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 〃Hitchhiking today; Ms。 DeCrescentis?〃
 〃She's here to take the tour with us;〃 Caplinger said。
 〃Could I talk to you privately for a moment;〃 Jake said; not a question; and walked away from the group。
 Twenty paces or so away Jake turned around。 Caplinger was right behind。 Jake let him have it: 〃Ludlow said you were ing for a briefing with a senator; even though this project is classified to the hilt。 But I'm not about to let a vice president of a defense contractor that is going to be bidding on the ATA have a look at Athena or be a party to any conversation on the subject。 She has no bona fide need to know at this stage of the game。 She doesn't have access。 Not only no; but hell no。 Sir。〃
 〃My responsibility;〃 Caplinger said; then clamped his lips into a thin line。
 〃No; sir。 Ludlow didn't mention any defense contractors; and even if he had; I'd have to clear this with Admiral Dunedin。 I take orders from him。 He'd probably have to talk to CNO。 Her presence would violate a couple dozen reg…〃
 〃Call him。〃
 〃Yes; goddamnit; right fucking now。 We'll wait in the lounge。〃 Caplinger stalked for the blue carpet that led inside; followed by Jake Grafton。 The base CO led the others inside。
 Jake used the phone in the operations officer's office on the second deck。
 He reached Dunedin at his office in Crystal City on the first try and outlined the situation。 〃Fuck!〃 said the admiral。
 〃I'll call Ludlow。 If that goes sour I'll call CNO。〃
 〃Okay。〃 Jake gave him the phone number where he could be reached。
 〃You're really sticking your neck out; Jake。〃
 〃So fire me。〃
 〃I'll call you back。〃
 Thirty minutes went by。 Jake stared out the window at the little passenger jet and watched the men with the gas truck refuel it as heat waves rose off the tarmac。 Blue mountains lay on the horizon。 Not a single airplane stirring this Sunday morning。 After a while he examined the photos and mementos the ops boss had arranged on his walls。 He recognized some of the names and faces in the group pictures。
 He was sitting behind the desk with his feet propped on it and doodling on a scratch pad when the phone rang。 〃Captain Grafton。〃
 〃George Ludlow。 Admiral Dunedin tells me there's a problem。〃
 〃Yessir。 Caplinger and Duquesne arrived here a while ago with a vice president of Consolidated Technologies tagging along。 They want her to see Athena。 It's classified special access; above top secret; and she's getting an unfair advantage over the other contractors。 I said no。〃
 〃What did Caplinger say?〃
 〃He wasn't happy。〃
 〃Do you understand that Hiram Duquesne is chairman of the Senate Armed Services mittee? We have to have his support if we're going to get a replacement aircraft for the A…6。 Without it we're pissing up a rope。〃
 〃I understand that。 And I understand that you chose me for this job because I can wear a Medal of Honor on my shirt and because I'm expendable。 You're going to have me make a remendation on which plane to buy based on a short operational evaluation fly…off; and if you like it; I'll have to go over to Congress and defend it。 You can disavow me anytime。 I understand all of that。 I took the job anyway。 Now I'm telling you; I can't go over to the Hill and make a remendation if five or six senators and congressmen are out to cut my balls off with a scalping knife because I let Consolidated in on the ground floor in violation of the law and DOD regulations。 I won't be able to hide behind Royce Caplinger over there。 That little shit is too goddamn small to hide behind。〃
 Ludlow chuckled; a dry sound that lasted three or four seconds。 〃Go get Caplinger。 I'll talk to him。〃
 Jake left the phone lying on the desk and went downstairs to the VIP lounge。 〃Mr。 Secretary; you have a phone call upstairs。〃
 Duquesne's face was still red and mottled。 DeCrescentis looked like she could chew up all of them and spit hamburger。 The base CO was nowhere in sight。 He had probably attacked in another direction; maybe toward the golf course。
 Jake followed the Defense Secretary back up the stairs。
 As soon as Caplinger recognized his son…in…law's voice; he shooed Jake from the office。 Jake could hear his voice booming through the door。 It wasn't just the Advanced Tactical Aircraft he was concerned about…it was the entire defense budget。 As he roared at Ludlow: 〃。。。you and I both know that Grafton will probably remend the TRX plane。 With Athena; it's the obvious choice。 But that leaves Duquesne in political trouble at home and we need his support。 Jesus fucking Christ; George; you people have an aircraft carrier up for funding; three Aegis cruisers; two boomer boats; the air force wants more F…l 17s and some B…2s; and army wants more tanks。 SDI is desperate for money。 And Congress is trying to cut the deficit! Don't tell me to tell Duquesne to fuck off!〃
 He was silent for a moment; and when he spoke again his voice was low and Grafton couldn't hear the words。 He knew Ludlow well enough to know how it was going; however。 Let Grafton take the heat; the Secretary of the Navy was probably saying。 Make Grafton the villain。
 And that was how it went。 When Caplinger came out of the office he buttonholed Jake。 〃You're going downstairs and explain to the senator that you personally must put DeCrescentis back on that plane。 You will brief me and the senator this afternoon on Athena and we'll see it in operation tomorrow。 But you are going to insist that woman goes home now; and you are going to make Duquesne like it。 Got it?〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 The senator didn't like it; of course; and DeCrescentis liked it even less; but when Grafton made it clear that the law was going to be obeyed regardless and he was the man insisting; both of them gave ground with what grace they could muster。 Duquesne had more of it than the corporate vice president did; perhaps because he knew that even Caesar had to retreat occasionally。
 After an hour with Samuel Dodgers in the hangar; it appeared Hiram Duquesne wished he had joined DeCrescentis on the plane。
 Dodgers gave Athena no more than half his air and used the rest to blast away at Congress; corporations and the munist…Jew…nigger conspiracy。 Finally Jake told him to shut up。 It didn't take。 Jake told him again in terms and tones that would have stopped a rock band in full screech。 Dodgers stormed off; leaving Caplinger and Duquesne gaping foolishly at each other。
 Jake Grafton took a deep breath; made his excuses to the two politicians; and left them in the care of a stunned Helmut Fritsche。
 In the parking lot; he caught up with Dodgers; trembling with outrage。 〃You owe me an apology;〃 the scientist spluttered; holding himself rigid; his fists clenched。
 〃No; sir;〃 Grafton said in a normal voice。 〃You owe me one。 And you owe apologies to all three of those men in there。〃
 Dodgers was speechless。
 〃You have inflicted yourself on everyone within earshot since the day I met you。 Now there's not going to be any more of that while I'm around。 Do you understand?〃
 〃How dare you talk to me like this!〃 When Dodgers got it out; it came out loud。
 Jake lowered his voice still more。 〃I'm the officer responsible。 That's it as far as you're conce
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