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ed again; shaking her head; more confused than ever as the hold of her dragon increased。 〃In this let me be your friend…and lover; too。 Challenge me; Tai; as your dragon challenged mine。 Challenge me to make love to you; to you; Tai; not to Tai…rider。 Choose me!〃 He spread his hands across his chest。 〃Choose me; Tai!〃
  〃I have no choice;〃 she said; whimpering。 She collapsed inwardly。
  〃Oh; Tai; love;〃 he pleaded; holding out his hands but careful not to crowd her。 She was so near the edge of the terrace。 She was suddenly so dear to him; he was surprised to realize。 This was not all Golanth's yearning: F'lessan the man was yearning; too。 〃Please; Tai; please choose me!〃
  Whether it was Tai who reached slowly out to her friend for support; or the dazed rider; he wasn't then sure but she did reach。 Was there enough of the human there to have made a choice?
  〃Please; Tai; e with me now;〃 he said; taking her hand in a light grasp and gently turning her back; toward the nearest door。 〃My friend; we must go in。〃
  He tried not to startle her; slowly guiding her steps…she couldn't see the arm he held behind her; just in case she might still bolt。 Her eyes were glazing: she wouldn't know how close the edge of the terrace was if she should suddenly feel trapped and try to escape。
  Murmuring encouragement; he got her inside the weyrhold。 With equal care; he closed the door behind them; grateful that the hinges were oiled and hoping she didn't hear the slight noise as it shut。 Her fingers were slack on his; her gaze distant: she was half in rider trance。 He wanted to settle her before she was pletely submerged by Zaranth's sensuality。 That would have been frightening enough the first time it happened if no one had explained it in full detail。 Tai's reserve should have warned him; he cursed himself for insensitivity。 How long had he been a rider?
  Abruptly Tai tensed。 He glanced at her eyes; pupils enlarged against the dark in the hallway。 He kept his hand relaxed while hers tightened convulsively。 He put his other hand on the small of her back; lightly; offering no threat; just guidance。
  〃I'm honored you chose me; Tai;〃 he said。 She must believe that。 〃I didn't believe you would; you know。 I admired you for how calmly you got the children out at Monaco。〃 He'd better be careful what he said now。 〃Be calm now; Tai。 Be calm and let me help you now。〃
  As deftly as he could; he turned her into the nearest sleeping room。 He could feel Golanth's desire mounting。 He had to control his。 He had to remain human as long as he could。 And that was being an effort。 He couldn't just push her on the bed…that would frighten her…but he also didn't want to turn dragon and have her endure rougher handling。
  Gently; he put his arms around her。 〃You have chosen me; F'lessan; and I will love you well!〃
  He kissed her forehead and slowly tightened his arms about her。 If she weren't pletely thralled by Zaranth。。。 but had she ever been lovingly kissed? He bent his head; his mouth tender on hers。 Let her still be human enough to feel this! He had not expected the flare of passion that passed between them in a kiss he had intended to be delicate。 She trembled violently。 Instinctively he tightened his embrace。
  〃You chose me; Tai。 You chose me;〃 he cried but her body went stiff in his arms。 Rocking her; he kissed her face; her cheeks; her mouth; her neck。 〃Choose me; Tai!〃 he begged as he felt the rigidity that was dragon…frenzy; not human。
  And he was abruptly Golanth。
  She had launched herself well; and then ducked sideways; streaming away from him with unusually strong sweeps of her wings。 She was big for a green and he liked that in her。 He did prefer greens to golds。 The golds always felt as if they were conferring great honor on a bronze by permitting them to mate。 But greens could be grateful。 They were certainly lustier than queens。 Perhaps because they mated more often。 She dodged to the right and he followed lazily。 Let her wear herself out a while。 He could wait。 He would wait。 This one was worth it。 He had been so careful; not being too possessive of her pany but he had let the others know that he intended this green to be his。 He had been marshaling his strength whenever possible; knowing how tired other dragons were。 But he was Golanth! Of Benden Weyr! Sired by Mnementh! Hatched of Ramoth。 Worthy of that noble pairing!
  She tucked her wings along her back; diving obliquely。 He followed quickly。 Did she realize how close she was to the ground? Oh; she did and swooped up again; proudly; head reaching for the low clouds that scudded over the foothills。
  She'd play that game; would she? With one quick glance around him to see if any challengers had entered the chase; he swept after her。 Sun sparkled off her brilliant skin between clouds and he pursued her; wondering if she knew that he could see her so clearly。
  She turned on one wing tip and; knowing these skies better than she did; he did the same and soared through the narrow pass。 If she thought he'd fall for that wily trick; she hadn't his measure。 Soon she would。
  She rose above the filmy cloudbank; heading toward the thinner air; then almost tumbled back down。 He followed this maneuver effortlessly。 She raced forward; rolling slowly as if caressed by the chill air。 He nearly overshot her but didn't; so she failed with that ploy。 She ducked; dodged; and fell surface…ward again; pulling up with the most graceful and powerful of movements he had yet seen in a green。 Oh; she was a prize; this one! How he loved her! And she had chosen him!
  Clouds again and he shadowed her progress through them by the glow of her reddened eyes。 Then; just as she let him get very close; to evade him at the last moment; he gave his wings a sudden massive stroke and reached for her; making the catch; pulling her to him; connecting。 Wings entwined and beating together; they flew suspended and; because he was a bronze and cleverer than she had thought him; their flight was horizontal to the ground and he could extend this passion for a long; long time。 He did; sweeping them both carefully over the great inland sea where the thermals caressed their gleaming hides。
  F'lessan was back in his body and Tai's was his。 They were both panting from the exertion of a marvelously extended flight。 He felt both triumphant and drained。 He hadn't felt such repletion in a long while。 She lay limply beneath him; eyes closed; head to one side; curls of sweaty hair concealing her face。 He hadn't the strength…nor; to be candid; the wish…to release her; to leave her body。 Considerate of her; he shifted。 For all the pleasure he had enjoyed with other women; this encounter really was different。 He couldn't think of anything appropriate to say and he had prided himself on knowing exactly the right words to use in any situation。
  〃Oh; Tai; you did choose me;〃 he murmured; propping himself on his elbows; looking down at her with a feeling close to awe。 〃You did!〃
  His words took him as much by surprise as they did her。 She turned her head slightly; her eyes wide and human again。 Her lips were swollen from kisses he had been unable to control; and her eyes filled with tea
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