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  〃I see that I am in time;〃…his roughened seaman's voice caressed the word…〃to be of use。〃
  〃Oh; yes; Idarolan; yes; I'm glad you're here;〃 Wansor said excitedly。 〃I don't think the etary fragment is going to miss us。〃 He sounded as if this were an achievement to be relished。 〃What's the object's magnitude right now?〃
  〃It's sending a brightness of minus eight;〃 Idarolan exclaimed and sat down heavily; ignoring his paraphernalia。 〃I'm glad I did some calculations before I came。〃 He swung about。 〃Where's Erragon?〃
  〃Interface office;〃 Lytol said as repressively as he could; trying to concentrate on giving Wansor at least some of the readings。
  〃It will hit us then; won't it?〃 Lessa murmured。
  〃Yes; I fear so;〃 Wansor said; all his initial enthusiasm and excitement lost in acceptance of that reality。
  They were all silent as the screen depicted the catastrophe that was on its way to them。
  Master Idarolan was the first to recover his wits。 〃I will need the help of your best mathematicians;〃 he said; hunting through the bundles on the table and selecting a tightly wrapped tube of papers。 〃Monaco must be evacuated first。 I don't know how long they will have…two; maybe three hours。〃
  Lessa stood also and clasped the hand holding the papers。 〃Tell the dragonriders there that I want them to make…〃 She paused to impress that on him; his eyes twinkled as he took her meaning。 〃…time to acplish what needs to be done。〃
  Golanth and Zaranth were hovering at tree level above the wide clearing that surrounded the large long building that was Monaco Bay Weyr。 The space was big enough to acmodate many dragons; F'lessan thought。 Then he winced。 So much time was consumed by doing 〃safe〃 landings and take…offs。 They had no time to waste right now。 As Golanth sank to the ground in front of the Weyr center; F'lessan caught one glimpse of the sea; tranquil and pale green; and a bright streak slightly north and east of Monaco Bay。
  As much as I wanted to see that et; I may wish I never had; F'lessan remarked ironically。
  Zaranth's rider said that; too。
  Well; tell Zaranth to remember the position。 We can use it as a handy time…mark today。
  Monarth arrived; too; inches above ground。 Without waiting for the bronze to touch ground; T'gellan was sliding off and racing up the steps to the wide porch; shouting orders; banging on doors as he went down the wide porch that surrounded the Weyrhold。 Path landed even closer to the steps; Mirrim dropping right onto the porch and scrambling to the nearest wide door。
  〃But you just left!〃 a woman exclaimed; ing out of the Weyr's main building。
  〃Well; we're back and there's an emergency; Dilla;〃 Mirrim said; going to the bell and rigorously pulling its rope。 〃C'mon; Tai; we can start evacuating the children。 You can help; too; F'lessan; while Gell gets the maps。〃 She raced inside and F'lessan heard her announcing the crisis to all within。
  Typical Mirrim; he thought; but at least she was over the panic that had seized her in the Interface office。 Immediately there were screams; sobs; shouts; and general confusion。 The loudest plaint was 〃There's bread to be baked。。。 〃
  〃How far inland is safe?〃 F'lessan cried; catching Tai before she could follow Mirrim indoors。
  〃They can get high enough in twenty minutes fast…walking。〃 Tai pointed toward a well…used path that led around one corner。 〃Not much time for packing but we'll need some things。〃
  She wavered for a moment on the threshold; looking beyond the clearing; then sighed and shrugged her shoulders; hurrying on inside。
  Mirrim's shrill voice was organizing the weyrfolk inside; while others; alarmed by the tolling bell; were racing in on the various paths; to find out what was wrong。 Just then a crowd of half…grown boys and girls came swarming to the end of the porch; joining the other worried weyrfolk。
  〃The Weyr must be evacuated;〃 he told them。
  〃I told you that fireball was bad luck;〃 one of the older boys told the others。
  〃How could it make the sea burn?〃 a girl demanded; looking to the bronze rider for an answer。
  〃It won't;〃 F'lessan said authoritatively。 〃Don't make guesses。 Right now you need to do what you're told。〃 He gave them his best reassuring grin。 〃This is going to be an adventure! You've got to get to your own weyrs。 Pack as much as you can as quickly as you can。 No more than you can carry。 Tell everyone to make for the heights。〃 He pointed the path Tai had indicated。 〃You need to be at least two hundred meters from the shore; up into the grove of fellis trees。〃 He gave the bell another clanging to reinforce the urgency and those who had heard what he had to tell them dispersed in seconds; running in all directions。
  Mirrim came out; herding little ones in front of her; helped by her sturdy son; Gellim; while other weyrwomen followed her; some carrying sacks and bundles。 Tai had one arm burdened with packs and the other around a screaming toddler。
  〃Tai; get aboard Zaranth and I'll hand the babies up to you。 F'lessan; use the safety straps to tie them to her。 Oh; do stop screaming; Vessa;〃 Mirrim said to the hysterical child behind her。 〃F'lessan; get her aboard Golanth。 She can hold another once she's on his back。 He can follow Zaranth to the heights with this lot。 Then e back for another。 It's too far for them to make it on their own。〃
  Minim's bossy streak was in full operation; F'lessan thought as he hoisted an hysterical mother up to Golanth and started passing up sacks and bundles。 Tai placed the screaming toddler on Zaranth's neck; an action that instantly silenced it。 She leaped astride and took the others Mirrim lifted up to her。
  〃I'm ready;〃 Tai cried。
  Follow Zaranth; Golly!
  Of course!
  〃I know we're responsible for all of Monaco but I can work better if I know our folk are safe;〃 Mirrim said; excusing her actions。 〃While Golanth's gone; you can help me organize the others inside。 We have cradlers to take; too。 Will Golanth mind?〃
  〃Not likely;〃 F'lessan said; even his dragon would not thwart Mirrim in this mood or under these circumstances。 Fortunately Mirrim was already on her way back inside the room and did not see how close to the ground both green and bronze had been when they went between。 Think of the time they saved; he told himself。
  〃You; you can go on Path;〃 he heard her saying and she nearly ran him down on her return with three older women; barely able to move for the things they were clutching。 〃F'lessan; we'll need rope to tie the cradles to Golanth。 Over in that closet。〃
  〃We have some time to spare; Mirrim;〃 he told her as he plied。 Golanth! Carry cradles? Well; who better?
  〃I'll send these off on my Path。 She knows where to go。 F'lessan; when you've got the ropes; put them on the porch。 The tanner journeyman needs your help with his materials。 And we've rolls of fabric in the loft we simply must save。〃
  〃There's Monarth doing nothing;〃 F'lessan muttered under his breath; but he got the ropes; put them on the porch; and went to the assistance of the crafter who was trying to carry too many hides as well as various tools; and d
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