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  When the two dragonriders had collected the plants at sunrise; rootballs wrapped and secured on wooden flats; Jayge had greeted F'lessan with surprise and gravely shook hands with Tai; remarking on what a fine green she rode。
  〃Didn't think to see you again so soon; F'lessan;〃 the Paradise River Holder said; grinning at the bronze rider。
  〃And will do as long as Paradise River is intent on reforesting Monaco;〃 F'lessan responded。 He waggled his finger at Jayge。 〃You and Aramina have been exceedingly generous。 T'gellan told me。〃
  〃The least we can be;〃 Jayge said。 〃We were very lucky here; protected from the tsunami by the Kahrain cape。〃 He gestured first over his shoulder and then down the river。 〃We can find as many young trees and bushes as are needed。 You two look tired。 Have you eaten?〃
  F'lessan dismissed that with a wave of his hand。 〃Yes; yes; thank you。 We can get untired when things are more or less back in order。〃 He examined the thick lift knot on the flat; the net that secured the young saplings to it; and the corner ropes。 All the dragons were now deft at lifting such carriers。 One trick was to keep the ropes taut and lift vertically very slowly to keep the load from swaying; dragons were perfecting the maneuver。 The other step was going between very close to the ground; again to prevent swaying。 After being root…pruned several days before; the young bushes and saplings were wrapped in balls early on the morning they were to be replanted。 Dragon transport meant they could be in the ground; watered; and staked within hours。
  It also meant that the transplanters could finish before the sun started baking gardeners and plants。 F'lessan checked the angle of the shadows; his watch was in his jacket。 It was just midmorning and they were nearly finished。 He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up this pace; even if they had both stripped down to sleeveless tops and shorts。
  〃You're getting pretty good at this;〃 Tai said; pushing her hands up to her knees until she was upright; too。 She removed the sweatband from her forehead; mopped her brow; and retied the kerchief。
  〃I like restoring things;〃 he said; looking at the zigzag line they had been working on; a windbreak on the eastern edge。 The holding was actually on a rise; which had saved it from more damage。 Redfruit on the inside; handy to the hold; a curving line of fellis; and then the fronds。 Some untagged saplings; which didn't resemble either redfruit or fellis; they decided to plant in the rich loam here and there。 Someone had started a garden patch。 Luckily this was midsummer and they'd have fresh vegetables in a few weeks。 With just a little husbandry; there'd be good growth in the windbreak plants before winter's winds。
  〃Like Honshu?〃 she asked; leaning down for the canteen。 Benini's spouse had left cool juice to slake their thirst。
  〃Yes; like Honshu。〃 F'lessan grinned; sweeping sweaty hair back from his forehead。 He gave her a quirky grin。 〃Place fascinates me。 There're still levels of it I haven't had a chance to show you。〃
  They had spent several evenings on the upper terrace; sharing the use of his binoculars; held steady on the stand。 He'd let her have more time using them because he liked watching the intent expression on her face as she observed; jotting down time and references。 She was quite circumspect; taking down notes…but then she'd been training with Erragon…marking degrees carefully; asking him to verify the objects she viewed。 He even teased her…she had to know that he was teasing her or she got quite upset…about minutes and seconds in the degree readings of the fifth planet out from Rukbat; currently visible at right ascension 19 hours; 32 minutes; 53。7 seconds; declination 27 degrees; 16 minutes; 25 seconds; just below Acrux。 She said it was a habit she'd got into; sky…watching at Cove Hold; to keep a record。 Erragon was collecting such information from other sky…watchers。 F'lessan had wanted to take her high on Honshu's eastern face for a panoramic view of the forest and foothills below where sometimes he'd used the binoculars to spot felines; hunting at dawn; but the long spiral staircase was not a climb he could face with equanimity and she was as tired as he was。
  〃I would really like to see this mysterious observatory of yours; F'lessan;〃 she said shyly as she passed him the canteen。
  〃Oh; I'll take you; never fear…one night when we aren't dragging tired。 It's a steep climb。〃
  〃Well; whenever;〃 she agreed amiably as she reached for the next plant from the nearly empty flat。 〃We're about done here。 Let's just put these untagged ones near the garden;〃 she added with a sigh and glanced over at their dragons; lounging on the ridge behind the hold; in the thick ground cover that not even the tsunami had been able to scrape away。
  F'lessan took note; but did not mention; that the dragons were; unusually for dragons; so close they were touching。 He'd had a few ideas of his own but with a personality as reserved as Tai's; he deliberately kept his manner as casual as possible。 The excuse of sky…watching had reduced tensions and given both F'lessan and Tai a respite。 Not that he had been able to join her every evening。 F'lessan was only too willing to give Tai the chance to replace the notes that had been swept away。 He had several reasons for rediscovering an interest in astronomy。
  Most of the weyrfolk had left whatever temporary acmodations they'd been in; riders had cleared space for their dragons and built personal shelters。 A new Monaco Center was being constructed on a height; well back from the shoreline。 Today; certainly tomorrow; the very last displaced riders would be gone to new quarters。 As far as he knew; Tai had not found any。 She might have; when he was at Benden; he hadn't wanted to appear to be keeping a watch on her。 And Zaranth。
  He watched now as Tai gravely considered where to dig holes for the unidentifiable plants。 He picked up an armload and carried them over to her。 Out of the corner of his right eye; he caught movement in the thick grass cover just beyond Zaranth。 He looked more closely and muttered in surprise。
  〃Trundlebugs;〃 he said。 He deposited the plants within her reach。 〃I'd thought most of them got swept out to sea。〃
  〃They can; and have; tread water;〃 Tai said; grinning at him as she pushed the spade into the ground。
  〃Really?〃 F'lessan regarded their relentless progress。 〃How long?〃
  〃I don't know。 But I have watched them cross streams。〃 She dug deeper。
  She handed him the spade and knelt to take the wrapping off the balled plant; deftly spreading its roots before she put it in the prepared hole。
  〃Big mother;〃 F'lessan said; menting on the size of the lead bug。 〃Four offspring。 If she's not careful; she'll lose the biggest。〃
  Tai shot a glance at the trundlebugs; then quickly knuckled loam around the plant; tamping it down well。 For some reason; she was smiling。
  〃ing right at Zaranth。 Shall I。。。〃 He hefted the spade and took a step forward to intercept the trundlers。 One had to swat the wretched mother bug out of her line of march but; at the same time; be careful not to break off her largest o
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