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uld bee addicted to it。 Then; and only then; would they feel the potential profit was enough to risk deep plants that had been in place for twenty to thirty years。〃 The secretary looked from face to face。 〃Don't you see? These sleepers were assets! They belonged to someone in the GRU who had built his career on the fact that he had these assets; which would someday; at the right moment; be of incalculable value。 Our task was to convince him or his superiors that now was that moment。〃
 〃So you let Franklin do his thing。〃
 〃Precisely。 And we gave them excellent information。 We let them see the best stuff that we had。 We got them addicted; and curious。 So one day Franklin's control approached Camacho; Tsybov。〃 He lifted a finger skyward for dramatic effect。 〃That was a very important event。 The Soviets had gone to one of the names on the list。 Now we knew we were on the right track。 We were heartened。〃
 Caplinger rose quickly from his chair and began to pace。 He explained that Harlan Albright; the control; was a GRU colonel。 He made contact with Camacho; moved into the house beside him; insisted on biweekly briefings。 〃What the Soviets wanted; of course; was the identity of the Minotaur。 So the game began for Luis Camacho。 We didn't authorize him to reveal the Minotaur's identity。 But he knew。 He had to know。 He knew from the first。 He was the man who was actually going to uncover the sleepers。〃
 He was silent for a moment; thinking it over yet again。 〃Once Camacho was in the game; he became the key player。 It was inevitable。 He had to appear to be a double agent and yet he had to force the Soviets to act。 To act as we wanted them to。 He was playing a dangerous role。 And to appreciate how good he was at it; you would have to have known Luis Camacho very; very well。 I didn't; but I got the flavor of the man。 In his own way; in his own field; he was a master。〃
 Caplinger stopped at the window and looked out at the meadows and distant blue mountains; which were a thin line on the western horizon。 〃Inevitably; and I do not use that word lightly; people were going to get hurt。 Smoke Judy was an information peddler。 He killed Harold Strong…your predecessor; Captain…when Strong found out about his activities。 Camacho learned his identity; but we thought he might be of use later; so the mittee ordered him left alone。 Certainly no one could foresee that an indirect result of that decision would be the loss of the TRX prototype and your wife's injuries; Lieutenant; but。。。 there were reasons that looked good at the time why it was handled the way it was。〃 He finished lamely and turned to face Tarkington。 〃I am sorry。〃
 Tarkington was examining his running shoes。 He retied one of the laces。
 〃Anyway; there were several other deaths。 A woman was killed who witnessed a drop set up by the Soviets to give Terry Franklin information; a Mrs。 Matilda Jackson。 Harlan Albright killed her; after we ordered Camacho to reveal her identity to Albright as proof of his bona fides; his mitment。 Camacho refused at first; but we convinced him。 This was the way it had to be。 Better to sacrifice one to save the many。〃 The secretary went back to his chair and sat heavily。 He shook his head slowly。 〃Too often;〃 he said softly; 〃we must assume some of God's burden。 It is not light。〃
 〃Too bad;〃 said Toad Tarkington; now staring at the secretary; 〃that after you gave an innocent civilian the chop; this whole thing fizzled。〃
 〃Did it?〃 Caplinger's voice assumed an edge; a hard flinty edge。 〃Did it now?〃
 When Toad didn't respond; Caplinger went on; his voice back to normal。 〃So after three years and some damn tragic risks; the stage was set。 After a few carefully chosen facts were fed to Albright; he killed Terry Franklin。 That was a masterpiece of cunning; well set up by Camacho。 Of course Luis didn't like it; not he; but he played his part to perfection。 Albright personally eliminated the Soviets' only access to the Pentagon puter。 He had to find another。 Because now the Minotaur offered the richest gift of all: Athena。〃
 〃Smoke Judy;〃 said Jake Grafton; unable to keep silent。
 〃Yes。 Smoke Judy; a bitter little man who had killed once and found how easy it is。 Of course; that was the crisis。 When Judy failed; as fail he surely would with Luis Camacho watching him; Albright would have no other choice。 He would have to go to another deep plant on the list! And he would make this inevitable choice of his own free will; unpressured by anyone。 That was our thinking; at least。 Didn't work out that way。 Camacho thought Albright was onto him and made a decision on his own to warn Vice Admiral Henry about the risk to Athena。〃 He gestured to the heavens。 〃It was all downhill from there。 Henry took it upon himself to apprehend Judy。 You know how that turned out。 The jig was up。 Camacho had no choice。 He sent men to arrest Albright。〃
 〃You were willing to give away Athena?〃 Jake's horror was in his voice…
 〃We on the mittee were willing to take the risk Albright would get it; which isn't precisely the same thing; Captain。 By now the Minotaur's credentials were impeccable。 We thought that surely; for this exquisite technical jewel; the Soviets would brush the dirt off one or two deep agents。〃
 〃But they didn't?〃
 〃No。 Perhaps Albright was suspicious。 Probably was。 Camacho knew that Albright saw the whole operation too clearly; so he revealed the Minotaur's actual identity to save the game。 It wasn't enough。 With Judy and Albright in hiding; the Minotaur wrote one more letter; giving the access codes for the new Athena file。 Then we waited for the Soviets to activate one of the sleepers。 They didn't。 What happened next was Albright kidnapped you; swiped all the Athena information he could readily lay hands on; then went to Camacho's house to kill him。 Camacho had been expecting Albright to try something; but we didn't know exactly what it would be。 When Luis Camacho came down those stairs and saw you there that afternoon…then he knew。 The Soviets weren't going to invest any more major assets in this operation。 His sole hope of getting the sleepers' names was Harlan Albright; who might know。〃
 Jake said; 〃I wondered why the Athena file was suddenly renamed; all the access codes changed。〃
 〃Henry shouldn't have done that。 Camacho shouldn't have warned him。 But Camacho was worried he didn't have all the possible holes covered and he knew Athena's real value。 Still; it would have worked if Henry hadn't interfered。〃 Caplinger sounded as if he was trying to convince himself。
 〃We had to let the Russians work at it。 If they succeeded too easily; they would have smelled the setup。 No; our mistake was giving them the real Minotaur。 Perhaps they found his identity too troublesome once they knew。〃
 Caplinger shrugged。 〃After Judy failed; we wanted Albright badly。 Our thinking then was that perhaps we could get the names from him; willingly or with hypnosis and drugs。 We thought the odds about three to one that he knew the names then。 If the GRU was even contemplating using a sleeper; the controller had to be briefed in advance; before the possibility became the necessity。 Yet Albright evaded the clowns sent to pick him up。 The agents thought they were g
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