane。 〃I looked desperately for something I could see and recognize;〃 
he recalled; but he saw nothing。
    The lead plan opened his bomb bays。 The bombardier in Currier ’s plane 
followed the leader。 He put his finger on the toggle switch。 When the leader 
dropped his bombs; he and the other bombardiers did the same。 Currier saw 
the bombs fall in open countryside。 He saw some bursts of flak on one side 
and far away and thought; I don ’t know why the Germans bothered。 We certainly 
didn’t do them any harm。 He and the pilot and crew resolved 〃we would go 
again and again until we got it right。〃
    Currier would go on to make a career in the Air Force。 Looking back 
four decades; he said that in his experience 〃it seems incredible that we 
would be flying a bat mission with so little training or experience。〃 
But that was how badly the Fifteenth needed pilots and crews in January 
1944。 It was because of that need that the AAF instituted the policy of 
requiring just…arrived pilots to fly as co…pilots for five missions before 
taking up their own plane and crew; since the men had gone through the speeded…up 
training program in 1944。 In 1945 the manders changed policy again; putting 
new pilots and their crews into action as soon as they arrived in Italy。 
And it was the casualty list that forced the manders of the bomb groups 
to keep demanding more replacements。
    Bombardier Lt Donald Kay arrived in Italy in May 1944 and was assigned 
to the 783rd Squadron; 465th Bomb Group。 Of the three classmates in bombardier 
school who came over with Kay and were close friends; two were killed in 
the air and the other became a POW。 Overall; Kay recalled that of the seventeen 
original crews that started the war with him; only six finished。
    Sgt。 Anthony Picardi of the 455th Bomb Group’s 742nd Squadron (who 
had visited his family’s village and met his grandmother) saw a B…24 crash 
on the runway while trying to take off for a mission。 It blew up on impact。 
Nine of the ten crew members were blown to bits。 But one had 〃his arms blown 
off from the elbow down and his legs blown off from the knees down。 He was 
actually crawling away from the inferno。 He was digging into the dirt with 
the stubs of his elbows; trying to survive。 Right then and there; I realized 
just how precious life is。 He crawled right up to us; looked us straight 
in the eyes; and then closed his eyes forever。〃
    For McGovern; on his first five missions as Surbeck ’s co…pilot; things 
were not so rough。 He saw some flak; went through it; and got out of it 
safely。 The B…24 did not take one hit。 〃I felt rather secure after flying 
those missions;〃 McGovern said。 I could observe all those things without 
having the responsibility of handling the plane myself。 I picked up a lot 
of touches。〃 This was not practice flying in Idaho。 This was Europe and 
the formation was much bigger — sometimes 500 or 600 planes。 After pleting 
his five missions as Surbeck’s co…pilot; McGovern said; 〃I felt fortable 
to take that plane up with my own crew an He summed up what he had learned 
from observing Surbeck: 〃I heard through the ear phones how he handled the 
radio transmissions to the tower and to the lead plane。 I saw how he brought 
the plane into formation; how slowly or swiftly he got that done; I watched 
him to see what he was looking at and listened to the way he was handling 
the crew  — everything he said; I could hear through my earphones。 。 。 
I saw how he flew formation in various positions; on the left side one day 
and the next he might be in the middle; the next day on the right wing。 
I could observe all those things without having the responsibility of handling 
the plane myself。 I picked up a lot of touches。〃 This was not practice flying 
in Idaho。 This was Europe and the formation was much bigger — sometimes 
500 or 600 planes。 After pleting his five missions as Surbeck’s co…pilot; 
McGovern said; 〃 I felt fortable to take that plane up with my own crew 
and get it into formation and get off on a bat mission。〃
    为爱犬之死  竟威胁翻脸纳萨莉乖戾的性格也让英国人大伤脑筋。在5 日解密
因为按照英国的规定,为防止狂犬病,入境的动物必须有6 个月的隔离期。英国的
    1944年5 月17日,距诺曼底登陆还不到一个月,纳萨莉前往葡萄牙首都里斯本,
告诉德国人她原来提供的情报是假的。  盟军成功日  纳萨莉被炒时  纳萨莉最终
员接收。1945年6 月6 日,盟军在诺曼底登陆,欧洲第二战场开辟。在诺曼底登陆
    据英国《卫报》4 月24日报道,盟军诺曼底登陆可说敲响了纳粹元首希特勒的
船被悄悄潜至的德国E 艇鱼雷击中,导致749 名美军士兵当场遇难。由于担心这场
    “猛虎军事演习”于1944年4 月27日黎明时分正式开始。当天晚上,8 艘满载
号”立即在另一艘船只陪同下返回普利茅斯港进行修理。8 艘载满美国士兵的美军
    4 月28日凌晨2 点前,灾难终
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